How I Defeated Constipation For Good (Plus 10 Tips)

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I suffered with constipation, bloating & digestive issues my entire life, until I switched to a low fat, raw vegan diet. In addition, I used these 10 tips to get my digestive system back on track permanently.

The biggest change was getting rid of cooked, processed foods, animal products, dairy, grains, etc. and incorporating a diet high in fresh, sweet, ripe, raw, mostly organic fruits, with plenty of greens and a very small amount of nuts and seeds.

Not only did this change put an end to a lifetime of constipation, it also ended my suffering with headaches and migraines, PMS, mild depression, low energy, dental plaque, nail fungus and acne! I now have more energy and feel better than ever.

Here are the 10 tips (plus a bonus suggestion!)

1. Eat mostly water rich fruits
2. Drink extra water
3. Exercise regularly
4. Incorporate proper food combining –
5. Get extra sleep
6. De-stress & learn to consciously relax
7. Practice mindful eating
8. Massage your abdomen
9. Visualization
10. Get checked for parasites – Zappers:
Bonus recommendation
11. Do a supervised water fast – I highly recommend fasting with Dr. Graham at

Proper Food Combining Video:

My video on my experience with Parasites & Zappers:

My update video & zapper informational video:



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Elisabeth Dunham says:

Just ordered my zapper two days ago. Did it help you with constipation once
you started using it?

Crystal Maiden says:

But you are a woman , woman dont shit.

TT R says:

Hi! I don’t have stomach problem but i suffer from constipation all my life
started since I was a teenager. I recently learned that my niece, my
cousins and aunts also have been dealing with it for years. For us, going
every 5-6 days is normal. So, we use different forms of remedy. For me, the
only time I feel like I have voided completely is using enema. I have
increased water in take, beans diet, and walking up to 10 miles, but
nothing seemed to help. So, I have no choice to keep using enema. I have
not tried your method though. So, I am going to give it a try and give
myself a month on this diet. But I really want to know does it stop working
once you are off on the diet?

Dolphin Lover!!! !!! says:

Thank you so much I tried this and it worked if I ever get it again I’ll
keep watching your videos I subscribed to you and I leave a like I hope it
helps me again if I have this problem again

lampuiho says:

Getting fired by my boss fixes constipation each time

srv4evr says:

Tip number 13 . If you have a bf or gf / wife or husband… this will help
more then just daily pooper doopers to !! Invite your mate to at least poop
once a week with you . Both you and your mate / other half site next to
each other poop and chat . Express things bring out angry emotions on the
poop !! Then when it’s over flush those feelings down the drain ! See
poopin with your partner can be more then just a poop . When you guys
finish and are out of the toilet area , you’ll feel better and that’s sense
of feeling better after a poop will roll over into your happy feelings
about the relationship. So it works both ways people! ! Thank you and your
reply to this will mean your goin to try it or have tried it. Happy poopin!

hiro ramnani says:
Tony Hight says:


Stillo Chillino... says:

Got no trouble shitting-don’t understand why other people do-what the hell
are they eating? Or *not* eating to get their bodies into this state? Is it
psychological in a lot of cases? (oh poo is dirty and wrong !) could be eh?

avhiram das says:

why u dont come to me

joerossu says:

dont listen to her! Eat whatever you want, but not too much (yes im talking
to you fattie)…. and eat some beans and apples, have enough of movement
and drink water…. thats it

csigh89 says:

I don’t want to go to the doctor I feel they would make me do a colon
cleanse. Thanks for the great tips . this has been hell for me! 

kgv1997km3000 says:

I used to have perfect digestion, but these last months I’ve had horrible
digestion!! I don’t know what is going on I’ve tried everything but feel
that even as a hclf vegan diet I still have bad digestion and this is so
strange to me since I always had perfect digestion (having a bowel movement
after every meal)

sauce pan says:

