Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms — Warning Signs in Each Stage, with a Nifty Trick to Help!

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Ulcerative colitis is a disease that brings about inflammation in the large intestines. The bad news is that this disease doesn’t have a cure, and can bring about pain for a person for many years. However There are ways someone can reduce the pain and that is one of the goals of this video.

If the inflammation is just in the area of the anus then the good news is there might not be pain and only rectal bleeding may be the symptom. Of course sometimes there is pain in that area. If the inflammation has moved up the intestinal tract it could bring about symptoms of diarrhea, abdominal pains, fatigue as well as constipation.
Left-sited colitis is when the inflammation affects the left side of the stomach, and that is where the pain will be.

Next the whole intestinal tract could be affected and this usually results in episodes of bloody diarrhea that is severe. There is also a rare condition known as fulminant colitis, which happens to be life-threatening. The entire colon is affected and it is rapidly expanding and constricting that could rupture the colon. People who have fulminant colitis experience rapid diarrhea, a lot of pain, dehydration and shock.

The best way to treat this condition as well as prevent it would be to improve the digestive system. Believe it or not there are billions of good bacteria in someone’s intestinal tract. These good bacteria fight the bad bacteria and if they lose all kinds of bad things may happen. You can improve the good bacteria by either eating probiotics or prebiotics.

Have you heard of probiotics before? They are actually in Yogurt and are man-made. Prebiotics are found in nature within certain fruits like kiwis. Prebiotics work by actually helping grow the good bacteria already in a person’s system. If you’re wondering which one is better the prebiotics are way, way better.

The next thing someone can do is to consume enzymes. In certain fresh foods there is something known as enzymes that help with digestion. Unfortunately when people eat processed foods and highly cooked foods, it destroys these enzymes and it’s not the best for our health.

You can get this stuff from food, but I really recommend a good dietary supplement. The reason is because the food we do consume simply doesn’t have the nutrients in it like it used to. There are a lot of reasons for this, but a big one is soil depletion. This is when farmers use chemicals to make crops bigger and more resistant to bugs, but it hurts the nutrient levels.

Other ways someone can help their digestion would be by drinking lots of water and eating fiber. Fiber helps because it makes stools denser. Imagine if you’re moving a piece of furniture, if you have a good grip on the furniture it’s easy to move, but if you don’t it’s harder. Fiber makes it so your system has a good grip on the stools.
The next supplement I would recommend is omega 3.

In fact taking omega 3 is one of the best things someone can do for their health, period. The reason it helps is by reducing inflammation. Remember inflammation is the main cause of pain with this disease. 11 patients with this disease were given 4.2g per day of omega 3 fish oil. After several months it was concluded that 8 patients could reduce or eliminate their use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Another idea would be to take something called curcumin which is a spice, and also helps reduce inflammation. 89 people in a study were separated into two groups. One group received curcumin while the other group received a placebo pill. Over the six month period

the group that took this spice had 75% fewer pain attacks compared to the group that just took a placebo. Also the group that took curcumin had fewer symptoms compared to the other group.

Many of these treatment options I have mentioned can be used from a dietary supplement. The bad news with supplements is that not only can they be confusing, but they can harm people. The reality is that many governments don’t really ensure supplements are safe before they are sold. Only after people start to get hurt does the supplement get pulled from store shelves, and sometimes that doesn’t even happen.

To make your life a little bit easier I have actually created a guide all about shopping for dietary supplements. This guide will go over the 10 major warning signs that a product could harm your health. It talks about what to take for certain medical conditions, herbal remedies and it provides online resources to make your job easier. The best part is that it’s completely free, so you have no excuse not to at least take a look at it. You can view this free guide by simply clicking on the link http://utahtexans.com/.


Peoria Os says:

There is now a cure. The cause was discovered by myself. Lack of sunlight.
15 minutes of sun per day or 2 – 4 hours per week., Add cod liver oil as
directed. 7 days it is gone.

khadija hussain says:

yes, make sure you take vitamin D 6000 mg a day with pure olive oil AND
FOLIC ACID 1600ADAY FOR ONE MONTH THEN 400 A DAY. and cal/magnisum also
try propolis and bee venom and flaxseed oil. cabbage juice with
carrorts…stay away from sugar. banana at night and home made yogort
1/2glass at night. There is a new medication called from japan and just
market in usa (most doctors never heard of it as they are most of them
truly lack of knowledge of this decease…) entyvo (I think maybe with
mis spelled) …insha-Allah will help you…make sure you do exercise
daily…drink water a lot…use glutamine 3 times a day 500-1000 mg…. USE
vitamin k 50 mg a day BUT do not exceed 50 mg… EAT a lot of fresh greens
vegetables … I hope this will help make sure your vitamin D with good
quality company like NOW…or nature made ..best of luck and hope humanity
find cure for this nasty decease.

Tahira Sheikh says:

I have been living with this painful UC for past 15 years, have taken tons
of steroids, daily 9 capsules of Colozal, I do take vitamin D,E,calcium,
fish oil and C. but my flare ups r very frequent, doctor has advised to
take Ramicade, MP5, Imurance or last option to have colon removed, can
anyone help me with my symptoms so that I can stop these frequent flareups.
I have been very careful with my diet. I starve myself for all day but lot
of bloody diarea and pain I am dealing with.

michelle from down under in bundy says:

my mum died from colitis shock

Cynthia Springs says:

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