Kangen Water and Colon Health

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The amazing health secret from Japan.
Kangen Water. See what it can do for your health


sugarbarre says:

EBAY people cant sell kangen for less…scam and maybe problem with machine
if you move it and spill special bottle inside,, it ruins the warrantee,
enagic will open the motor , rebuild to last 20 years, the gold standard in
water machines, is enagic, only others can say cheaper, and we know why.
hubby is engineer, space program took apart all specs, none make the same,
The water doesnt cure, the body self repairs but must have genuine machine
in working order. Well water can be problem

bobdinker says:

Just wondering what your website is? Please let me know if you have a
chance. Thanks.

flakingnapstich says:

Skeptoid’s episode about Kagen Water really opened my eyes to the real
power of this program!

halleyscomet says:

Check out the Skeptoid Podcast episode “Kangen Water: Change Your Water,
Change Your Life ” to learn the TRUTH about Kangen water.

Marissa Morningstaur says:

Silver1Sprg … you are so right! Terrible video, and probably not used
with permission. It’s about 20 years old and degraded. Shinya’s work is
very important, though. The water – activated, alkaline, antioxidant water
from a home water ionizer, is a central part of his treatment protocol. The
diet is also the antithesis of the American diet and most people will not
adopt it. No meat, no dairy, and must include foreign things like natto for
the enzymes. His book The Enzyme Factor explains it.

mpowr123 says:

gonindunit, respectfully, the 8.5 water you mention will mainly be
neutralized by stomach acid, will not penetrate cell tissues, and will
carry with it an abundance of problematic inorganic minerals. This water
will do nothing to remove oxidation in the body. In fact, it will increase
it. Anti-oxidant vitamins can also be problematic since they become
oxidative once used, and must then be neutralized. Impossible to determine
the right ratios of vitamins and minerals to ingest to avoid this.

sharinganclan213 says:

i heard froma family relative taht his friend drank the enagic water and he
stopped taking insulin. i doubt my friend would be lying.

Jan Turner says:

I mentioned the pH 8.5 water because not everyone can afford to buy some
expensive machine, I am one of them. Also, I take anti-oxidant vitamins and
mega minerals and I teach others to do the same. Thanks for mentioning it.

1HotRawChef says:

What is the diet that goes with the water? I would like to see it. Thank

mpowr123 says:

Folks… this is not just about pH! It’s about ANTIOXIDANTS. Mineral water
is generally oxidative with lots of inorganic minerals which can dreate
bone and joint issues. Kangen water is LOADED with free electrons which are
the most effective anti-oxidants you can ingest. The Skeptoid article
referenced below is an opinionated piece of trash which references another
nonsense site, both totally misrepresenting the technology, with factual

Detective John McClane says:

Well this stuff is bullshit.

flakingnapstich says:

Rich people who can’t be bothered to research the salesman’s claims.

csordie2000 says:

ebay has kangen water machine for 800$. make alkaline water with a pinch of
baking soda. I am testing it and find it quite promissing. I find it harder
to breath good oxygen with a acid soft drink than with a baking soda water
it seem to block absorption of oxygen.please experiment first and critisise

flakingnapstich says:

Google the Skeptoid episode about Kagen Water for a nice summary of the
science behind te different brands and the health benefits!

Star3NoLimits says:

@chatthew124 Hi… I have an acquaintance who was kind enough to sell me
this by the gallon…I had been drinking distilled for years. I have severe
problems and this has helped me out tremendously but I was told the system
costs (at lest her’s did) around $4000.00 Who has that kind of money? How
much did you pay for yours? I would go on record trying to help sell this
system but I don’t know anyone who could afford this much in this economy.
Thanks in advance

Jan Turner says:

You don’t need any equipment. Just find some mineral water in your area
that has a pH close to the pH of your blood. My husband found some here
that is about 8 pH. He started drinking only that, cut out excess sugar in
his diet and he lost 12 pounds in 2 months. No special diet. He ate the
same, but his apetite changed for the better and at the age of 52, he’s
looking pretty good.

Silver1Sprg says:

One of the worst videos I’ve seen! Incredibly boring. Ever want a good
developed video, contact me.

UBIX89 says:

can this kangen water cure my acne??

aolish says:

i see kangen water everywhere but no one explains where to get it. anyone

mpowr123 says:

Kangen water will supply free electrons (the ultimate anti-oxidant), then
healthier cells will uptake proper ratios of vitamins/minerals. This is not
“some expensive machine”, but the most cost-effective approach to health
you will find. Supplements and bottled water are actually more expensive
than the SD501machine, while not addressing oxidative stress. Foundational
to health, it is affordable and indispensible.

mpowr123 says:

The bottom line: This technology is truly the most fundamental approach to
health since it involves the component which our bodies are mostly made
of… WATER! Only the Enagic machines can produce the quality of
electrolyzed water to beneficially impact our health. This is about
bringing our bodies into balance at a cellular level so we can self-heal,
as nature intended… simple and empowering concept, isn’t it? BTW, Kangen
Water works… just try some yourself.

0260N3 says:

Domo arigato Domo arigato Domo arigato Domo arigato Enagic! Thanks for
allowing someone like me to experience this wonderful machine and the
wonderful business opportunity. I am on my way to retire in 3 years at the
ripe old age of 40. Once again Domo arigato !!!! Scott West 406 363 2027

charlieduran says:

go to purewaterscience . com for REAL PURE WATER!

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