8 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

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Did you know that 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient? Today I’m going to share with you 8 warnings signs that you have magnesium deficiency.

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1.) Headaches
2.) Muscle Cramps
3.) Osteoporosis or weak bones
4.) Diabetes or unbalanced blood sugar
5.) High blood pressure
6.) Insomnia
7.) Anxiety or Depression
8.) Muscle Pain or Fibromyalgia

Along with these warning signs, constipation could be another warning sign. The best way to get magnesium into your diet is through foods like fruits, vegetables, or sprouted nuts and seeds. However, avocados are my number one recommendation for getting magnesium into your diet. Lastly, I’d recommend take a quality Magnesium supplement like my Axe Naturals brand here: http://store.draxe.com/collections/supplements/products/magnesium-complex


Dr. Josh Axe says:
Nicky C says:

8 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency: https://youtu.be/8pI3nT-_kW8

I have 8 out of 9…

Soelen Brazil says:

Could you do a video about diet and supplements for a person that suffer

George W says:

Wow everyone of those points described me. Thanks doc.

Ruby Feline says:

Dr. Axe, what about magnesium oil, transdermal absorption that’s been
trending lately?

trisha carter says:

What kind of Almond Butter is the best? Is there a bad brand of almond
butter? Are all almond butter good for you or yeah?

Dan carshow says:

hi, my mom is 86, can she take Magnesium, she has some of the signs you

Karen LeBlanc says:
Th3PROfessa1 says:

I have a question. I’m 32 years old. 6’2″ and about 155lbs. I’m a slender
guy and have always had a very high metabolism and my question is that over
the last few year’s I have become very tired in the afternoons and feel
completely drained and not just the normal tired feeling from work and the
day to day task. Sometimes to the point where I feel like I can’t do more
then just lay down. I don’t have that option as I’m also a father of 3 and
my wife is a nurse and after work I usually have to tend to them until
after 8pm. I’m hoping you can point me in the right direction as to what
vitamin or regiment I could do take help boost natural energy late in the
day. I do drink caffeine and some sugar drinks to help for the moment But
always wind up feeling worse just a little while later. Help me out Dr. Axe
and I would be very greatful. 

Ginger Dusky says:

I am surprised you didn’t recommend Magnesium gel or lotion. Magnesium is
absorbed through your skin more easily, quickly and at a higher rate. When
taken internally it doesn’t absorb as easily. Just rub it on your feet and
legs if you have crazy leg syndrome. They sell it online. Feel better

Divamom 3 says:

Great video. Would you consider doing a video on IBS & Diverticulosis?

Bali YogaTravel says:

Thanks for the great info. What about absorption via baths with Epsom salts?
And is there a certain amount of time needed to soak in the bath to receive
effective absorption? 

James Swansburg says:

8 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency: https://youtu.be/8pI3nT-_kW8

leah aragon says:

Thanks for the information. I take Magnesium 250mg per day. No more aches
and pain. So healthy at 50. 

Marilyn Holzmann says:

Love the videos..you are clear and get to the point. thank you

Derek B says:

Great vid again. Do ‘iron’ or potassium next week!

Linette Sue Montgomery says:

Thank you for sharing: To share my experience: since it’s That time of year
again: Grateful to be alive: March 4, 1996 I went to ER with cramps: mild
cramps: thought was another ‘kidney stone’ : I was there for 6 hours: they
were sending me home: said nothing was wrong with me (I was in a ‘Saturn
Return” 29 years old: Saturn was returning to Pisces in the solar system:
where was when I was born 1967) takes Saturn 28-30 Years to travel 360* in
the solar system on the Ecliptic: FYI: this can cause all types of health
issues around that age: (I am an enrolled student of Vedic Astrology School
in USA: and studying Ayurveda) I had all the ‘isms’ Well a special surgeon
came in around 630pm and within 2 minutes said ‘this girl is Not going
home’ and ‘who was sending her home?’ (he said I would have died within a
few hours: my 5 hour surgery: 6 days in the hospital: yes: this is what I
had: on lab results: not cancer: “Colitis (Chronic Disease Affecting the
Large Intestine), Intestine itis, > Peritonitis – a potentially fatal
inflammation of the abdomen’s lining & Acute Appendicitis” (now if you look
up the symptoms: I didn’t have the typical symptoms: 99 fever: slightly
elevated white blood count) this specialist had been a doctor on a Navy
Ship for 30 years and was on call that NIGHT and just came in and someone
told him to look at me: yet my husband was signing forms to let me go home
by 7pm Sunday . Surgeon gave me 0 % chance to live after surgery for 2 or
3 hours> then 20% chance to live the first 10 hours after surgery: CRAZY is
all that I can say. (1996: no one told me to change my eating habits that
were poor or to take magnesium or to take vitamins) I started to change
my diet seriously in 2013: when my side started hurting again. and that’s
when I started Natural Calm and I still take it every day and I have not
had a Kidney stone since 2013. (11 total in my life that I can think of)
YEAH. Pain: I know pain. I am sharing my story maybe others will relate
to my experience : Self Effort and changing the diet: and taking Calm :yes
all excellent. When you are Sick of being Sick : then change happens 😀
I radically changed my diet in 2013 and am sticking to that: and I starting
taking Vitality Natural Calm: I take every day since May 2013: I am O
negative blood type and stopped wheat and dairy: and I come from a history
of O negative blood 3 generations. Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate saved my
life in 2013: plus my self effort to change my diet. I had almost all
these Issues stated on the video: stress, moody, sad, anger, anxiety, PMS,
kidney stones for 30 years, Pain, cramps in fingers&legs& heart & breathing
issues: Yoga & meditation is helping me even more now: Blackstrap Molasses
/ yes: pumpkin seeds YES 😀 thank you and I hope this helps others: I
lived to tell my story: 3/5/1996 I was given another chance at living :

braga991 says:

Anyone u suggest in particular doc? Thanks

civi68 says:

Another warning sign is experiencing side effects from taking vitamin D. I
had to take magnesium chloride spray (transdermal) for several months until
I could take vitamin D. 

diarreality says:

Just started taking magnesium taurate. How much would you recommend for
benzodiazepine withdrawals? I’ve been taking 1000mg in divided doses, zero
GI issues. It blows away any other magnesium i’ve tried hands down. I’m
assuming because of the taurine.

Taelor Aukusitino says:

I need him! A Sexy white boy – right here…

Brooke RenewWellness says:
Dana Alolyet says:

Dr.axe please answer me
Does colon cleansing really lighten the eye iris as some ppl claimed ?

florence banuchi says:

on the foot fungus on toe, i suffered 7years and tried the orangerna n tea
oils and to my durprised i was cured. but like you mentioned you have to be
consistant on applying the oils i also added vicks to it. i am addicted to
your site pls keep on utbe!

Fred Greene says:

I luv this guy 

B Therry says:

I take a supplement every nite a bedtime.

Angelita García says:

Home remedy for a cold and water y eyes please share

Tonya St. Clair says:

Can you speak on magnesium oil?

Coollovelee says:

Hey, I do take magnesium when I’m having trouble sleeping and it works like
a charm.

Skinny Mommy Fitness says:
Arcanda Aresha says:
treyvorable says:

Dr Axe. what does it mean if my parotid glands swell up whenever i chew
food? ps, there is no pain involved just obvious enlargement of the cheek
area..thank you

Dilabhara says:

How long can you take this supplement for?

Irma Kulikowski says:

so many of these signs can also have to do with sleep apnea.

empress24girl says:

Is raw cacao a good source of magnesium?

Deb conway says:

What magnesium should I purchase please

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