Drinking Prune Juice for Constipation

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Drinking Prune Juice for Constipation –Natural Laxative For Constipation

Natural laxatives generally include any food that has a high fiber or water content, such as whole grains and fruits.

Prune juice is a trusted natural laxative, due to the stool softening sorbitol and fiber prune juice contains to make bowel movements more successful. Drinking prune juice to relieve constipation is a great method to get your digestion back on track, but it’s important to drink just enough to get you going, otherwise you will keep going….and going…and going, making you wish you were just plain constipated again.

Sorbitol in prune juice is a natural carbohydrate that the body does not easily digest, causing the sorbitol to absorb a lot of water as it passes through the intestines and successfully softening stools. However, sorbitol also is attracted to the natural bacteria in the gut, which produces excess gas. Too much prune juice will not only get those stools so soft that they are almost watery, but the gas produced in the gut can become very painful and create a constant urgency to use the bathroom.

If a single glass of prune juice appears to not be working to relieve your constipation, particularly if you have been constipated for more than a day or so, drink a cup of water and then drink another 8 ounce glass of prune juice, up to 3 glasses until the bowels begin to respond.

Give each glass of prune juice consumed about an hour to take effect before drinking another glass to avoid overdoing it. For mild constipation, however, a single glass of prune juice should do the trick to relieve constipation. I hope this information is helpful.

If you use prune juice as a natural laxative please provide a comment below. your comment and experiences help others in the community of the weight loss journey. Were here to help each other.

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tammymarykay1 says:

Colon cleansing energizes you. You will naturally feel better and be more
productive. Protection from cancer is a benefit. By ridding the body of
toxins and debris, you reduce the chance of cancer.

pnbdash says:

I love Prune juice 

BehindScars says:

I just bought the exact same prune juice and I only had half a glass
because I’ve never had it before and I feel super sick like I want to throw
up is that normal?? Its been just over an hour and I can feel SOMETHING
going on in my stomach! Hopefully this works! I just wasn’t expecting to
feel so sick!

Haydee Lopez says:

I actually just went to buy 2 bottles of prune juice and yes 100% prune
juice because I’ve been constipated lately and I can’t sleep well because
of it :( thank you so much for this video! :)


I dirink it a few times a week to keep me regular./ but my Dr. Reccomends
me to try MIRLAX 17 G packet every Day.? It contains Polyetheline Glycol.?
Isn’t that what Anti Freeze for Autos is made with.? I will stick with my
prune & apple juice I think.?

Kevin Pean says:


living the life says:

Im having constipation at the moment so i bought pure prune juice
yesterday. How much a day is enough to help and is when is it best to take.
I drank a quarter cup.of course i wouldnt want opposite
affects…diarea.thank you

Jay&Judy Pasquarille says:

I love this Video 

tchip Pat says:

That sounds good!!

Shantel Johnson says:

So true

Trapp Queen_Simone says:

thank u

Shantel Johnson says:

Love your advice and its the truth I am going to get me some tomorrow 

Orlando Cruz says:

You are right. Prune juice keeps my mom regular. She’s 73. I read that 3 Oz
every morning should be enough to keep her regular. And its true. Maybe you
need 8 Oz. Personally think that is too much for me. Also, though they were
all from concentrate. And does it really matter? Sunsweet is too expensive
compared to store brand. I buy whatever is cheaper. I will research if it
matters if it’s from concentrate or not. Thanks for your info. 

tammymarykay1 says:

Drinking Prune Juice for Constipation.
Natural laxatives generally include any food that has a high fiber or water
content, such as whole grains and fruits.

narsisomendosa flores says:

I didnt know about this till i accidently drank some that my mom had it
kinda tasted good thats why i drank it but damm later that day it was hell
at work 

Tonya Knox says:

So true!

tammymarykay1 says:

lol,lol. Thanks good to hear from you sweetie pie!

Beauty In and Out says:

BOO BOO keeps you fat!!! LOL

tammymarykay1 says:

lol,lol- I know its sound pretty explicit but people have to start leaning,
you know? Thanks for watching

tammymarykay1 says:

Yeah,it does! You gotta get rid of that waste to get rid of that weight!

MIGHTYMAN1256 says:

wow that’s gr8 info

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