3 Things to do during a Colitis Flare Up

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3 Things to do during a Colitis Flare Up


PokemonShinyLover says:

I have 2 questions…does sugar cause inflammation & gas too? And do some
vegetables & fruit cause gas/inflammation aswell? I seem to be having
problems with my abdomen like abdominal pain chest pain (sharp) & pain in
my stomach, belly & near the hips & down all the way to my private woman
parts & my butthole too. I have problems with gas & pooping it hurts . Any
help Sarah Kay Hoffman?

kickassmage says:

i had the worst flare of my life, i was hospitalized for 5 days, i hate
this, ty for the tips

HaglarsCave says:

Crap I think im having a flare up :( every other time I ended up in

Mikkel Petersen says:

i’ve been on azathioprine for 2 years preventively. It hasn’t prevented me
from having several flares unfortunately. During flares i take prednisolone
and i haven never gotten any thrush. The sideeffects from prenisolone has
been increased appetize (i gain about 10 pounds) and acne.

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

Sorry to hear that. I don’t take medications….

quatie says:

why do you say that?

kickassmage says:

i’v had a horrid flare up for the pass few weeks, 40 mg Prednisone barley
works, im also on Humira, im new to this so i dono if i should be scared,
goin to GI in a few weeks

Tone says:

Hi :) There is a cure.SCD Diet.Good Luck :)

koakeo says:

What are the foods you eat during a flare up, Sarah?

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

Yes, the rice could be bothering you. Many things could be bothering you.

Chris Ash says:

Thanks for this. When you have a flare up, it’s sometimes easy to forget
the essentials, such as fluid intake. One quick question, does physical
activity help during a flare up, or should you just rest?

Art thoumadbro says:

this video is terrible, like someone else said SCD diet but also people
that get colitis a lot of them are fructose intolerant this could be the
reason why some people dont get into full remission on the scd diet. honey
(what is allowed in the scd diet) which i cant eat because of the fructose.
i never been fructose intolerant in my life until i got UC and this video
sucks ass, people need to get off their ass and start eating right thats
the god damn cure

dereksmallsuk says:

I was on it when I was in hospital for 2 weeks (also on cortisone(?) drips)
and when i got out of hospital i was on the 8 week course of
preniscolone(?) , with Asacol and this deadly Azathioprine … After 3
weeks of feeling like utter crap I quit the Azathioprine. felt much better
after 3 days.My U.C. is kind of under control the now but Azathioprine was
making me feel bloody awful till I cut it out totally. Why did they give it
in the first place??

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

It depends…are you having a really bad flare up? If so, I’d take it easy.
You could try some light yoga or meditation. Rest up!

juan cruz says:

Could you please share the tricks, I just got bad flare up and still
breastfeeding my baby, I’m desperate and dont know what to do, help me

brantgrimes1 says:

Mike; sorry to bother you; can you please help me, I might have Crohns but
not sure, I have been eating gluten free brown rice and chicken with
nutrition bullet,(new thing. like a blender) making food liquid diet, with
greens. Starting to feel better. Doctor had me on Lialda but it seem to
make me worse. Anyway question is, Can rice gluten free be irritating to
eat or too much chicken?

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

And by “meet” of course I meant “meat!:)”

wordey123 says:

By the way, I’ve read medical journals for years watching new colitis
research come out cause of my personal 10 years of colitis and I’m happily
in remission. Pseudoscience and money making is not what UC patients need.
Shameful bro, shame.

dereksmallsuk says:

“” After 3 weeks of feeling like utter crap I quit the Azathioprine. felt
much better after 3 days””

EC Zetro says:

@Phon Chokechai do u see blood in ur poop? Lol sorry I can’t ever keep a
stragight face when I talk bout blood and popped

EC Zetro says:

@TheTobe33 poop

blinky1369 says:

I love my Humria! I have only had a few flare ups and they tend to be the
day before my injection. Hang in there and I hope that things work out for
you. Diagnosed 2008 with severe UC, finally after 5 years of different
medications, including Remicaid, we have gotten me to minimal active ulcers
and starting to decrease my meds. It does get better, I promise :)

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

Good news…I do follow it.

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

Hey! You can see everything I eat via my website: a gutsy girl

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

You are so ridiculous! I DO follow SCD and GAPS. You clearly have no idea
what I stand for, and you clearly have never been to my site, A Gutsy Girl.
Thank you for assuming everything wrong about me.

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

I have never taken either. I don’t take medications for colitis. I control
everything with food. But yes, Prednisolone would cause thrust. It’s a
medication that will cause a yeast overgrowth (ie thrush).

