What is cleansing? with Jennie Fagen, CHHC

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Ready to get back on track in the New Year?

Join me for the New Years Cleanse & Reboot, and get everything you need to increase your energy, shrink your waistline, and lose weight in the New Year. You can join now here: jenniefagen.com/cleanse

What exactly is a cleanse?

A Cleanse is a chance to revitalize your body from the inside out. It is a chance to allow your main detoxification organs, the liver, colon, and kidneys a chance to get back on track and run smoothly.

What will a cleanse do for your body?

– kill the bad bacteria in the gut that contribute to toxicity and weight gain.
– clear out years of accumulated toxins that slow digestion and elimination.
– quench your body with delicious nutrients leaving you feeling light and energy

What benefits will I experience?

A good detox will reset and optimize detox function, which means for you…
– Weight loss, averaging 7 lbs depending on how high your toxic load is
– A boost in energy levels
– Reduce cravings and hunger for foods that sabotage weight loss.
– Reduce inflammation, contributing to bloating, puffiness, and many illnesses
– Clearer and brighter skin
– Learn which foods fuel your unique body, so you know exactly what to eat to feel refreshed and energized
– Jumpstart your metabolism, so you can release excess weight you may be holding onto.
– Reduce stress: Cleaning up your diet will actually help your adrenal glands function optimally, allowing your deal with stressful situations with more ease!
– Better digestion and more regular bowel movements (yes, I said it), allowing your body to regularly flush out toxins contributing to weight gain, inflammation, and more
– Improved sleep so you can feel charged and energized when you wake up

Am I going to be drinking lemonade for 7 days straight?

No way, José! No juicing, fasting, or weird concoctions to throw together on this 7-day cleanse!

Only delicious, healthy, fun, easy-to-throw together recipes!

The recipes are designed to work with your busy life, and layed out in a way that not only allows for optimal gentle cleansing, but also sets you up for success even after the cleanse. This means that even after the cleanse you will continue to thrive and get results!

This is because your body will be functioning better than it’s ever done in your life!

Did you know that cleansing can help clear up any and all of the below problems? What would you like to fix?

Difficulty Losing Weight
Low energy
Frequent Colds
Gas / Bloating
Headaches / Migraines
Hair Loss or Dullness
Difficulty sleeping at night
Low Sex Drive
Low Energy
Skin Problems

Why are cleanses better than diets?

A cleanse is about removing toxins from your body. Toxins are stored in fat cells. The more toxins stored in your body, the more fat your body needs to hold on to. Once you remove the toxins, your body will be able to release excess weight.

Will I be hungry?

The recipes you will be eating during this 7-DayCleanse & Reboot are designed for you to feel satisfied, nourished and detox your body naturally.

I will take you step-by-step through a simple cleanse that will make a huge difference in how you feel and look — in just 7 days!

Why don’t diets work?

Most diets can feel like deprivation, and while that may work for a short period of time, eventually we give in because there is no pleasure in deprivation. We think, “Well this is great for now, but do you expect me to eat this way for the rest of my life? Really? Counting calories and never indulging in ice cream or chicken wings again? It’s not going to happen.” This understandably causes us to become more frustrated, rebel, and give up. At the end of the day, you find yourself hungry and lethargic.

Many popular detox diets, especially those that involve extreme

low-calorie fasting, can rob the body of important nutrients and place the body in starvation mode, which actually slows your metabolism. Some detox diets can cause fatigue, dizziness, dehydration, or even serious damage to your vital organs.

We will not be fasting, juicing, or starving ourselves in this 7-day cleanse, but we WILL be filling up on DELICIOUS healthy food, to literally flood your body full of nutrients, and give you the BOOST you need restart and reboot!

I can’t wait to get started cleansing with you!

Sending love, light, & a bit of kale,

Jennie Fagen, CHHC



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