How to stop the Cause of IBS, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis

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How to stop the Cause of IBS, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis
The antibiotics, genetically modified foods and toxins we take in to our bodies are the cause of many systemic conditions. The current medical model is hedonistic in nature. This means that it is meant to “just make people feel good” by relieving symptoms instead of focusing on the actual CAUSE of the symptoms. There is no money in prevention, only in masking symptoms.

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At and we strive to educate people on natural solutions to health. is my online video course with 21 videos, 3 manuals and an online forum! for online consults.

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John Bergman says:

How to stop the Cause of IBS, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis
The antibiotics, genetically modified foods and toxins we take in to our
bodies are the cause of many systemic conditions. The current medical model
is hedonistic in nature. This means that it is meant to “just make people
feel good” by relieving symptoms instead of focusing on the actual CAUSE of
the symptoms. There is no money in prevention, only in masking symptoms.

At and we strive to
educate people on natural solutions to health. is my online video course with 21
videos, 3 manuals and an online forum! for online consults.

CALL TOLL FREE 1-855-712-0012 to get bonus materials not on YouTube or text
your first name and email plus 89869 to 1-817-591-2905.

Bill Hicks says:

John, you are a fascinating guy to listen to, clearly very knowledgeable.
Gonna watch a lot of your videos.

kevin S says:

I dont understand why this guy is overweight, he tells the truth. But he
can’t be eating healthy he’s chubby. Whats the deal?

mamaknock says:

#GMO foods health effects on our body
How to stop the Cause of IBS, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis

mamaknock says:

#GMO foods health effects on our body
How to stop the Cause of IBS, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis

David Davidson says:

#GMO foods health effects on our body
How to stop the Cause of IBS, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis

Barb Kueber says:

#GMO foods health effects on our body
How to stop the Cause of IBS, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis

Mauricio Fratea says:

Your videos are awesome, We need more people like you in this world! I
really wanna go visit you Dr. Bergman. Soon as I get a health insurance
I’ll pay you a visit. I live in Costa Mesa so isn’t that far from your

Rachel Schwarcz says:

May you be blessed and have long happy life so you can continue to save

Caroline Yunker says:

Vermont has passed a labeling law but it won’t be enacted until 2016.
Within a week of passing the law, GMA (Grocery Manufacturer Association)
sued Vermont.

Thank you for talking about the danger of eating GMOs. 

B Scott says:

Did you just say intelligent design and earlier in the same lecture that we
have been here for over 40,000 years?

chamchaolover says:

Oh my gosh I haven’t even watched this, but I don’t want to. IBS And
Chron’s/Colitis are completely different. 

D Bones says:

If you increase inflammation with some warm compress, and you bleed and
bleed wouldn’t you get toxic megacolon?

Forest Donovan says:

Is this guy a vegan, paleo, or what? 

Mark Arnold says:


NismoAFG123 says:

Very informative video! Thank you 

David Greenman says:

Thank you, John. For another greatly informative talk. So very appreciated.

Mike Markle says:

I’m sorry but Crohn’s and Colitis are IDB’s. Not an IBS!!!!! How about you
get that right before giving advice!!!!!!

Angel Hoot says:

Doc B, another informative, practical presentation. Thank you. We can help
ourselves, because you, first helped us.
I’ve learned so much.

Vibrational Changes says:

Thank you for this very educational video and for all that you do.
How do i get my DR to check for subluxation in the UK?
I have Scoliosis and a severely bloated gut that the Dr says is IBS.

Kirby Doog says:

Hey dr berg could you please make a video about high lipoprotein A? Doctors
say you can’t do anything about it 

James Webster says:

Any tips for gastritis?

TheTmancool says:

is organic milk that is not homogenized better to drink

Paultootall1971 says:
David Kotz says:

One of your best John your awesome

ashlandrox says:

How do I get an appointment?? Or do you have a recommendation/referral in
the northeast?

Beloid Davis says:


TheArvi21 says:

Check out Dr Batmanghelidj’s videos and interesting story ‘You are not
sick, you are thirsty’ Basically if you hydrate properly
with 1/4tsp mineral salt and minimum of 1oz water per kg of body weight
daily (akaline?) most health problems disappear quite rapidly. No aspartame
extra sugar, most pharmas et al too. He says its a simple cure for serious
issues as well. It was posted on EdmondUTV5’s channel. Saline is a
frontline Rx often ?

Gary Nann says:

Excellent video doc you planet some seeds in my mind You should check out
spirit of healthkc on youtube the guy is called Vaughn he talks about herbs
organic foods and shows you how to Russel up nice meals and many more stuff
he talks about 

slappaho100 says:

does john take apprentices

Camille T says:

Interesting, especially since now so many doctors claim that infants
previously diagnosed with “colic” are really suffering from “acid reflux”
and prescribing Zantac…what is that all about? Kind of scary.

GnosticNinja says:

Organic Sulfur… check it out peeps!
Much thanks Mr. B… always a joy to learn from you.

Mohammed Ahmad says:

Thank you for so much insight and information regarding ulcerative colitis.
This video provided me with an array of new knowledge that can lead me into
a better direction. It would be greatly appreciated if you can give me
advice as I am a male living in Sydney Australia (down under) suffering
with ulcerative colitis. I’ve started gym and cut out western medicine for
almost a year but haven’t cut out gmo or any other rubbish. How can I start
anew and build a better lifestyle with a better structure.

Roxie girl says:

what kind of water filter do you recommend…. ??

Emily Maddison says:

Is it possible to have proper nerve supply when you have scoliosis? I see a
chiropractor regularly and while the curve may be decreased I doubt it will
be eradicated. Thank you for the inspiring video, I have Crohns and related
arthritis and have recently taken on a diet/supplement regimen from my
naturopath which is very similar to what you are recommending. 

Goldenpill says:

Thanks for sharing this information. Great stuff!

banana boy says:

21:50 yeah, that pisses me off. I laughed so much, love John bergman.

Dave Cervo says:

I have been on anti-depressants since I was about 18 years old, I am now
34. I also suffer from digestive issues…..ibs, ulcerative colitus etc…
Is there any known link between anti depressants and digestive issues? I
imagine these types of medicines can’t be good for you. Im afraid to stop
taking these pills because I get so sick, multiple symptoms…..tremors,
confusion….just can’t function at all without these medicines now. I’m
just wondering if there is a known link between anti-depressants and
digestive problems? Also is there any good way to get off these damn pills?

prettylolitadoll says:

My colposcopy came back normal, before this I had a good diet was eating 74
grams of fiber. Still constipated and bloated for 2 years. Was told to take
Miralax the rest of my life. I don’t take it. Just suffered. Deeply

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