Colon cancer symptoms and information

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Information about colon cancer as well as common symptoms.

Colorectal cancer, also called colon cancer or bowel cancer, includes cancerous growths in the colon, rectum and appendix. It is the third most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the Western world. Colorectal cancer causes 655,000 deaths worldwide per year.[1] Many colorectal cancers are thought to arise from adenomatous polyps in the colon. These mushroom-like growths are usually benign, but some may develop into cancer over time. The majority of the time, the diagnosis of localized colon cancer is through colonoscopy. Therapy is usually through surgery, which in many cases is followed by chemotherapy.

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Colon cancer often causes no symptoms until it has reached a relatively advanced stage. Thus, many organizations recommend periodic screening for the disease with fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy. When symptoms do occur, they depend on the site of the lesion. Generally speaking, the nearer the lesion is to the anus, the more bowel symptoms there will be, such as:

* Change in bowel habits
o change in frequency (constipation and/or diarrhea),
o change in the quality of stools
o change in consistency of stools
* Bloody stools or rectal bleeding
* Stools with mucus
* Tarry stools (melena) (more likely related to upper gastrointestinal eg stomach or duodenal disease)
* Feeling of incomplete defecation (tenesmus) (usually associated with rectal cancer)
* Reduction in diameter of feces
* Bowel obstruction (rare)


Gary Ferg says:

You shoul pray Nuk. Pray often that you dont get what I got. 

GamingChannel444 says:

Wow 2007 long time ago! Can’t believe im watching this video 9 minutes
before Christmas 2014.

Electro Kitten says:

Phew, i have none of them 

Makaveli ThaDon says:

Almost everything he Described Is Relative To Ulcerative Collitus Or Ibs 

Nikita Patil says:

wat shld i do next :(

AmbitiousCanine says:

O_O… I have most of them…. says:

@whatsoever4382 n’aw thanks :) <3

BlueBird1880 says:

I’m 12 And I only have the symptom of lack of energy. But I sleep really
late. My father had colon cancer :( he survived though :)

Lucas Garza says:

The most recent development has been thin bowel movements for about the
last 3 weeks now :) the fun and worry continue. I’ve been to a
gastrointestinal specialist he wants to do an endoscopy, ultrasound, and
colonoscopy but I don’t have the best insurance so I’ll have to pay money
out of pocket I cannot afford. It is frustrating to be so close to answers
and have none

Jasmine Khayatii says:

@dream2last : if you don’t eat any type of meat your skin will be pale like
a sick person and your body will be so weak that makes you search for an
energy to face a illness or the hard weathers like cold and sun , the flu
;)) meat is important just eat it in a healy way don’t deny your self from
it 😉 just be balanced in your food and you will live longer ^_^ and

LulzBat says:

Thanks a lot now im gonna be worried for the next six months.

Leiraretek13 says:

Colonoscopy on time can save your life.

Germae Anne says:

@MrRainbowbridge1 people at the age of 50 years old and above are at higher
risk to acquiring colon cancer than other age groups.

Casey Attard says:

Grandpa please be kk :'(

IronicallyVague says:

Low income & no insurance, lol – One day off work & I am homeless.Not much
of a choice. Shotgun shells are cheaper 😛 I would really like to know if
they will try to take my home & belongings when I die for payment? I’d like
to leave that to my kids I adopted.

sociablyclussy says:

Afghan sativa hemp oil is cancer cure !!!

sociablyclussy says:

Afghan Sativa hemp oil extract is cancer cure !!!

kniaugaudiskis says:

Hope you’ll be fine!

JooJoo Flop says:

@viper10005 Good luck how did it go?


I’d advise anyone to see the doctor immediately.

xXPhantomsRageXx says:

i too have all the stool and bloating related symptoms…but no blood found
in the test and no weight loss and fatigue

CSUSBlikesOmfgcata says:

especially red meats know factor to increase risk of cancer

Afshi Haider says:

dont eat any type of meat

BinaryReader says:

i hope everything worked out ok for you.

