Learn the healing power of castor oil and the simple steps you can do at home. Dr. Igor Schwartzman discusses how a simple application of castor oil packs to your abdomen can help you. Whether [More]
This meditation focuses on converting our worries, fears, frustrations and stresses into positive and nurturing energy. Negative words, actions & feelings from ourselves accumulate in our bodies. These non-beneficial energies cause fatigue, depression, anxiety, physical [More]
1) Dr Ashwin Porwal, Consultant Colo Rectal Surgeon. Dip Laparoscopy ( EITS, IRCAD , France ) Proctology ( Austria ) HOD Proctology : Apollo Jehangir Hospital, Poona Hospital, Inamdar Hospital, Ruby Hall Pune. 2. Healing [More]
http://www.7Chakras.org/chronic-constipation Chakra healing, cleansing the digestive system, is undoubtedly the best of all chronic constipation remedies that the majority of population keeps depending on.
Why this unique program of healing your bowel and body eliminates constipation, in a way that “crutches”–diets, supplements, vitamins, drugs, exercise, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.–can’t. Misunderstandings about this condition are also covered, their understanding of [More]