Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation is a treatable medical condition. It is characterized by recurring abdominal pain and discomfort, and bloating along with constipation. IBS with constipation is common to a number of people. Getting [More]
Fruits are made by nature and are a perfect food. They contain the right balance of nutrients with distilled water. You gain enormous benefits from eating fruits especially if you eat the outer skin and [More]
Some children don’t like having bowel movements, perhaps because they have felt pain before, and now resist going. This resistance can cause constipation as the faeces become hard and compacted, making bowel movements even more [More]
The most important thing to remember is that “Constipation is not a sickness, or illness or disease. It is a symptom of something we do (or don’t do)”. Constipation is generalized as a condition where [More]
It was estimated that of all the people who died of cancer – colon, lung, prostate, and breast – in 1999 sixteen percent were attributed to colon cancer. But, how many of these other cancers [More]
Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation is a treatable medical condition. It is characterized by recurring abdominal pain and discomfort, and bloating along with constipation. IBS with constipation is common to a number of people. Getting [More]
It was estimated that of all the people who died of cancer – colon, lung, prostate, and breast – in 1999 sixteen percent were attributed to colon cancer. But, how many of these other cancers [More]
In today’s fast food generation and sedentary life styles, not only do we have a problem in America with obesity, we also have a problem with constipation. Something in the past we did not always [More]
If you think your baby has constipation just because he has infrequent stools, then you better think again. Having infrequent stools does not really mean constipation although this malady is characterized by erratic bowel movement. [More]
What is Constipation? Constipation is a very common condition affecting many people. It tends to affect more women than men. It appears to be especially common in women just before their period or during pregnancy. [More]