Samuel Cardoza says:


DeckardA1A1 says:

can I get colon cancer at 14?

slimer009282 says:

this is a big help thank you for sharing this video

Anna Liedtke says:

fuck man i have all of those symptoms..i should talk with a doctor..Music
of that video sounds too cheerful for such a serious topic in my opinion.

watisthis99 says:

@viper10005 How did it go?

KayyKayy9513 says:

oh-my may need to get tested for thid:S:S:S im veryy scared

Jasmine Khayatii says:

@dream2last .. its not good at all dream2last1:: yeah you should eat meat..
only the pig that you shouldn’t eat do you know why??? well the pig as
every one know that he eat’s any thing even if it is dirty like drafts and
offal but for example the sheep eat any thing green and healthy try it by
your self … if we put a sheep in the offal it can’t eat it but if we give
it the vegetables he will eat it simply .. and the pig will eat them all
especially the offal the ping is a dirty animal see

alvinwskiang says:

eat more veg & fruits u will more better.

mdafcker says:

Im 20, a month ago i bought a new grill.. like an idiot i pretty much ate
steaks, pork chops, burgers, meat, meat, meat… so i was constipated…
this is gonna be gross but i had hemmorhoids, and blood on tissue, i
thought it was normal.. then i got really constipated and my stool had
mucus.. still i ignored it .. about two weeks ago it was green.. im not
eating meat like i use to but im still not getting my regular bowel
movement now im scared i might have colon cancer. but i have no insurance

JooJoo Flop says:

@cade11 err hang on… next year? for the doctors to even think you have a
high risk factor an Colonoscopy would be at most a month away.. they would
not leave it a year to find out the issues that is going on inside you.

grobistheconqueror says:

I’m 16. i have some of these symptoms. shit.

Leiraretek13 says:

Colonoscopy on time, saves your life!!

Hope Holloway says:

i’m 16 and i have all of these symptoms. cancer runs in my family. i’m
going to the doctors today but most likely she’ll just look at me and tell
me that i’m fine.

Natan Kozel says:

I’m 13 years old child and I have all these symptoms.

Hellosupman says:

THxxx this help or my projecttt so much..

Devin Baudean says:

You’re 12 dude. It’s a teenage stage, I’m 16 and I sometimes sleep till
1:00 in the afternoon. No need to fret.

TheGoddessBrooke says:

@grobistheconqueror I’m 13 and my doctor thinks that i have bowel cancer,
go get checked out

AZCopperHead says:

I’m 18 and I have most of these symptoms, but seriously anyone who doesn’t
eat right could develop them. I doubt it’s cancer but it wont hurt to check
and I advise the same to anyone my age or any other group at that,
especially if you’re that worried.

viper10005 says:

i am getting tested tommorow for colon cancer i have all of these symptoms
and im only 18

AJskullz09 says:

Today I had a tiny tiny drop of blood in my stool and when I wiped some a
tiny bit of blood was on the TP. In the last 4 months I have been
constipated twice but I guess it was because I haven’t been active. I have
loads if energy and for the most part my stool is good. Beside the tiny
bite of blood do u think I should be worried??

Meng Wu says:

@itsteeyoushlaaagx Colon cancer is completely treatable if detected at an
early stage. Meaning if the tumor is small and has not spread beyond the
colon wall, your grandma still has a good chance of survival. Hope all goes
well for her!

Chris Ty says:

I just knew from my mother’s physician today that she is already in stage 4
of colon cancer.

19andrew80 says:

Regarding the warning in the beginning: Why post this if this is not a
general factual cited information.

amberxxx13 says:

mum mums had most of these for 3 month and has only gone to the doctor
today i hope its not this though

MUZIKLUVA420 says:

thanks yes everthing worked out thank GOD,,,,,,,only hemroids thank u

IronicallyVague says:

Ironically I went in years ago to get checked out, The first thing done was
an MRI but the guy who gave me the shot made a snot comment “how come YOU
don’t work?”..I didn’t feel like explaining how I do work jobs most won’t
to support myself I’ve never been on welfare of any kind, But Illegals all
drive nice cars…Whatever… Since I’m a paranoid Schizo & I didn’t feel
well after his shot I stopped going in to find out why I felt bad. Guess
this paranoid schizo stuff killed me after all.

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