The Health Minute – A clean colon is key to good health

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According to health professionals, 90 percent of Americans have impacted colons. This video is a must see for anyone who is concerned about their health and healing. Whether you’re suffering from inordinate weight gain, chronic illness, fatigue, cancer, diabetes or any of a myriad of other disorders, cleaning your colon may be the answer to your return to optimal health and healing.


Integra DIY says:

this makes my stomach hurt and not want to take a shit 

George Hawkins says:

What about the tea called “smooth move”? 

OhWiseOne says:

What happened to Colon Powell ?

Barbara Reed says:

Healthy colon is important. This video was enlighting.

Jonny Lolyon says:

I fell blouse up 

wisdom seeker says:

Best video on the subject!

Jonathan Thompson says:

eat more donuts

Jonny Lolyon says:

I fell blouse up 

Barbara Reed says:

Healthy colon is important.

Selena Diaz says:

Thank you for sharing very informative, the ancient people knew about this
information a long time ago :)

marcy dominguez says:

Great vid.

XXtheJUMPoffXX says:

Great video, more people should be aware of this.

evelyn duncan says:


38tripleK says:

good job, keep it clean.

Tastethe CoffeeJack says:

clean colon is key . . . but unclogging doesn’t happen with just food diet
. . . . clean red blood cells are the fastest way to clean the colon . .
.Breathe Deep Tech . . . . will regenerate red blood cells.

WarriorOfTheHeavens says:

Wow this video was a real eye opener and very scary!

Mojeer Yunis says:

Drinking Prune juice, and eating beets are good methods for colon cleansing

Mahendra Pandey says:
Ashfaq Hossain says:

Very informative and convincing. Worth watching. Sharing in facebook for
friends and relative to benefit from the knowlwdge.

Scott Bryant says:

do you have this ????

The Oracle says:

It is why melon should be eaten alone since it will digest quicker than
anything else it might be eaten with. If you want proper digestion go 70%
percent raw and apply the rules of proper food combing.

YootubeComplaints says:

‘i think the pic at 6:05 might have been chosen because its scary. and a
couple after that. but its all good. you know to avoid it now

Dansthoughts says:

You know your colon is clean when, you begin to have the need to go to the
bathroom several times a day everyday.

Murugan Rajaa says:

the video was really good. Thanks for enlightening us….

HK Satya says:

its really suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper video. i m also suffering 4m colon problem

Aren Mori says:

love the pics

Ben Jorgensen says:

theres a lot of truth hear for sure!!…BUT, theres a lot of myth mixed in.
this is unfortunate, as some skeptical people will only focus on what is
wrong in this vid and discredit the rest. the term mucoid plaque is in my
opinion largely misunderstood my even the “experts”, to me mucoid plaque
can range from simple harder-than-normal stool, to these SEVER pictures in
this vid..

lrrichards1218 says:

I’m stupefied! Why didn’t we know this information. I remember my cousin
aunt died, when they did the autopsy on her they said her insides were
black and liquified because her system had poisoned itself! Wow…smh…

talusan909 says:

I fast one or two days a week to cleanse and help detox my entire body. I
only drink water and feel good during fasting and don’t feel hunger at all.
I start my fasting at 7pm. My goal is to fast for 10 days with only water
to drink. For now, I started with one day fast, then after doing that a
couple of times, I did the two days fasting, and eventually work my way up
to 10 days. I feel comfortable doing it slow and enjoy the process knowing
that my body will be healthier.

nicky lin says:

90% of all diseases can be avoided if our liver and colon are clean and

sunsetstormx S says:

Would you please explain ‘how’ you take your coconut oil? I am unable to
just pop it in my mouth. Any ideas for taking it daily that are less
difficult? Thanks!!

jogie ann Fernandez says:

be a good steward in your body because GOD intrust us to take care our body
GOD BLESS everyone

nicky lin says:

I have replaced all of my usage of all sugars with Jaggery. I was also
adviced to replace my food intake to the following ratio. Nuts and lentils
: fruits and vegetables : meats (5 : 3 : 1). The meat part comes from only
fish source. Avoid red meat altogether. It really makes your body acidic.
And of course water like 22y32g9 adviced alkaline water better. Thank you.

