Only medication helps my baby’s constipation, but it gives her diarrhea. What can I do?

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You mentioned that you have a 16 month old little girl who seems to either be constipated or be having diarrhea. You tried to fix the constipation in the beginning and you tried modifying her diet by giving her things like prunes and prune juice. That’s always the first step so that’s good that you tried that. Because it didn’t work you called the doctor and got an over the counter modification to help. Over the counter medications are commonly prescribed for kids who don’t respond well to simple diet changes so your doctor’s plan was totally good. It usually helps in most cases and it sounds like it has, it’s loosened her up but you’re worrying about it being too much. While your daughter is receiving the over the counter medication you might try cutting back on things like prunes and prune juice and see if that helps. Apple juice can also contribute to diarrhea so cut back on those things while giving her the over the counter medication and see if it makes a difference for her. If you’re concerned watch specifically for the number of wet diapers she’s having each day. If she’s having at least six then that’s a sign that she’s well hydrated. If you ever notice that her diapers are really watery or suddenly she’s going a lot more than she used to, then bring it up with the pediatrician and maybe they can adjust the dose of her medication or suggest a different plan. Good luck with everything and if you have any other questions for me in the future feel free to ask them our Facebook page at and recommend us to your friends and family too.


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