Constipation: Why THIS Program Eliminates It, Unique Healing® by Donna Pessin.mp4

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Why this unique program of healing your bowel and body eliminates constipation, in a way that “crutches”–diets, supplements, vitamins, drugs, exercise, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.–can’t.
Misunderstandings about this condition are also covered, their understanding of which is critical to your success in eliminating constipation. Aggressive, safe, and very effective crutches you can temporarily use to eliminate constipation while you are healing your bowel and body are also discussed.


Scott Maher says:

Get off her back retard, go watch other videos if you are gonna be a bigot !

Witchy Girl says:

please educate yourself on what the word “bigot” means before you accuse me
of being one. The definition is “a person who is utterly intolerant of any
differing creed, belief, or opinion. ” how am I being intolerant of
uniquehealing’s opinions? im asking because i dont understand why in one
video she is mentioning some vitamin and in another video , another vitamin
is mentioned. I thought it was the same program/protocol. And in fact,
you’re the one who is the bigot, judging me for my question

Witchy Girl says:

in some of ur old videos you talk about probiotics. in addition to i rarely see u mention probiotics..are they not as important

uniquehealing says:

Yes! Probiotics, OR Bowel Strength, are a vital ingredient in this program.
They cannot, however, immediately help symptoms, like constipation, and
because immediate results are not only desirable, but demanded, I am
stressing the use of Body Bentonite, which CAN immediately improve
symptoms, like constipation.

Witchy Girl says:

how come in this video the crutches listed doesnt match the other crutches
in the video..specifically the magnesium citrate in this video..and in the
other video calcium citrate?

Scott Maher says:

She has videos for probiotics, if you are at this point and still don’t
know what she is on about, don’t bother …..

porkyo123 says:

Does anybody out there Know way of doing this program. Without having to
buy another book? I have about 100 books on cleansing and dieting I
promised myself I wouldn’t buy another book the rest my life.

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