What Are Digestive Disorders? | Stomach Problems

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Watch more How to Prevent Stomach Problems & Digestive Disorders videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/504335-Can-Stress-Cause-Stomach-Problems-Stomach-Problems

Learn about digestive disorders from gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu, M.D. in this Howcast video about stomach problems.

Digestive disorders are basically diseased states of the organs that are involved with digestion. So that includes your mouth, your esophagus, your stomach, your small bowel, and your large bowel, rectum and anus. So some of the most common digestive disorders are peptic ulcer disease, and that’s when we develop a little sore inside of our stomach or our small bowel. And that could be related to

an infection, or it could be related to aspirin, or nonsteroidals which we take for joint pain.

Other things could be gastroesphogeal reflux, which is very common. And that happens when our gastro contents, which is very acidic, washes up into our esophagus, and our esophagus does not like that acidity. So we wind up presenting with pain, or heat, or a burning sensation that goes up from our abdomen up to our chest. Other things such as constipation, where we are not going to the, we’re not emptying out our bowels at an appropriate amount. Or diarrhea where we are emptying them out too quickly.

The other thing is colon cancer, which is fairly common but with screening colonoscopies are actually doing a good job with decrease the amount of colon cancer. Hepatitis, and hepatitis C and B are viral infections of the liver, pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, and that can come from drinking too much alcohol, or from other viral causes. So what’s involved with the digestive system is all the organs that are involved with digestion.


SmileyKats says:


JPavilionPublic says:

Seems Legit

Henrik Vollstad says:

i like how she ended with anus!

taylor d says:

so what everyone has one

ac130hgunr says:

She said anus 0:16

Mister Bang says:

She said “anus”. Hee Hee!

Jonh Cuttingham says:


Mister Bang says:

and you have none.

Fellow Frog Person says:

Wait what?

ac130hgunr says:

Woah that comment was from april

ConstipatedTroll says:

who needs digestion when you got swag #YOLO

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