The amazing health secret from Japan. Kangen Water. See what it can do for your health
Learn how Kangen Water helps clean the colon and in keeping it detoxified! Kangen Water has many properties which can assist it in helping your body restore a pH balance. The benefits of this water [More]
Maintain Optimal Balance Between Cellular Breakdown And Renewal: Restore and Revitalize Your Skin’s Youthful Vibrance at the Cellular Level: Alkaline Water Acid Balance Facts Not all ionizers are created equal. Discover the [More] – 800-985-KANGEN Kangen(TM) is actually a trademarked name, introduced by the Japanese to describe the high alkaline/antioxidant water. It means “return to it’s origin”. Until Enagic began producing Kangen water with the LEVELUK SD501 [More]
Fruits are made by nature and are a perfect food. They contain the right balance of nutrients with distilled water. You gain enormous benefits from eating fruits especially if you eat the outer skin and [More]