Nutritional Health : How to Clean Your Colon by Fasting

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Fasting is a great way to clean out the colon, but incorporating natural juices, soups and Metamucil can keep you from getting too weak during a colon cleanse. Eliminate toxins and solid waste from the body with advice from a licensed dietitian and nutritionist in this free video on healthy eating.

Expert: Heidi Kaufman
Bio: Heidi Kaufman is a licensed dietitian and nutritionist, and she is a certified diabetes educator for Partners in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Filmmaker: Rendered Communications


Jim Stevens says:

Shes a fucking noob ,

Darren Haberland says:

What is the point of cleansing if you’re going to continue eating junk?

Felts Drost says:

*This consists of a one-step cleansing process. It gets deep into your
digestive system to purify the body. In this way it helps to make the
intestine stronger because it fortifies the mucosa, which is the deepest
part of the wall of the intestine. Once your body has been cleansed of
impurities, you will have more energy.*

loh1110 says:

Homeless people are always detoxing their colons.. think about it.

Harry Nelson says:

All kindzzz

Howard Johnson says:

I like to detox with BACON.

nickerson otadoy says:
codeuser7171 says:

I fast for this whole month

Zakariah1971 says:

The white man is a liar! 10 day water fast us minimum for cellular level
detox with max being 40 days with supervision. Anyone can do a 10 day water
fast with sea salt water flushes to detox colon

mtd076 says:

@nounever lmao…ur smoking crack again aren’t you. Funniest post! great

Stas Fiestas says:

so whats the diet plan for this fasting thing?? what the hell do i eat and
how much and how long etc ?

kev mc says:

@bitcheznhos no

spiceytaco95 says:

so is taking x lax anything similar to it in terms of cleaning your system
out or is it completely different>?

gelflingfaysuzanne says:

she is really avoiding the validity of the herbs…………….most people
go through withdrawls for the first 3 days but pick up from there. I do a 4
day fast every month. I do it alittle differently most times but fast non
the less. It is great for the body. I am clearing out the toxins gradually
by cleaning out my colon first and formost, then taking liver supporting
teas and drinking juice on occassion. i feel great because of the fasts.
And i have become more food concious because of it!

joseph jones says:

Fasting does not occur until 72 hours has expired for a man and 48 hours
for a woman. This is when the body actually goes into Ketosis and the body
begins to burn fat. Read documents by Dr. Herbert Sheldon, or Professor
Arnold Ehret if you want to know how to fast. Asking a doctor is a waste of
time. They can’t make any money off it.

VeganMinimalist Mark says:

Take enemas with home enema kit. It has changed my health amazingly. A
coffee enema will cleanse your colon and your liver. Or just a couple of
warm water enemas will clean everything out of your colon.

Kent Paul Alojado says:


iblockpuncheswithmyface says:

Next time that happens take a tablespoon of epsom salts, and dissolve it
into a cup of water, then drink it. Then drink two or three cups of regular
water. Then stay close to the bathroom for a couple hours.

heart79605 says:

@bitcheznhos ROFL

Morayo O says:

Thank you

John Smith says:

@McMuffinsMan Well you should ask your physician or you could eat for fiber
and drink more water, water forces you to go to the restroom more, there
fore it’s taking out toxins.

Jake Beadle says:

Fasting for too long=anorexia.

Shannon lee says:


John Kemmerer says:

will it fix my shitty digestion? maby my food allergies? how long should i
do it?

McMuffinsMan says:

Ok what if you know you have a big buildup of toxins in your colon. What is
the best method to really get alot out?

yugnath Reddy says:


Johnny Thundercougar Excalibur says:

Only starvation mode on the first and second day. On the third day it goes
into restoration mode, cleaning most toxins from the body.

ryaneda says:

My farts smell like death and I like bloated… probably colon issues. So
all I got outta this is metamucil and soup for three days. Not much help
but thanks it was something. I’ll do it.

ryaneda says:

okay what foods? I don’t want to buy from some site. I can go to the
grocery market in my town. I need colon cleanse my farts smell like death
lol. but for reals they do!

Jim Piper says:

Ramadan fasting is a joke. During this month more food is consumed than any
other month of the year. Why? People just flip flop their days: they nap
all day, and then gorge when the sun goes down. Emergency rooms are usually
filled with people with stomach ailments due to improperly fasting. Some do
it correctly, and the the spiritual lift. But most just pile on the food in
the evenings, and then sleepwalk through their days.

Paul O'Neal says:

Drink 5 cups of coffee per day…

Quran Now says:

to avoid gas iliminate cheese, kidney beans, hot spices/vegetables,
sweet/hot jalapeno from your diet.

kterbo says:

I agree, natural fiber foods is what you need for a cleans. You do not need
metamucil, all you need can be found in natural healthy foods

Attwa Garwoa says:

yea lets eat raw kebab! no thanks

kev mc says:

@ilovedamusic1000 that is very bad for your health. i would go to the
doctors to make sure you dont have a twisted bowl, as this can kill you. if
thats ok, then get more fibre in your diet, like she said the metamusal (or
just sileum husks much cheaper) are good

Quran Now says:

” if there had been something which can prevent Death, it would be Senna”
Prophet Muhammad. in the morning drink 2 tablespoons of powdered leafs with
lot of hot liquids & pure raw honey. or drink 1liter water 6hours infusion
of 30g leafs. totally safe & natural devine herb it creates dearrhea . use
it only once a year in day when u don’t work.

Gowshihan008 says:

@24lanovia ramadhan is not fasting its called skipping lunch hahaa

lexingray says:

A good method of losing weight –

chris1002clf says:

ya i heard the other people that way i try it>>

SharpiesMakeYouHigh says:

Oh god i just cleansed my colon -___- lol jk

lanovia ludifitri says:

that’s why Moslem people every year must fasting in a whole month Ramadhan

XOLOTL says:

im worried and annoyed i havent gone to the bathroom (poo waste) in six
days it all has been loading up in my belly how can i clean it all out?

DudeYourSoBK says:

Muslim – Rahamadam Rahamadam – Fasting Fasting – How to fast good.

kitkatt212 says:

@spiceytaco95 terrible idea… taking exlax has been explained to me as
“lighting fire crackers in your intestines” worst thing I’ve done to my
body pretty sure, … don’t do it long term, only occasionally

Miriam090985 says:

is fasting even healthy for the body? doesn’t the body go into starvation
mode, and the next tiime you eat something , it automatic stores it as fat,
because it isn’t sure, when it is gonna get food again!?

Rosemaree Laurino says:

Not many people know that you can perform these ‘fasts’ in a few days. The
idea of changing your health and lifestyle always seems like an
insurmountable task, but really, as you say, avoiding solids and increasing
your fiber intake can have amazing cleansing benefits. Very succinct
summation for a healthy, quick fast. Thanks for posting.

MakeupArtistWant2B says:

Organic coffee enema! Real liver detox!

realdeal987 says:


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