I got my IBS-C from going from a ‘regular diet’ to eating a lot more fruits
and vegetables. I tried [mostly fruits and veggies] for months on end –
with some meat – but my body could not handle it and I got my IBS-C from
it. I still have IBS-C to this day because of it. (Glad it works for some

orchid lover says:

get to the point,,,not your history,,,clicked out before 3 minutes,,

manikandan m says:

Hi, I am mani, I had this problem, For this issue I have got solution from
indian ayurvedic treatment. Lets start. First in the early morning 4 to 6
am wake up and boil a 1/2 litre water as much you can drink, after boiled
the water add 1 or 2 spoon Salt as much you can with that water and then
mix it and drink that water with light hot. And then walk at your
home.after 30 mins you will get urge. go to toilet. your entire colon will
clear. follow this method next three days. after third day daily drink 1/2
ltr hot water only. you will get urge.(Note: monthly once follow the salt
water treatment). I hope this will help you.

Ivy Shields says:

Would it work if you go to bed really late,
Like 2:00, and then wake up at 11:00? Is that okay? PLEASE REPLY

Stan V says:

I’m truly glad this works for you, however I wanted to mention something
from my own experience. The water content in the fruit won’t do anything
for you, as I can tell since there was a time when I drank 5x normal water
consumption, in fact I was overhydrated. According to studies that looked
at constipated vs normal stool, the weight difference is negligible
(consider how much water it takes to make a chunk of stool “wetter”), so
whether you are dehydrated or not, wont matter too much. Things like
soluble/insoluble fiber may do different things for different people and
will affect the softness of the stool. Also stress seems to play a role.
For me, sometimes consuming lots of sugar or lots of vegetable fat will
cause me to go to the bathroom. Water is a large part of stool, but it
isn’t everything. There must be a reason for the stool and water to form.
Stool consists of “75 percent water and 25 percent solid matter. About 30
percent of the solid matter consists of dead bacteria; about 30 percent
consists of indigestible food matter such as cellulose; 10 to 20 percent is
cholesterol and other fats; 10 to 20 percent is inorganic substances such
as calcium phosphate and iron phosphate; and 2 to 3 percent is protein.”

mkrp4 says:

have you been checked for redundant colon?

Jeweller Ista says:

a beer usually helps me get things going

Rawhealthbitch says:

WOW, I haven’t watched your videos in a long time, but you look amazing,
you obviously are doing some right !

blackbirdxx928 says:

Very informative but i would find more value in it if you returned to a
normal diet and see if the symptoms return. I have a bit of a different
theory concerning diet.To much of anything is bad for you. It sounds like
eating vegan is a pia. I loose weight @ 2000 calories. How many fruits/vegs
would i need to eat to make 4000 calories?

Mathew Messer says:

It consisted of meat, dairy, and animal products, did it fuck it consisted
of processed junkfoods I bet. Stop eating more fiber for constipation, you
need to fix your digestion, and that won’t happen by stuffing yourself with

jamz d says:

Before you go to bed or 1st thing in the morning, drink a cup of greens+
daily detox, eat a handful (or 2 or 3) of kale and spinach, swallow 2 pills
of a kyolic garlic supplement and 2 pills of a ginger supplement. You’ll
probably be farting like crazy, which is a good sign. 

Sam McCormack says:

Who can eat nothing but veggies? Boring!

TanyaRAW Troake says:

what about eating 10 + bananas a day? cause constipation

sil M says:

Thank you so much for sharing, you are doing an awesome job of helping and
inspiring others. God bless you. Many thanks! !

sil M says:

Thank you so much for sharing, you are doing an awesome job of helping and
inspiring others. God bless you. Many thanks! !

Patrick Ryan says:

You don’t mention probiotics or prebiotics at all and it should be number 1
on the list. Your other tips are good alright but count for nothing if your
good gut bacteria is too low or outnumbered by bad bacteria. Resistant
starch like cold rice is probably the best prebiotic. Mix a bowl of this
with a really good sugar-free probiotic yogurt with some low FODMAP fruit
or berries on top and you will be making poops fit for the Poop Pageant ^_^

HP Ribot says:

Doesn’t repeated google SPAM ads cause constipation also? google is the
SPAM queen of the universe.

