Kids Health: Constipation – Natural Home Remedies for Constipation

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Constipation refers to trouble with passing stools and it occurs due to disturbance in the digestive tract. Watch how you can treat constipation using natural ingredients available in your kitchen!

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• Sometimes children purposely avoid passing stools
• Stool becomes dry if it stays for too long in the body
• It’s painful to pass such stool

Symptoms to look for:

• Difficulty in passing stools
• Pain while passing stools
• Nausea
• Abdominal pain
• Vomiting
• Lack of appetite


• Eating less
• Dehydration
• Erratic meal timings
• Inadequate water consumption

Natural home remedy using lemon and salt:

1. Take 1 glass lukewarm water
2. Add 3 tbsp lemon juice
3. Add 1 tsp salt
4. Mix well
5. Give this to the child on an empty stomach

Natural home remedy using isabgol:

1. Take 1 glass warm water
2. Add 1 tbsp isabgol, an ayurvedic herb
3. Mix well
4. Give this to the child at bedtime
5. This regulates the digestive system

Natural home remedy using fennel seed powder:

1. Take 1 glass warm water
2. Add ½ tsp fenn

el seed powder
3. Mix well
4. Give this to the child at bedtime


• Take your child for a brief walk after dinner
• Ensure that the child drinks enough water through the day
• Include wholesome grains, green vegetables, fruits and nuts in your child’s daily diet




These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist. Refer to the terms of use on our website


Lila Bregy says:

What’s lukewarm water

SenTheTurtle says:

I got a constipation today! Too much info? Sorry, but it was true! Not the
most fun thing in the world :/

pinkish pink says:

That’s too much salt my son will not drink that

Aravinda M says:

they did not mention child is one year old is it safe to give or not

Neruppu kozhli says:

wats the remedy cure constipation problem in 25 yrs???

Jameeluddin Sheikh says:

My daughter is 2 years old & while passing stool, she cry’s & screams. Also
her stool is hard.she had no other problem like vomiting or nausea. After
passing stool she is alright & begins to play very well. We had also
visited pediatric in our city & Dr had given livoluk syrup to drink. But
she had no relief. Now we are planning to visit some other pediatric in big
city. I want to give her isabgol fibre with water, but my wife didn’t
agrees saying the baby is small & isabgol is meant for adult,
My question is:- Is it safe for child of 2 years to give isabgol. If yes
plz speicy its quantity & frequency>

Laurie Anne says:


Kissmy....Face says:

Thank you vey much for this video. My daughter is going through this right
now. Do you have any remedies for gas. She has very bad gas that keeps her
awake at night. She is 17 months

Sassi Sassi says:

thanks a lot

mehak khan says:

Plzz make a video for very dry dehydrated skin .. 

minnie kudzala says:

get healthy now!

aparnalahri says:

this is really good shows, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee continue to be on youtube…..

neha bhatt says:

simple and effective…….

Rakesh Lakhani says:

Need some home remedy 4 kids 2 stop bed wetting

anonymous48817 says:

Good money saving remedies. Thanks…

Ronak Thumar says:

Pls uplode about homemade shampoo

Afzal Khan says:

Home veda video is very helpful for present fast life. Its goodness is full
explain but short.

Pratima Mangena says:

does fennel seed powder can be grind-ed finely ? I tried to use that
however as it is not so fine to be dissolved my son is not able to accept
it. He finds it uncomfortable to drink and I felt filtering would loose its

Amna Samad says:

Very helpful tips. Thanks ! can you suggest something to improve infants
appetite. My baby is 7 month old and refuses to accept solid food. please

Gzpo says:

Excellent work and beautiful presentation, thank you so so much!

Dilip Padarthi says:


Vijay Arora says:

Very good channel. Great work, keep it up.

Nilma Rashid says:

What age can u give these too? Can u give to a two year old? Great video.

Hannah Pike says:

hey do you have any remedies for a good makeup remover so my skin isn’t
oily or act out

naddiecake says:

can we mix the isapgul with juice or milk instead of water?

jcd delgaudio says:

hi my friend joy gives her son enemas ,suppositories , and rectal temp

illuturi RAKESH says:

superb tips

Annie5838 says:

She is amazing. Very informative. Thank you!

mujdeh ahmadi says:

hi can u make a video on what to do when the child is not eating anything
my brother he is not eating anything at all we try to give him food but he
is not eating anything we don’t know why . can u plzz reply

schu chu says:

can I mix the isabgol or fennel seeds in milk instead of lukewarm water?

loyaltyliv3lov3 says:

You guys are awesome!! Can u guys make a video for acne scars? I have alot

unbearablehatred says:

Discover the fat melting system that lies hidden in your body. Go and
Google Fat Blast Formula to activate it.

dthakker says:

Isabgol is an indian herb which is available in Indian grocery stores.

nikita baptiste says:

Thank u so much this really helps

mahshooshi says:

thank u so much for this. plz do a video on earache home remedy. thanx

pipiprincy says:

i like the videos,,,and this cute girl

Fernanda G says:

What is isabgol?

JNpMusic says:

remedy one – kid spat it out remedy two – kid spat that out remedy 3 – kid
asked me daddy why you torturing me for? lol

CANDYpruductions says:

Love these remedies! cant wait to try

Sunil Jangam says:

Thanks for simple yet very effective tips.

boundless says:

psyllium husk

daniela vannessa says:

Apples are good for irritable bowel syndrome

priya shastri says:

Thank u so much for sharing video,my daughter is 4years old,i did try & it
works,thanx a lot..priya from london..:)

Kaya Ananda says:

Can you make a video for mosquito bites?

Geetanshi Kaushik says:


Vl Sireesha says:

is it even suitable for months baby.


This is very good informations

Roopa Bapna says:

Karmul mums

amrin osman says:

ur name is Krishna gokani ?

Chaganti Ravikanth says:

Thank you

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