Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

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The following 100 factors in 68 categories can help you recognize magnesium deficiency. There’s no way of knowing how many factors correlate with any one person’s magnesium deficiency, but if you find yourself ticking off a few dozen, you may want see how many of your symptoms improve when you take magnesium supplements.

1. Alcohol intake—more than seven drinks per week
2. Anger
3. Angina
4. Anxiety
5. Apathy
6. Arrhythmia of the heart
7. Asthma
8. Blood tests
a. Low calcium
b. Low potassium
c. Low magnesium
9. Bowel problems
a. Undigested fat in stool
b. Constipation
c. Diarrhea
d. Alternating constipation and diarrhea
e. IBS
f. Crohn’s
g. Colitis
10. Brain trauma
11. Bronchitis, chronic
12. Caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate), more than three
servings per day
13. Chronic fatigue syndrome
14. Cold extremities
15. Concentration difficulties
16. Confusion
17. Convulsions
18. Depression
19. Diabetes
a. Type I
b. Type II
c. Gestational diabetes
20. Fibromyalgia
21. Food intake imbalances
a. Limited in green leafy vegetables, seeds, and fresh
b. High protein
22. Food cravings
a. Carbohydrates
b. Chocolate
c. Salt
d. Junk food
23. Gagging or choking on food
24. Headaches
25. Heart disease
26. Heart—rapid rate
27. High blood pressure
28. Homocysteinuria
29. Hyperactivity
30. Hyperventilation
31. Infertility
32. Insomnia
33. Irritability
34. Kidney stones
35. Medications
a. Digitalis
b. Diuretics
c. Antibiotics
d. Steroids
e. Oral contraceptives
f. Indomethacin
g. Cisplatin
h. Amphotericin B
i. Cholestyramine
j. Synthetic estrogens
36. Memory impairment
37. Mercury amalgam dental fillings
38. Menstrual pain and cramps
39. Migraines
40. Mineral supplements
a. Take calcium without magnesium
b. Take zinc without magnesium
c. Take iron without magnesium
41. Mitral valve prolapse
42. Muscle cramps or spasms
43. Muscle twitching or tics
44. Muscle weakness
45. Numbness of hands or feet
46. Osteoporosis
47. Paranoia
48. Parathyroid hyperactivity
49. PMS
50. Polycystic ovarian disease
51. Pregnancy
a. Currently pregnant
b. Pregnant within one year
c. History of preeclampsia or eclampsia
d. Postpartum depression
e. Have a

child with cerebral palsy
52. Radiation therapy, recent
53. Raynaud’s syndrome
54. Restlessness
55. Sexual energy diminished
56. Shortness of breath
57. Smoking
58. Startled easily by noise
59. Stressful life or circumstances
60. Stroke
61. Sugar, high intake daily
62. Syndrome X
63. Thyroid hyperactivity
64. Tingling of hands or feet
65. Transplants
a. Kidney
b. Liver
66. Tremor of the hands
67. Water that contains the following
a. Fluoride
b. Chlorine
c. Calcium
68. Wheezing

• Stress
• Fatigue & Low Energy
• Inability to Sleep
• Muscle Tension, Spasms &?Cramps
• Anxiousness and Nervousness
• Irritability
• Headaches
• Weakness
• PMS and Hormonal Imbalances
• Weakening Bones
• Abnormal Heart Rhythm
• Calcification of Organs


robert4you says:

An extremely important mineral. Please everybody, do not forget that
magnesium also regulates sodium, potassium and calcium (and a lot of other
smaller trace minerals). Thus if you have deficiencies in sodium, potassium
and calcium ALWAYS start with magnesium first. When there is enough
magnesium in the body it will help the system to absorb and regulate these
other minerals. We are eating enough calcium, therefore we very seldom need
to supplement this mineral. Magnesium is the lamp of life, it is an
exceedingly important mineral and even a very little deficiency will cause

CrossTheLine1000 says:

i feel sick when i take Magnesium citrate lately ( have taken magnesium
supplement for 8 months now). I have never taken calcium with magnesium,
just magnesium alone. It makes me feel nasuos, heavy chest and difficulty
breathing. So should i drink milk when i take a little magnesium, because a
tiny corn of magnesium citrate effects me alot.

stabilisedchaos says:

Omg I have all them symptoms….thank you.

