Magnesium Deficiency – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

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Magnesium deficiency is almost an epidemic. This video explains symptoms of magnesium deficiency, causes of magnesium deficiency, as well as diagnosis and treatment for Mg deficiency. This is an easy problem to correct.

3 Main causes of magnesium deficiency
1) Stress
2) Diuretics (coffee, caffeine, energy drinks, alcohol, blood pressure meds)
3) Sugar (refined carbohydrates)

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
– Depression
– Anxiety
– Irritability
– Lack of focus (ADD or ADHD)

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– Fatigue
– Muscle tension
– Muscle soreness
– Muscle cramps
– Muscle twitching

– Bone Loss
– Constipation

– SpectraCell Laboratories micronutrient testing:

– Magnesium citrate supplement (e.g. Natural Calm)
– AVOID magnesium OXIDE (poorly absorbed)


Uncle Lester says:

er I dont even wanna see a doctor ever again. u should hav listed some good
food sources for magnesium. =[ I dont want any pills.

Dbl Dee says:

What happens if you consume to much magnesium; are there any negative
effects on the body?

gina simard says:

i trust your face,i listened but will not go see a doctor personally. don’t
even want to go there. i could see a naturalist she has her own store,but i
want to make up my own mind. but i don’t know what to choose. i am in
Quebec. do you know of any good brands and should it be with calcium. which
when you mentioned the brand i did not pick up calcium as the said it was
for absorption issues.

Lois Carter says:

THANK YOU. Concise and imformative. Just past this along to a non believer
that has come out of the dark. Thank God for the Integrated Doctors…We
need to pray for more of them…Meanwhile, we keep sharing….Thanks again.

Tim Richardson says:

GREAT VIDEO! Seems like you know me too well from all of the symptoms and
causes that you listed, cannot wait to try this ”stuff.” Just a few
questions, WHY Magnesium and not amino acids? I have heard so many things
about taking amino acids for many of the very same symptoms you described
like depression. Also, is it unusual to have a very high tolerance to any
of these supplements? I have taken very high doses of many things [ I have
not tried magnesium YET ], but I NEVER seem to feel any supposed effects or
relief of symptoms. I have never drank alcohol in my life of 46 years, one
day I decided to drink about 4 or 5 hard lemonades and I felt ABSOLUTELY
NOTHING. Anyway, thanks for the great videos!

Cameron Charron says:

1: Does magnesium help the lymphatic system in any way?
2: If so, in which way?
3: And following the first two questions: What symptoms can occur when a
magnesium deficiency affects the lymphatic system.

My main concern is swelling (water retention) in the legs and skin.
4: Green vegetables are helping, but not entirely. How much green
vegetables should I be eating daily, as an advanced athlete?

mmebee says:

I would like to know if a magnesium deficiency could cause or worsen
hypoglycemia AND cause or worsen asthma? Thanks.

Emma Quinlan says:

How long before one would notice a difference in symptons? Is it
accumulative over months? or with a week or so… thanks in advance

K. Billingsley - McKinney Ski Leg says:

The type of salt attached to the Mag is the most important piece of the
puzzle. As you have stated Oxide is fairly useless. Citrate is a good all
around Mag. Orotate, Glycinate, Sulfate, Taurate, Lactate, Malate and
Chloride. They all have different bioavailability. Some are not as good
as others and you should do your home work. Some at high levels are
actually dangerous for people with kidney problems. I myself have used a
mixture of these for sleep. I also use that same mixture to prevent muscle
spasms. All in all, most Americans should be taking a Mag along with
calcium and Vit D.

Doctor Scott Health says:
Marcia Coelho says:

Hello I did liked your video. Do you know anything from overdose of
magnesium? what are the possible side effects? Thanks

Ralph Ferrante says:

Can magnesium deficiency cause c.h.f and or afib nd can it be fixed or
reversed or is it to late

Erin T says:

Hi, I got more muscle twitching after taking more magnesium for over a year
now. Anyone have this happen to them too or know what this means??

Sharon Denning says:
Crystal Willingham says:
Melissa Ventry says:

Great video…I have been doing a lot of research on magnesium but the one
thing I can’t even figure out is when are you using to much magnesium. .I
use Natura calm…Love it. But is that enough? I would also like to maybe
try a topical supplement but would that be over doing it..please help.

cha25r says:

very educational video. thank you! 

NibiruLives says:

Take Magnesium Chloride.

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