Ben Jorgensen says:

not everyone has these monsters in their colon. and to say that “there were
40 lbs of mucoid plaque” is blowing it out of proportion. some of that is
normal fesses. and i doubt much of it actually was hard as “tire rubber”
LOL. i certainly believe in auto-intoxication, but it can happen WITHOUT
such horribly LATE-STAGE “mucoid plaque” present. i also have a very strong
disdain for “cleansing PRODUCTS”, herbs for sure, but FOOD first and

sunsetstormx S says:

Would you like to please explain the coffee cleanse and the colon cleanse
you do? Thank you.

nicky lin says:

Please read up on Andreas Moritz and Dr Hiromi Shinya. You will get the
methods and the bigger picture. There are also their videos on youtube on
liver and gall bladder flush and cafe colon.

jane Jones says:

take dr. ohirras probiotics, it will clean you out really good, the stuff
is amazing

Rechil Dagatan says:

Hello… body odor may also be a sign of auto intoxification… you need to
detoxify… please have time to see this.

nicky lin says:

Drink castor oil once a month. Then do your liver cleansing 2 weeks later.
Do your colon cleansing (coffee) once a week. Keep doing this and I assure
you will be fine. My husband and my 2 teenage girls and I do this
religiously. For the past 2 years we have not been to the doctors, not
taken any aspirin or paracetamol. My migrain and the lumps in my breast are
gone. Take also 2 tablespoon of coconut oil everyday to keep Alzheimers
away. I am reaching 50 and my skin is so smooth and beautiful.

Samir Dhanani says:

Well said thank for the info :)

Ben Jorgensen says:

also this idea of food enzyme is way off base. not were it’s at folks! the
problem is not enzyme deficiency. and certainly not that we have “used up”
our “pool” of enzymes. if foods had active digestive enzymes in them..they
would digest on the shelf. we dont have a finite supply of enzymes. now,
for sure people can have an slowed ability to make them! but not because
they aren’t getting them in their food. enzymes in plants are there for the
plants GROWTH. thats all.

johnny fleming says:

Exercising is also very important…. Enemas / clonics / low cal raw foods
.. And 30 mins of cardio exercise will put anyone in perfect health.

nicky lin says:

what is bogus if you dont do it you wont believe it. try it and you will
know the difference

Andy132 says:

another 9+ minute lecture on how it’s important to cleanse the colon,
without suggesting any methods of doing so..

nicky lin says:

Coffee and colon cleanse is the same thing, just that you use organic
coffee powder boiled and cooled in a pot of water for the cleanse. Please
read up on Andreas Moritz and Dr Hiromi Shinya. The 2 people we learnt
everything from. Andreas Moritz is an expert on liver and the gall bladder
flush. Dr Hiromi Shinya is an advocate on coffee enema. He is a medical
doctor who recommends all his cancer patients to do the coffee enema.
Please feel free to write again.

opinionatedVegan says:

Hi I suffer from body odor I’m not sure if its trimethylaminuria or
bromhidrosis . I’m constipated. I’ve tried senna pod I think my body got
use to it since I was taking it every other day after a while I would get
bad cramps. I’ve been juicing and eating salads for 2 weeks. I want to
clean my body from the inside out . I don’t know what to do or where to
began. My period smell like road kill I was taking DEPO for almost 5 years
. I think I’m 180-170 lbs maybe less I’m 5″4 I0ls help

MrStan1941 says:

Good educational video

Poor life choices says:


1falconeye2 says:

@SuperArogya If your colon is blocked, there’s a great product called
triphala. you may want to research it . It’s an interesting product.

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