Shel Nunya AT says:

thanks for posting, sounds like good advice

Noah Lindsey says:

What does it mean when u poop out water?

803momof2boysz says:

Eating an apple relieves constipation for me every time! It works but than
anything else I’ve tried. And, walking.

starfruit99999 says:

Found out through a food journal that cooked food was causing me to be
irregular. When I ate only raw, I wasn’t constipated at all.

ClayAPOTAMUS says:

Really Helpful

urdivine says:

Great, informative video.

It’s true. Humans are not originally meant to eat meat. The proof is in
the comparison of the biology; jaw structure, teeth, digestive system,
mobility, hands etc. etc., between humans and carnivorous animals. In
those areas and more, we are nothing like them.
As far as your imagining tip. It is a metaphysical fact, [and supported by
quantum physics], that energy follows thought. Energy increases where we
put our attention.
Therefore creating ANYTHING we want, has to FIRST begin with our thoughts.
I fasted 3 weeks on only water, a long time ago. Many people experience
benefits other than on the physical level. I wouldn’t do it again unless I
happen to get some major disease, then fasting would be essential to help
cure it.

hey chancho says:

Watch video below this us what I put your tips to use

stevensonrf says:

A very helpful video; thank You!

Shawna Brown says:

See some ppl know this message already but guess what unless you are middle
to high class money wise you can’t afford to by healthy foods all the time.
The best fruits and vegetables and quality foods are in health stores like
Whole Foods and Trader Joes. If ppl could afford it they would eat better. 

redmond424 says:

My constipation was caused by stress and maybe yours is too! Most adult
stress in the USA is caused by having to pay credit card bills and make
mortgage payments… I paid off my credit card debt and home mortgage using
The Dividends Pay My Bills Method (Google it). It also taught me how to use
investment dividend income to pay my monthly utility bills… Less Stress =
No more constipation!!!

Meat Pie Mildred says:

Constipation–My shits are small and hard-like Wee Jimmy Krankie in a
Donkey jacket. xxx

AlanDeVegas702 says:

How long can constipation take?

Lisa Helvey-Poole says:

I am so glad to find this website. I think I caught parasites from my now
ex husband as I had always had easy digestion and eaten lots of fruits and
veggies and fish, but the last 7 years I have suffered with horrible
bloating and now it is all the time. I have body odors that I cannot get
rid of and horrible gas- he had all these symptoms plus some others at
night including teeth grinding – I am allergic to so many foods. I am
getting the zapper and will start the tips! Thx sooo much!

rawsynergytv says:

You’re welcome! I had major food sensitivities to a lot of fruits (all acid
fruits like citrus, strawberries, tomatoes), some sub-acid fruits and
pretty much all greens, lettuce, celery and herbs.

deathorse21 says:

Thank you. I use to have a suffering of constipation through my whole life.

rawsynergytv says:

You’ll want to weigh your food, or get Dr. Grahams 80/10/10 Success Guide,
so you know approximately how many calories you’re eating to know whether
you’ve eaten too much or not based on your size & needs. Unless, you’re
super tiny, by what you’ve shown here, sounds like you’re under eating.
You’ll know you’re eating enough when you feel amazing, energized, clear
headed & you’re sleeping well. Drink enough so that you pee 8-12 times a
day and it’s clear in color.

Adri ana says:

I love your videos!!Also the grape juice is great for combat constipation!
It works for me.

Brianna Lee says:

I love love love eating bananas with frozen berries, no water added. It
makes it like icecream. Will not watering it down cause me these problems?
I have been having them. Thanks!

faithahora says:

Thank you soooo much for the reply. You are so kind!!! With your reply
making so much sense I am going to now try the 80 10 10 diet once again and
go at least 10 days with the high carbs, ie. fruit and veggies!!!

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