Home Remedies for Constipation- Natural Treatment for Relief and to prevent

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Constipation is mostly a lifestyle disorder. These simple and natural homemade remedies will help you to get relief from constipation.

For more natural home remedies like this please visit:

If you have occasional constipation then this home remedy works well. This should be used before going to bed. Take a glass of warm water. Add two table spoonful of Castor oil. Drink it slowly before going to bed.
Castor oil acts as laxative. Therefore it s

hould not be frequently used.

Other remedies that will work well include drinking a lot of water throughout the day. Drinking a glass of water every hour is otherwise also a very good habit to remain healthy. Dehydration can cause lots of complications over a period of time on the body. Always remain properly hydrated.

Fruits and vegetables are very helpful in getting relief from constipation. Eat different fruits and raw vegetables throughout the day. The fiber and minerals in the fruits and vegetable help relieve constipation.
These habits will also help prevent constipation in the future.

Chronic constipation can be a cause of concern. It may be due to some other underlying condition. Therefore consult a doctor.


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enemanozzle says:

In the case that you will gulp your dose of Castor Oil before going to bed
you risk that the first defecation will occur at midnight.

Sagheer Ahmad says:

can i give it to my 8 months old? please reply

مجود الزلفي says:

Before I’d come here I’ve drunk 60ml of it with out water I couldn’t handle
it lol

Kade Hutchinson says:

What is castor oil

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