Colon Cancer Early Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Early Symptoms now video is about tips on how to prevent colon cancer detecting early symptoms for colon cancer,and learning this tips cold make the difference between life an death for you.


xitslizzyx says:

I am 12 years old and at school today I got a minni stomach pain and have
not been constipated tho and have not seen any blood or mucus in stool but
my bum feels different than it used to be !! I am so scared my mom says
cause im “growing up” if u know what I mean but I don’t believe it my mom
is a nurse and have spokn to her about it and she says im ok but I don’t
think so !!1

BoringDayDevelop says:

I’m 17, and Ive been constipated for a while now, about 2 months, Its been
on and off kinda, and I’ve had blood in my stool about 3 times. The first
two was because of an anal fissure, but the third, I just don’t know. I
just turned 17 too, and I think I’m dying. I don’t want to go to a doctor(I
will be) because I’m afraid of getting the tests done and finding out that
I am dying. I just don’t know anymore.

John Gallo says:

Just lost my good friend to Colon Cancer , he was only 32 years old :(

lazychino2 says:

i dont have any stomach pain but im still constipated for a 3 weeks now. do
u guys think i should go see a doctor?

Neautral Eye says:

My friend , a student of BTH sweden died yesterday on 12th june 2013 after
suffering from colon cancer. Last two weeks before he died , was
terrible….i wish nobody would suffer like him, 30 yrs old….what a young
life stopped…pray for him.

Andrea Bjornvig says:

I know right? The hell did that have to do with this video?

LivinLuvinLife99 says:

I’m very sorry to hear this Mehedi. What were his symptons and for how long
? Did he see a Dr or take a blood test or did he not see a Dr ? i guess
best thing is to get a Colonoscopy. Was he bleeding when he went to
bathroom and for how long, weeks, months ? did the Dr’s give him any
mediicines or told him it was too late ? I WILL PRAY FOR HIM !!! GODSPEED

OhhWaldoBaybee says:

i think i have colon caner.. i’m 19 and been suvering with stumic pains for
over a year now, iv been tested for everything except cancer.. im in pain
every single pain, its so hard im struggling to keep up with college.. i
haaaaate eating, it just hurts so much 2 digest it.. im lossing weight
fast, in constant pain and alwaaaays wana sleep! help?

roaming soul says:

@cunnidvd loooooooool you’re totally right, what a damn idiot who did this
vid, fucking retard, the first time i saw it i was like what da hell ??
what’s with all the bikini girls and the hot beat music?? looool

VWGTI says:

Maybe the girl`s sign is cancer. 😉

XSoulStormX says:

@SteevLao you are only 13, colon cancer need at least 10 years to reach to
terminate stage 4, so unless your colon cancer started at age 3 you are
suffering from something less fatal. So don’t worry too much kid. Stress
can cause brain cancer.

SteevLao says:

Im scared, im only 13 and i think my colon is damaged or ripped. one day at
school this mexican kid punched me right under my ribs on the right side of
my body, then later on the day, i came home and used “#2”. i noticed tehre
was blood with my stool, it was coagulated blood (my mom told me). when i
move a bit too much, i feel slight pain in the area i was hit, can the
colon heal itself? im very very concerned, i been pooing blood for the last
week and a half, plz reply wat do i need to do,ASAP

roaming soul says:

Are you sure this video is about cancer in the first place? what’s with the
weird music and the bikini girls?? what’s the relevance?

Stratton Carr says:

I’ve had stomach aches for a long time and it hasn’t hurt me

Sam Sawlani says:

can you get rid of this background noise? it really spoiled your video.

ronnie evers says:

I was going to say something about how bad this is,,,but after reading the
others commits,,I guess you should know how bad it is and remove it..It
really is bad,,

Carolyn F. says:

TERRIBLE VIDEO. Watch something else on this topic.

eddie johns says:

alcoholic for 14 yrs,heavy drinking….I often see blood at the end of my
stools,and…yeah….my stools are always runny and strangly ooze like,or
looks like slime,whats weird is it sinks to the bottom of the
toilet…rather than floats… does that sound bad? very putrid smelling at
time too…I might have a problem

Vickie Gvz says:

I have all that, im a 17 year old girl … doctors thought of it being
apendix.. does fever without a reason count as a symptom ? help ..

jannisares says:

Yes. But there is a number of other illnesses you can have, like Chrohn’s
disease or divireticulitis, or irritable bowl which is cyclic. I was at the
doctor today for similar troubles. A colonosiscope can tell what’s going on
inside your relevant areas. Its a simple procedure you get put under for.
The same for endoscope to check the throat and stomach.

baynlovey says:

Thank god I don’t have that bikini body builder look, now i know i am
cancer free, wtf!

Billy Johnson says:

i get a small amount of blood on the tissue and i get headaches and very
very little pain not that painful but a bit in my right lower ab what is
this . ps im only 14 could it be somthing else

XSoulStormX says:

@OhhWaldoBaybee less then 1% of the population under the age of 35 have
colon cancer. Perhaps you have ulcerative colitis? If that is the case you
need to get a allergy test to see if you have any food allergy such as
dairy or gluten. Or get a colonscopy to put your mind at ease. You sound
like a hypochondriac.

Myndja Bizness says:

This video is the absolute worst. From the obnoxious, loud club music to
the misinformation.

taserthis1984 says:

Very unpleasant music choice for such a sensitive and emotional subject.

XSoulStormX says:

@johnson1123168 Could be internal hemorrhoids. At your age you don’t need
to worry that much about colon cancer. It is very rare for someone your age
to get colon cancer.

USERNAME8335 says:

If I’m 15 Turing 16 in few days and I just recently had like stomach pain
in lower left sorta by belly button and i was constipated so I went to my
parents work to get a kub x ray they said I just got gas and my bowel is
just piling up so they have me two laxatives and It made me go to the
restroom with diarrhea like green diarrhea and I think like mucus and the
pain sorta went away but still sometimes hurts a lil bit should I be

Jup Jup says:

This video is just surreal

lilpavman100 says:

your a complet fuck wit mate if i could see your face ill fuken ripit off

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