Bowel Regularity, Constipation Relief, & Prebiotics

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Close – In this video, Dr. Jackson discusses regularity and constipation, two very common reasons people visit a doctor. As a Gastroenterologist, Dr. Jackson would help his patients by ruling out low thyroid status, colon blockages, diabetes, Parkinson Disease, and more. He would then show a picture of a rural society in Africa where there are very few intestinal problems or constipation due to a diet of millet, corn, fruits and vegetables. Their fiber intake is about 50 grams of fiber per day and contributes to little constipation issues. On the other hand, the Western diet rarely achieves 15 grams of fiber per day.

Fiber is the part of plant food that goes through the gut and reaches the colon unchanged. There, it does one of two things. If it is insoluble fiber found in grains, it hangs on to a lot of water and produces bulk. If it is soluble fiber as is found in many fruits and vegetables, it provides nourishment and food for the good bacteria living in the colon. The very best of these fibers are prebiotic fibers. In addition to creating more bulk, they produce many additional health benefits for the entire body.

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To relieve bowel irregularity and constipation, first learn how much fiber you are eating in an average day. Your goal is to consume 25 grams per day for females and 35 grams per day for males (your age and body size will need to be factored in). Fiber from food is the best, but you can assure you are getting the right amount of fiber by ordering a prebiotic fiber supplement such as Prebiotin.

To order our Prebiotin Regularity formula to relieve your constipation and bowel irregularity, visit


Prebiotin says:

Need help with #regularity or #constipation ? Dr. Jackson’s new video
below explains the ways #prebiotics can help with bowel discomfort!

Jackson GI Medical says:

If you struggle with constipation or IBS make sure to read up on the health
benefits of prebiotics, a natural plant fiber that promotes good gut
bacteria. I explain some of the benefits in this video for anyone

Frank W. Jackson says:

Learn more about how to improve #regularity and control #constipation, two
very common reasons people visit a gastroenterologist:

Jackson GI Medical says:

Discover how to improve regularity and control constipation naturally with

Prebiotin says:

Thanks so much for your comment, Kris! We appreciate it!

Kristian Chronister says:

I know Dr. Jackson and have worked with him, and I have to say three
things: 1) Prebiotin does just what he says, a great product, 2) the more I
learned from him about digestive health, the colon, etc. the more I was
consistently amazed out how integral digestive health is to overall good
health, and 3) Frank personally represents what medicine should aspire to:
He genuinely cares about helping people and improving health. He’s one of
the good guys.

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