Eastcoastmazda says:

I think this is the cure to my uneventfull life at the moment if it is God
Bless you dr in this video I’ll post again if I’m cured from my heart
palpitations that I have been having the are so scary 

kim fitnesschic says:

I love this! I was introduced to magnesium for my children when they were
tested for food allergies and how their immune systems were functioning. I
rub magnesium sulfate cream on me daily. LOVE magnesium. 

LEGIN O says:

Do you have low Magnesium?

chris77777777ify says:

Thank you for your talk on magnesium. I have seen a video about a water
brand in the USA that adds magnesium to it’s product to boost electrolytes
power in the body. I’ve had many symptoms of over all bad health & had bad
health…. Dark circles under eyes, feeling weak, depressed, hair thinning
pail complexion & the list goes on. I bought magnesium tablets today & this
video makes me feel I’ve really done the right thing. I hope my health
improves over the next month. I will report on any goo

robert4you says:

Yes, but it is recommended to take some Vitamin D together with Magnesium.
You do not have to take extra Calcium, since most people have enough
Calcium, it is just in the wrong place in the body – in the soft tissues
(where it should not be). Magnesium corrects this. And don’t forget to take
Magnesium with higher quality: Magnesium Malate for instance. Magnesium
Malate don’t cause loose stools, like Magnesium Citrate do. Try to take at
least 600 mg a day. (200 mg x 3 for better absorption).

OurBest ForHisPraise says:

I am sure I am low in magnesium. I am going to try the oral approach first.
If that works great, if not, I am going to try the bath method.

iRotiz says:

Wow never even heard of the term “magnesium” before… I’ve been magensium
deficient all my life.

nmaonlinepr says:

@chris77777777ify Glad to hear you appreciated the talk on magnesium. For a
free e-booklet called “Magnesium: The Missing Link To Better Health” sign
up for our free newsletter on the right side of our home page at
nutritionalmagnesium-dot-org and this will direct you to a download page
where you can get the free e-booket. Another page to visit on this web site
is the “Treatment” section.

Colleen says:

Magnesium Oil (brine) is pure sea water, concentrated 30 times. Apply to
skin of torso and leave at least 30 minutes. Otherwise, add to a foot bath
(full bath, for children). Bypasses gut, so zero side effects. Works fast.
Totally safe. Most affordable option. I get it from David Dartez.

Michael says:

Wow she says the truth and nothing but the truth.. I knew I was right the
whole time and my mom wouldn’t believe me my twitching and anxiety was
magnesium deficiency

Nathaniel Ringdahl says:

What about psoriasis? Can a magnesium deficiency cause that?

heaty007 says:

My eye twitches and fingers and feet get numb

iRotiz says:

Know you commented a while ago but did magnesium help you at all?

Cinzia109 says:

What foods are high in Magnesium ?

SovereignBeing says:

what happened..??

Changeswillcom711 says:

Pumpkin seeds-Natural Calm – Magnesium spray- complete change in eating
habbits (onegativ blood type = me) yrs of leg cramps & many other issues
including many kidney stones 1986-2013) this is real- I lived it. We are
what we eat! Natural calm & diet change – saved my life! Mnth 3 of taking
magnesium daily. I was seriously since in april- couldnt get up or walk
well-no energy & kidney stone issues- “seek we shall find truth” – Peace

XxjHuNexX says:

mam can you take magnesium without calcium or vitamin D?

dumbbunny15501 says:

Thank you very much for this video. .what do you think of watercress? As a
babyfood. Thanks again.

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