First Ever Live TV Colonoscopy

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In Full: CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric guided The Early Show anchor Harry Smith through a colonoscopy on live TV. Couric is an advocate of colorectal cancer prevention.


EastBayFM says:

Why is she dressed like a doctor? Only doctors get to wear the white coat
and hang the stethoscope around their neck… a nurse outfit would have
been more appropriate. 

johnathan stith says:

Very important to get one I had mine this week they found one polyop. 

Jovani Pliego says:

Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping ? O _ o 

Shaun Kahler says:

lol they didn’t show the part where he looks right into the camera and
blasts a massive fart

Scott K says:

If anyone ever tells Harry Smith to shove a camera up his ass, he can say
“I have already”

Pece17 says:

Oh, I thought it said “Worst ever live TV colonoscopy”! I was waiting
something bad to happen the whole time is was watching is xd

T Thoy says:

I had a colonoscopy where they found no polyps, yay …and like Harry
stated it provided a tremendous piece of mind having completed this test.
The prep/water mix tasted like extra sweet kool-aid which I recommend
washing it down with water and nothing else but water. Sips of water in
between drinking the prep/water mix was beneficial for me. If you are 50+
Save your life and have a colonoscopy done ASAP. It wasn’t all that bad at
all. Cheers !

Jackie Howard says:

Lost a friend to colon cancer last year.

Sherri B. says:

Had one today….
We’ll talk “shyt” later.Blog coming soon!

timeriderx says:

Dark side of the moon, that’s funny Harry!! Katie makes a great Mama! As
for women saying men have more colon problems, well that’s a dietary
consideration. Men do eat more meat and less veggies. Not a good idea, we
have all heard about what they found in John Wayne’s gut! Katie maybe you
should have been in the health trades. But some of us would miss you and
that big smile and frank opinions! LOL!

Bryianna Portela says:

I am having my colonoscopy in about 2 hrs…but after watching this video,
which by the way is great! But I am feeling some concerns about whether or
not my doctor will take his time and look really well and what if he misses
something? We as patients worry mostly about just having the procedure done
and the prep and all. But, this is an extremely important procedure, and we
all know how busy and rushed doctors seem to be these days. I took notes
from this video and I plan to ask my doctor before we start, how much time
he will spend carefully examining the colon during the “withdraw” stage
this video says it should be a minimum of 6 minutes. Gee, I hope he
welcomes my question and doesn’t get offended.

MMID303 says:

I had one, and and upper gi both at the same time. I was asleep the whole
time. The prep you have to drink is nasty though.

Stephen Lee says:

Why on Earth is she wearing scrubs, lab coat and stethoscope? So self

jayhawker53 says:

why would they show this stuff on tv. you would think they have better
things to talk about instead of someone’s colonoscopy. colonoscopies are
overated. it’s an invasion. I know someone had a colonoscopy and they did
some damage to his colon and intestine and it nearly killed him. that
stupid doctor is no longer around.

2003JrF4i says:

Katie, please let the Dr finish talking! 

Cash Daugherty says:

I just had one. It wasn’t bad at all. It was easy. The prep is a very
minor inconvenience, but I wouldn’t mind doing it again if necessary. 

Phillip McGhie says:

I get a colonoscopy for Crones but they put me all the way out so I don’t
feel anything I am sleeping the whole time

Mary Kelly says:

Great watch, while I sit here… sit here.. sit here at 5am waiting for a 9:20am
procedure! Thanks for sharing your vulnerable sides!

Marie France says:

Am a 22 year-old female and I had mine today. 

James Hall says:

I was in the 25% and had adenoma removed. The prep keeps you very busy but
it’s actually really NICE to be totally empty and I felt much better than
normal for next several days until things returned to normal. I appreciate
the knock-out drugs too, I think I might have obsessed a little over the
process if I were awake. I go back in 5 years with no reservations at all.

Michael Zola says:
Richard Sclafani says:

I have had 3, and never took anesthesia. its 15 min of some discomfort and
then you walk out and go for breakfest lol. P.S. I had my 1st one at age
40, and they took out 3 polyps. If I would have waited, I may be dead

Ron Alina says:

I’m next in line Harry, going Wednesday

Russell Kostal says:

i just watched a video of a man getting a camera shoved up his ass…

Jrozik says:

I getting on tommorow, UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

LordGandor3 says:

I recently turned 51 I followed the prep to a T which thoroughly flushed my
colon I opted for no sedation at Scripps Rancho Bernardo Dr.Franklin Tsai
used Co2& water I watched the whole procedure on the screen even when he
clipped 1 polyp I basically felt nothing. With the Co2 you really don’t
feel anything, the procedure lasted just over 13 min. I repeat there is
absolutely no need for sedation ! I expected to feel a little pain but
there was none. By the way sedation adds $200 – $600 to the cost.afterwards
I went straight to the beach & had lunch !

muffins4tots says:

You can develop poly’s which are a type of tumor, and they can become
malignant cancers.

tenjinnim says:

did it a while back… sorry for not replying back.. it wasn’t that bad for
me at all. they put me to sleep so i didnt really feel shit (pun intended)
but yea the worst is when they shoved a enema in my ass. the preprep was
the worst. the actual procedure was a breeze

musiclover1989 says:

Its educational though.

atube4view says:

Too much talk!

FuzzyIndianBoy says:


AMVsKix says:

Colononscopy preps are not fun! Mine was on Friday. They found a Ploypoid

F SAM says:

I wondered what katies anus looked liked.

Lonnie Harger says:

Just had mine today, and it was easy. They knock you out, wake you up and
give you juice and cookies. That’s it! Juice and cookies.

Assif Majid says:

I’m having one this year!!!! I have to have 1 every 3 years it’s the most
horriffic procedure, they found polyps and I was only 24!!!!

Applepiebetty says:

Men are thought to be the ones with colon problems because women out number
men and we know men are ass holes. :-) It was a natural assumption. LOL

NaturalBeautie09 says:

@victor3381 How’d it go? did you have hemorrhoids?

NuclearNympho says:

how does a Colonoscopy prevent cancer?…lol

Donald Neal says:

It’s really not that serious. I don’t see what you’re worked up a bout,
it’s a medical procedure on T.V. At least it’s educational.

bloodyangel5463 says:

Yeah and they are right stupid fag why would they show tits on TV or you
dad penis -.- you must be sick to compare health and showing organs just
for showing them.

Brian Wold says:

Thank you Katie and Harry. I will be having one done at the end of December
and feel much better about it after watching this video. It was very
informative and calmed my nerves about the procedure! Thanks again. Brian
W. Denver, CO

D. Thompson says:

I’m sending this to a good friend (Maurice who hasn’t had one yet. Had mine
done about 8 months ago, turned out fine.

Phishboy26 says:

@daveypot Diverticulitis is nothing to joke around with. I had a massive
infection in my colon that had to be drained and the infected area was a
foot long. I have to have surgery on Oct 1st. Consume as much fiber as you

tenjinnim says:

i got to do this is the next 8 hours… cant go to sleep.. FML

computerwiz84 says:


James McCully says:

“What would possess CBS to do this? How sick?” Why is it sick to show a
medical procedure sonec90? This is something that is done to prevent people
from dying. How old are you? It makes people more aware to get this done.
Everyone is encouraged to get one at 50 or before if you have a history in
your family. It’s not sick at all.

tenjinnim says:

wait… when you have a colonoscopy… they dont put u to sleep ?

ChrisKuttab says:

Haha, I searched that because of SNL too !!

flcl64 says:

i wouldnt let that guy near my ass with that smile.

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