Dr Hiromi Shinya — Colon therapy Alkaline Water

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It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy & clean colon is one of the most important precursors to good health and that the great majority of body ailments and diseases originate in an acidic and dirty colon.

By: Dr. Hiromi Shinya, renowned colon specialist and inventor of the colonoscopy.


tnviv55 says:

No it is not just a sales ploy. Dig deeper and study. The colon because of
the way we eat if the major cause of most diseases. I cleanse once a month,
at least every other. Research and study the body’s Ph. I noticed that this
water is Alkaline do the research and you will see why.

davodees says:

WOW OH WOW, that is jawdropping. After two minutes of watching this i was
thinking of how i could change my diet to have nice colon. Thanks so much,
will pass this on to everyone i know! david

bleeder says:

This video convincingly shows that animal protein, whether it be meat,
cheese, milk or whatever form it may take, is not good for the human body.
Maybe when people ask ‘Why are you a vegan?’ I’ll direct them to this
video. hehehe.

adultstemcells says:

Alkaline water cleanses the cells, but only adult stem cells from the bone
marrow can rebuild them.

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