Magnesuim Citrate Review: A Good Colon Cleansing

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Adults and children 12 years of age and older: 1/2 to 1 bottle (10 fl. oz.). Drink a full 8 oz glass of liquid with each dose. The dose may be taken as a single daily dose or in divided doses.
Children 6 to under 12 years of age: 1/3 to 1/2 bottle with a full 8 oz. glass of liquid.
Children under 6 years of age: Consult a doctor.

Other Information:
Each fluid ounce contains: sodium 36 mg
Store at controlled room temperature
Protect from excessive heat and freezing
Discard unused product within 24 hours of opening bottle.


Three flavors, Lemon, Cherry and Grape. Grape is the best tasting. Grape flavor taste like sour grape Kool-aid. Relieves occasional constipation (irregularity). Generally produces bowel movement in 1/2 to 6 hours.

MORE INFORMATION: MAGNESIUM CITRATE (Evac-Q-Mag®, Citro-Nesia®, Citroma®) is as a saline laxative. This medicine is commonly used to empty and prepare the colon (bowel) for rectal or colon exams (diagnostic tests) or surgery. This drug may be used to treat occasional constipation, but it should not be used regularly for this purpose. Generic magnesium citrate oral solution is available.

Get it cheaper at the Dollar Stores. Any Flavors and Any Brands, They works just the same. I got this brand at wal-mart for under $2.00.


Chris Coppola says:

I started taking magnisum about a year ago and my doctor told me yesterday
that I don’t have to take my magnisum medication anymore. the review in
three months.


My question is, is this good for dietary use and to flush your body out. 

Angeles Cazares says:

Thank you for this video! So helpful!

gilligan skipper says:

All joking aside Pamela,thank you for being the sacrificial lamb and
putting yourself out here to talk about this sensitive subject!You are
awesome! Very cute too !Hugs for you,beautiful lady,take care.

Keke Shawty says:

I like lemon flavor better 

smoothrasin says:

In other words NEVER TRUST A FART! LOL

brucencalifornia says:

Thanks for your report,
I was wondering if a whole bottle was to much but I see it’s normal..

crazysingingchick says:

You are so funny, and I am smiling because I just took the cherry kind
which is good, and the first time I felt gas I rushed to the bathroom. That
was before I watched this. So it made me laugh because I was thinking, “It
is probably not gas.” It actually (sadly) was just gas but I will keep
trying. :)

gilligan skipper says:

Question….Do farts have lumps? Lol

Dan Green says:

Broke my coccyx, (tail bone), and fractured a vertebrae. Was prescribed
oxycodone, which makes you forget what a toilet even looks like. This stuff
saved my life ferreal

Ashley Murray says:

It also makes you sleep like a baby if you take it before bed! 

Martin Lainez says:

tea with this is good then??

Robert Hanan says:

Thanks for the video. I got to take that stuff before surgery and was

Joe Smith says:

Great report.

love Zara says:

This dose work I tried it n works better like the Indian herbs

cubcadet1983 says:

Try to hold in all burps aswell.

Rigo Sanchez says:

Thanks i don’t how to use.

HybridLeech Symbiote says:

how often can you take this before taking another dose? 

Ch V says:

May I ask you how often do you use the magnesium citrate.

John Huynh says:

i got lemon kroger, it is good

Judy Newman says:

Very nice! You are just precious and handled this very informative post
with true class and dignity! I subscribed because of this video. Well done,
sweet lady!
Also, the comments are helpful! How refreshing to see such an excellent
exchange of information on a touchy subject.
Thanks to all!
Be blessed!

