Kids Constipation Remedies | CloudMom

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In addition to doing our show about baby constipation, we’re doing a show this week on constipation remedies for kids. I know, we’re like so totally blocked up this week!

In this show, I offer up my kids’ experiences with constipation without (hopefully) them too much! No one gets mentioned in particular! I just talk about general trends, so to speak.

–Kids Constipation Relief–

In addition to a good diet with plenty of fruit, veggies, and water, including opting for whole grain cereal, bread, and pasta over white, I try to encourage my kids to sit regularly on the potty — which can be a battle. There so totally on the go that sometimes they fight me tooth and nail. I try for a few minutes in the morning after breakfast and a few minutes after dinner. If nothing comes, nothing comes, but it does tend to help when I insist that they sit for a few minutes twice a day.

Especially with school aged kids, recent research has shown that kids can tend to hold it in too much which can cause a lot of issues with their bowels, so I am a strong believer in encouraging some potty time on the home front. This is something that for boys especially I still find myself doing with my 9 year old because he seems to need it.

Watch my show for more on constipation remedies for kids including the way in which Miralax was prescribed for one of my kids. Also, for a great blog on Miralax and the ways in which it is currently being prescribed — or overly prescribed — and some other hints on constipation remedies for kids, check out this New York Times Motherlode blog:

Do you have any natural constipation remedies for kids to recommend? Have you dealt with constipation with your kids? Please comment below, I would love to hear about your experience.

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Stay tuned for more how-to video guides for parents, from one mom to you!

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Lyndsy Stevens says:

Such a simple solution but by putting my preschooler on the potty every
morning while I read to him has helped a lot with his constipation. I guess
he was just too busy to stop and go when he needed so he was holding it.
Thanks so much.

Kelly F says:

Great tips!

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