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Close (click link for more:) Tight foreskin can make your life miserable. Fortunately, with the correct techniques you can fix this problem yourself in the privacy of your own home. Despite popular belief, you can be free from your agony within a couple of weeks at the most.

This is a very common problem. The medical term for a tight foreskin is phimosis. Phimosis happens in men and boys of any age. There are many different causes of phimosis. If you have a too tight foreskin, you cannot wash under your foreskin properly. This causes a white, cheesy material to accumulate causing other problems. If the tight foreskin is severe, it can also be painful when the penis is erect.

There are many other negative effects caused by this ailment. Frequent yeast infections often occur. Phimosis can make it difficult to urinate in a straight line, causing men to have to sit down to urinate. Sex can become very painful and create fear of cracking and splitting of the foreskin. Embarrassment and constant discomfort are inevitable. Regardless of the negative side effects of phimosis, there is a natural cure that is effective 98% of the time. (click link more :)

Most Doctors do not know there is a natural treatment for a tight foreskin and they recommend circumcision as the only answer. Yet, medical research has shown the natural treatment to be far superior to circumcising the foreskin. The natural phimosis treatment is much faster, less expensive, less painful and will not cause long term harm to the penis. There is also no “down time”. Many of these Doctors were circumcised as a baby and don’t realize the value of the intact penis and all the benefits that go along with it. (click link more :)

Great success has been reported within 24 to 48 hours with the natural stretching techniques if done properly. You must never force the foreskin tp stretch. This will cause painful splitting and scarring. The scarring then causes the foreskin to tighten even more. If the foreskin is forced behind the head of the penis, it can become stuck there, cutting off circulation. This is called Paraphimosis and often requires an emergency circumcision. For this reason, its important to use safe stretching techniques.

To learn more about how you can learn the easy foreskin stretching techniques, and the common household ointment that greatly enhances the ability of your foreskin to stretch without pain, please visit:


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