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Uggu is given to infants from 2 months onwards. This is well known to Telugu people and it is very popular home remedy in Andhra to remove Indigestion/Cold/Cough in infants. I hope this video helps [More]
I’ve had a grandchild & great nephew diagnosed with acid reflux & it turned out that changing the formula to organic helped!!!
constipation in newborns and infants Drinking lots of citrus juice is a surefire natural infant constipation remedy that does wonders to stimulate the colon as well as other parts of the body. The colon is relatively inactive at night [More] Constipation is a common problem that is seen in almost all ages of people and is not uncommon in babies. For some it is only one time occurrence and for some it can be [More]
This home remedy/ treatment treats constipation in toddlers, babies, newborns & children fast.