Colonoscopy of Ulcerative Colitis

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The exact etiology of ulcerative colitis is unknown, but the disease appears to be multifactorial and polygenic. Proposed causes include environmental factors, immune dysfunction, and a likely genetic predisposition. Some have suggested that children of below-average birth weight who are born to mothers with ulcerative colitis have a greater risk of developing the disease.

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation of the large intestine (colon). The colon is the part of the digestive system where waste material is stored. The rectum is the end of the colon adjacent to the anus. In patients with ulcerative colitis, ulcers and inflammation of the inner lining of the colon lead to symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding.


lomo ray says:

So Stupid, so idiotic, waste of every bodies time, so childish.
What the hell was the music for. And nothing that tells what is what.?
Void it. My kids were enjoying it, they thought it was Ninja turtles. 

Suj N says:

The music is horrible and inappropriate> We’re not in the Opera, it’s the
GIT 😀 

Bethany Isabelle says:

How do u find out if you have this and what are the signs an symptoms

Ahmed Sadawi says:

The music is horrible and inappropriate> We’re not in the Opera, it’s the
GIT 😀 

vic m says:

Hi there, great video & hope you’re getting on well.
I’m writing a book on IBD and I’d really love it if you or anyone with
crohns or colitis would take the time to answer a few questions.
I want to find out what’s working for people – i’m particularly interested
in the diet and alternative therapy side. Hopefully, with enough responses
they’ll be some clear correlations with people achieving long term success.
You can find my questionnaire at:
Thanks very much.
Vicky – aged 25, UC 12 years

Courtney Crowe says:

I have ulcerative colitis but I can’t help but watch this and think , ouch
that looks like it hurts .

Stephen Lee says:

Someone thinks very highly of themselves…

NintendoROCK3T says:

Man that is wired…

oknevals says:

Non of meds worked on me. Asacol sent me to hospital. Severe reaction to
azathioprine and MP6 which also didn’t work. Year+ of Remicade infusion
wasted. Resistant to it. High levels of steroids worked but
unsustainable…. Now on my own. Gluten free helped with urges. Noticed
daily pineapple fruit/juice was helping. Also, sauerkraut (no additives)
was helping so added to diet. Just added glucosamine(hcl) and Gentian lutea
juice extract. Right now either completely clean or trace here and there.

LiveStarAnime says:

I’ve had colitis for around two months or so from february through april of
2013 and the doctor tells me that I need a colonoscopy to rule out the
illness in the colon. I know I hate having the illness but it has been
weakening my body previously causing me to lose focus on my studies
previously. what can i do to beat the illness and keep it under control>

AtariMachine says:

I came here to learn more about my ass disease not watch a cinematic

PerfectYoda says:

I’m 10 and I have u.c. Too I have to take steroids and get I.v. Meds I hate
getting poked all the time D: and I’ve had u.c. Since October or November
and found out with a scope I had u.c. In march 2013

Alayna G says:

It’s like sad funeral music

Jessica Colvin says:

I hate having it too

Ahrraminh says:

Investigate ‘Fecal Microbiota Transplant’ or ‘Human Priobiotic Infusion’.
It’s cured people of all ages from a vast range of intestinal diseases. See
/watch?v=tDcia_uqf3k for an example video.

love0emma says:

Take your mesalazine that your doctor probably already prescribed to you
and keep a diet.If you had an acute episode then 6 tablets a day of 500mg
for maybe 3 months (take two tabs 1h b4 meal,that’s important) then have a
control-colonoscopy done.For chronic u.c. or for keeping acute u.c. from
relapse 3 tablets a day 1 b4 each meal.For additional info on the diet text

Philip Gardner says:

My child is bleeding and I dont know what to do . I take her too the
doctors. I wish this could heal on its own. 4 months now maybe more i cant
take it.

Ahrraminh says:

I’d also like to hear updates once you’ve hopefully taken some measures
based on information discovered from the advice I’ve given you. Regards,

clairebearandalli says:

My doctor basically described to me that the colon looks like it is rubbed
down with sand paper. I’m turning 13 in July and I had surgery when I was
either 10 or 11 but I had three. I am better now but does anyone have any
suggestions to help the leaking?

nimmy yousaf says:

me 2

oknevals says:

Please see my comment to see if it may help you.

fostered333 says:

The naturessecret guy cured his with probiotics.I was loosing to much blood
so I had my colon ripped out, but if I had taken the probiotics sooner I
would probably still have my colon.I am pretty sure it is a pleomorphic
fungus that needs to be suppressed with probiotics.Constant probiotics, I
drink kombucha every day.I was doing ok also until my 728Hz magnetic pulser

Jamie says:

so this is what my colon looks like right now..

musiclover1989 says:

Try giving her some Kefir drinks. Those do help because they have
probiotics in them

steven walls says:

I still eat boigas!!!!

Ahrraminh says:

These sorts of dietary measures should ease the stress on his gut, and
allow it to heal, but it is very likely that his problems are caused by gut
dysbiosis, that is he is likely missing some essential gut bacteria, some
of which can not exist outside of the gut for more than a few minutes, and
in this case a fecal transplant will be the only way to cure him entirely.
Search on some of the information I have provided, but if you’re struggling
to find what you need don’t hesitate to reply.

Ahrraminh says:

I don’t know what your child eats, but you must take great care what you
feed him, since he is already bleeding. Look into ‘nourishing traditions’
perhaps, you will need to feed him a well balanced diet, I’d recommend
soaking any grains, and sprouting any legumes, making sure to use plenty of
healthy fats with grains(e.g. butter on bread), using sourdough(fermented)
bread, etc, generally using traditional preparations for foods, definitely
not modern fads like low-fat.

kjs80sks says:

Looks so painful. No doubt it is.

P4RaN0id says:

This poor kid has a severe case. Mine has far less red spots. Consider each
red spot a bleeder and imagine the situation…

khrystal1968 says:

I have this nasty s*it. Wish it would go away.

oknevals says:

Please see my comment to see if it may help you.

love0emma says:

Corticosteroids are given as immuno-suppressants to patients that have
stronger immune system.They help reduce the inflammation of the bowel which
itself sees to a faster healing.But I would try and avoid giving them to a
10 year old as they have many side effects as well:affect almost every
aspect of your metabolism.You children are becoming cleverer by the year
but if you need me to clarify anything or have additional questions send me
a message.Wish you a quick recovery kiddo.

Emily Engle says:

I hate having colitis

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