Eleanor Golstine says:

great video i will be trying this tonight wish me luck

chilaw2004 says:

If you put it over ice and let it sit for a couple minutes to get very
cold, it is easier to get down and tastes better. And you are right: be
close to the restroom and plan on staying near it for a while! No trips to
the airport, DMV, etc. should be contemplated!

roxy zarate says:

Tnanks so much I loved your video very informative. My stomach has been
acting awkward lately and I am sure this will be my cure. Thanks and god

roxy zarate says:

Tnanks so much I loved your video very informative. My stomach has been
acting awkward lately and I am sure this will be my cure. Thanks and god

latoyiab79 says:

I tried the cherry flavor last night about 6pm. It started working 2 1/2
hours after I drank it. Thought everything was good and complete at 9:30pm
but got a wake up call at 2am. The time now is 5:17 am! Better than being
backed up lol.

slopsy doodle says:

I keep them in fridge, get a fruit juice out to chase it with, drink the
cherry flavor magnesium citrate and HOLD MY NOSE while drinking (taking one
or two breaks to breath) !

Alexi Scott says:

You handle this with such class! Im so glad I found this.

Alli Riles says:

Yes I enjoyed this video. Very informative. I wish I could find the grape
one. Yhe lemkn flavor really made me feel sick. I couldn’t even drink half
the bottle. But I will dtink the rest and then drink some coffee
afterwards. Hopefully it will get moving right after! Lol

stanky banky says:

You’re such a cute lady. Thank you for this.

Mz Camp says:

I drink one once a month. I always get the Lemon kind. I drink mines out of
a cup because if i drink it out the bottle it makes me gag a little.. I
drink warm water behind mines and it works in 15 to 20mins. 

MilitaryWife88 says:

I use this all the time but I mix it with something can’t just drink it

Prince Alcius says:

I drank one last night n it didn’t kick in till today n it seems like It’s
goin too slow…don’t know y

Rich Northrop says:

This was funny and informative. Good review : ) 

Gina Mirabueno says:

Thank you..for information:)

Joshua Hernandez says:

i`ve had to use this before but takes 6-8 hours for me to have a bowl

Bianca Williams says:

s this may be used for dietary use? How often can you donit? How long does
it last? How long will I need to set aside for the whole process once you
take it. I Dont want tobuse the bathroom in public

LaMarc Plair says:

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Jesus Walk says:

i did one but it helped a bit

ThoroughbredDiva says:

Your review is spot on! Okay so after i watched your video last night i
went to CVS last night and bought the grape flavor CVS brand. I poured it
over ice and drank it and yes it does have the grape unsweetened
kool-aid flavor. i drank the whole bottle then drank 20oz of water at 10pm.
At 6am in my sleep i felt as if i wanted to pass “gas” but i knew better.
LOL I woke up and went to the rest room and uhhhh…… i was on the toilet
for 45 mins. Just chilling, but it was flowing like a river. LITERALLY LOL.
I was damn near late to work. When i showered and got dressed at 7:30 am i
needed to go again but i held it (i dont know how but i did cause i didnt
want to be late). i went one more time at work at like 9am and then i was
done. Not bad. Next time i will take it earlier than 10pm so the time
doesnt spill into me getting dressed and having to rush for work.

All in all i would do it again because i eat a lot of junk that i shouldnt
eat and i did feel good all day today.

ThoroughbredDiva says:

Great video. :) LOL

Jim Cash. says:

dont want to sound gross, but is all that comes out is liquid ? or do ya
get some solids also.? 

mad critic says:

I like the cherry flavour

Happydimples39 says:

Yes, I have. It’s good too.

Happydimples39 says:

You are so welcome. (LOL)☺ You will feel better.☺

Cyn'sEmptyNest says:

LOLOLOLOLOL too funny.

Zach Blizzard says:

i just had it today and i had dizzying diarrhea but my butt went on a
rampage and my stomach was queezy my butt was burning but it stopped and i
am farting alot and i was in pain and crying because of all the wiping and
im 12 so bare with me

Gaurav Kumar Lal says:

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Happydimples39 says:

I do that too. That’s the only way to get it down.☺

Happydimples39 says:

(LOL) Okay, I will go there. Thanks.☺

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