Natural Home Remedies for Constipation Relief That Work Fast

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The natural home remedies for constipation are important, but understanding the condition and its causes first may help you get the best results. Most importantly, you must realize that constipation may lead to serious complications. Therefore, the moment to put an end to it is now.

What is Constipation?.

Constipation is a digestive condition in which an individual presents dry, hard feces that are hard to evacuate. This typically occurs when foods delay to travel throughout the gastro-intestinal tract, allowing the colon to absorb excessive water from them. Bowel movements may be exaggeratedly painful, and in severe cases, lead to bowel obstruction, preventing the passage of gas and stool. Constipation happens in 2% of people and is very common in the elderly, children and women.

Causes of Constipation.

The main cause for having this condition is a lot of physical inactivity and not consuming enough liquids or fiber. Often, individuals are unaware that many conventional medications can provoke constipation: narcotic pain drugs, antidepressants and anticonvulsants, among others. A few people present this condition after consuming dairy products. Other causes are Irritable Bowel Syndrome, pregnancy, aging, ignoring bowel urges, paralysis, abuse of laxatives and problems in the large intestine or rectum.

Complications of Constipation.

The condition allows fecal material to accumulate in the body, which releases toxins and leads to various diseases. Some of them are high blood pressure, rheumatism, cataract, arthritis and appendicitis.

The hard feces stretch the sphincter muscle. This can result in hemorrhoids, fissures or rectal prolapse, which is when a small amount of rectal tissue protrudes out of the anus.

Natural Home Remedies for Constipation in Children and Adults.

No matter what the cause of being constipated, the following natural cures for constipation will bring relief, fast.

Bryonia Alba 12x or 30c: Constipation accompanied by a sensation of dryness in the rectum and large, dry feces that are difficult to evacuate, with tearing or sticking pains. The individual feels out of temper, and may be tense from business-related preoccupations.

Graphites 12x or 30c: Feces are large and have the appearance of small balls attached together with mucus. After bowels have moved, there is usually an aching in the anus. Those in need of Graphites have a tendency toward eczema, typically stout, and take time to become alert in the morning.

Lycopodium Clavatum 12x or 30c: Persons in need of this remedy have constant indigestion along with bloating and gas, and many problems involving the bowels. Having a warm drink or rubbing the abdomen may help relieve the symptoms. Other indicators to Lycopodium are an energy slump in the late afternoon and early evening and a craving for sweets.

Nux Vomica 12x or 30c: There is an ineffectual desire to have a bowel movement or only a small amount of the feces are expulsed. Constipation may alternate with diarrhea. Nux Vomica is essentially helpful when constipation occurs due to an excessive consumption of coffee or tea and having a sedentary life. Other indicators to this remedy are a tendency to catch colds and an oversensitive nature.

Sepia Officinalis 12x or 30c: After a bowel movement, there is a heavy sensation in the rectum. Feces are hard to evacuate, even though they may be small. The individual typically has cold hands and feet, is highly irritable and weary. Sepia Officinalis is also helpful for women who get constipated just after or before their period.

Silicea Terra 12x or 30c: The individual strains for long time without success. The stool starts to evacuate but eventually retreats. Those in need of this remedy are mentally acute and nervous, but also physically frail, chilly and easily exhausted.


ulphur 12x or 30c: Dry, hard feces with anal inflammation and offensive gas. Constipation may alternate with diarrhea. Those in need of Sulphur typically have very little interest in tidiness, intriguing mental notions and a slouching posture.

Dosage of Natural Home Remedies for Constipation Relief.

Select 1-3 remedies that most accurately match the symptoms. Take 4 tablets of each 3 times a day. If no results are seen from a remedy within a considerable amount of time, select a different one.


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