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

Hi! No, I would not use them. They actually cause a repairing gut more

wordey123 says:

Processed foods do not equal colitis. Enzymes in the stomach restore
themselves, enzyme deficiencies would be of a genetic mutation nature. Lack
of synthetic pesticides (organic) likely has no effect on disease activity
other than making your wallet lighter to carry around. Sunlight and greens
are probably the only good medical advice you gave. Surprised someone
hasn’t shit in a Walmart bag and slapped you across the face with it yet.
You gave shitty pseudoscience advice bro.

Anthony Kyriazis says:

hello, could u please define what you mean by plain plain foods? thanks. a
couple of examples would be great.!

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

1. I don’t follow any diet to a “T.” There is no one diet that works
perfectly for everyone. I believe in bio-individuality. I haven’t had any
rice, grains or anything like that since 2012, BUT that said, I won’t keep
it out forever. 2. “I have also recently added plain, white rice to this
equation in small quantities.” -> “in small quantities” No, it’s not SCD,
but that’s what works for m. It works for a lot of my clients as well.

Romas Johnson says:

What works for me is a low-fat and low-residue diet.

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

Plain for me = no spices, seasonings, preservatives, etc. I will eat plain
meet, broth, fats, some veggies and bananas. I have also recently added
plain, white rice to this equation in small quantities.

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

Let me be VERY clear. I am a HOLISTIC HEALTH COACH. I teach my clients how
to heal their IBS and IBD with food and lifestyle vs. medication. I know
exactly what to do without EVER using medication or drugs!

dereksmallsuk says:

Azathioprine is the devil himself in high dosage, be careful.

grasshopper108 says:

i was also prescribed azathioprine 3 yrs ago i took it 4 1 week, i didnt
like it at all, it apparantly can cause lymphoma (cancer) i would research
it if i was you, i have had colitis for ten yrs now and have flares up less
and less frequently, i know everbody is different but for me, i eat only
simple bland food, ie rice and honey boiled together in like a porridge,
eat it soley for abwt a week and it gives my digestion a rest andhelps
relieve the inflamation. hope i have helped.

Gaffney Sean says:

I have used it and it works. My doctor suggested it. When i have a flare up
i take my meds with it. The psyillium caused less aggravation to the colon
and allows solids to pass without stress to the lining of the colon. This
allows he colon to heal more effectively.

samann95014 says:

believe it or not, medical cannabis helps me control & even prevent

Gaffney Sean says:

hey sarah, thanks for sharing. Have you tried metamucil/psyillium?

quatie says:

Hi, I have just started taking Azathioprine. has anyone had any good
results from this? Also does anyone ever get thrush from Prednisolone?

kenneth robertson says:

Hi , Just a quick comment – it may sound a bit weird, however I am finding
that acupuncture seems to stop the swelling and reduce the blood loss
somewhat – again, might not work for everyone – i think it’s worth a shot
though. Interesting dietary tips – certainly worth trying.

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

I think it depends on how bad the flare up. When mine are at the worst,
just casual walking. I won’t be extremely active, but movement is good.
Exercise helps the body move and function properly. Then again, my flare
ups are usually bloat. Just listen to your body!

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

Please see my website…A Gutsy Girl (dot) com

jaystern71 says:

Thank you for the info. Sucks, doesn’t it? Do you think exercising during a
flare up helps? I’m thinking about hopping on my cross trainer today.

quatie says:

they gave me asacol, then i had a couple of flare ups so they put me on
prednisolone, and now ive been on Azathioprine foe over 12 months. They
make me feel sick so they have put me on some tablets to stop it. How did
they make you feel?

Sarah Kay Hoffman says:

That’s so great for you! 1. I do not take meds. 2. I have Proctitis, which
affects the rectum and my Colitis doesn’t make me have constant BM’s. I’m
the opposite and get super bloated. For you, yes, that may work. Your body
is functioning much differently than mine, too, with the meds:) All my best
to you!

Phon Chokechai says:

i never been diagnose for it but i do think i have it crmaping pain in
abdomin diahreah and i cant spell lol

Art thoumadbro says:

Colitis is not a disease its a processed food/sugar intolerance with
bacteria/fungus over growth. Restore the enzymes in the stomch by not
eating antibiotic meats/sick cows/dariy/sugar, stay away from veggies with
more fructose then glucose and they shall be all ORGANIC, get lots of
exercise and sunlight eat tons of green foods stay away from eating alot of
meat. in 1 month you should be damn near symptom free as long as you keep
up the lifestyle change and stay away from so called “NORMAL FOODS

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