How To Get Rid Of Constipation On A Raw Food Diet, Ep190

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If you are suffering from constipation on araw food diet, check out today’s episode to find out what you can do.

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Sarah Davinia says:

There are all sorts of tips out there but u need to always consult a doctor
and get yourself tested before you go on any diet, u need to know the root
of your problem before u can fix it not blindly go on any diet because that
can worsen your problem…

internal odyssey says:

thanks for the video :)

very helpful

re98 wlk says:

somethings strange with your teeth. orthodontia? the look fake and in way
when you speak. did it affect your desire to go raw?

Renee Katz says:

Red meat is great. Fruit is junk food. Green vegetables are poisonous.

searchforanewdawn says:

Thank you so much for this. I’ve been raw for a week now. The first days it
actually relieved my constipation. Now for some reason all of a sudden I’ve
gotten clogged up.

John Carey says:

Jahear the one about the constipated jitterbug? Couldn’t jit.

danita014 says:

great advice thanks so much! :)

Zippypo says:

Love the videos where you have the scarves on and smile. Colonics leave me
quetioning how good they are sometimes. After the last colonic it took me
two days before I had a good movement. I am on high greens diet, Did fruit
smoothies with chia after colonic. Still felt impacted.

dandelionbloom says:

Try eating water-rich fruits and vegetables (fruits and vegetables have the
highest water content). Fruits and vegetables with at least 87% water
include: cranberry, orange, peach, pineapple, raspberry, cantaloupe,
grapefruit, strawberry, watermelon, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower,
cucumber, celery, eggplant, iceberg lettuce, sweet pepper, radish, spinach,
zucchini, and tomato. Drink at least 8-12 cups of purified water daily, as

myroadhome says:

I love that scarf – great color for you. Nice job Stick!

Coppulor1 says:


neicebug says:

That is so sweet and generous Johnny!!!! I love that scarf!!!

Marcoosianism says:

Fiber from fruits and vegetables is essential. Too much is only problematic
if you’re already constipated. To suggest humans need a gut of steel to
handle it is erroneous. Of course fiber is not digestible which is how it
serves its purpose to stimulate the colon to begin peristalsis and hence
evacuation. Big poop is healthy. Babies do poop w/o fruit/veg fiber, but
before eating solid foods, it’s in relatively small amounts and consists
mainly of undigested proteins, bowel secretions and mucus.

Necrowitch says:

that’s so sweet of you to send her a scarf! and it looks good on her too!

Veronicaaa says:

try apple cider viniger, probiotics and also raw oils lubricate the

beyuo08 says:

***** :)

samoged says:

Your viewers might also like to know that cayenne pepper makes an amazing
addition for a great enema, especially with coffee enemas -I have used
these two ingredients with wonderful results–a completely empty and
refeshed colon;the cayenne seems to reach the places coffee will not on its
own.keep up the good work.

Vegetable Police says:

Did you know that the guy who wrote the fiber myth needs to take a product
that he sells to induce a bowel movement? Without taking that product, he
can’t go. So I’m wondering, are you following his advice? Not eating fiber,
and it’s working for you? Or did you just read his stuff, believe it, and
are now telling other people it works without testing it yourself?

702sincitylv says:

@4chango Really? I didn’t know that

dbrownskinn says:


Vegetable Police says:

Natasha, what about people that are constipated and avoiding fruit for
candida? They are screwed lol.

Michael Steven Martin says:

@ninmachine109 They don’t poop, they “move things along.”

RawGreenLiving says:

Wow, what a coincidence you posted a vid on this subject. I switched from
Green Smoothies to Green Juices just 2 days ago and am already experiencing
constipation. Glad you shed light on this.

Rachelle Louise says:

I didnt have this problem when I was on high fat raw foods. Ever since I
got on 801010 it got really bad. I couldnt stand it anymore and got back on
cooked for a week. Now Im back on raw. I decided to do 2-24hours of
intermittend fasting a week and one day of cooked. This seems to work for

Icedout24xx says:


zara avani says:

You rock girlie! Will try.

Marcoosianism says:

Mostly likely you weren’t doing 80/10/10 correctly. How many fruits were
you eating? Were they water rich? Were you over-consuming on nuts or
dehydrated foods? Were you drinking water when thirsty?

soboboo says:

@EverloveMusic I considered that as well, but something was just kinda
*off* in this video. I really didn’t mean to be a troll. I LOVE her videos,
and she’s hot (bonus). :) The raw diet is definitely a struggle.

Zippypo says:

@hopesolofan18 I use allot of raw vinegar. I adjusted my diet a bit and
everything is working fine now.

Karen Prosen, CHt. says:

what if you eat 80% fruit, green smoothies, already eat soaked chia seeds
and flax seeds, drink tons of water and exercise? i became raw because i
wanted to fix the chronic constipation ive been experiencing since i was a
child (im 22 now). ive done fasts, parasite cleanses, etc. the only thing
that works for me is doing self-hypnosis every single night, but i dont
want to have to do that for the rest of my life!

Veronicaaa says:

when i got constipation RAW appe cider viniger helps i just take two
moputhfulls full its good i dont even think its a harsh laxative but it
helps alot

yaya415 says:

What If your constipated during your juice fast? What can you do? Drink
natural prune juice? Or what can you add in your juice that can help? Any
info would be great if anyone replies thanks!

pandamadness1 says:

Thanks I really needed this advice so much. I will follow the advice given.

zara avani says:

funny I thought going raw was the SOLUTION to constipation. interesting.

briannalovesyouuuuu says:

okk when i was younger i used to get constipated A LOT!! i know how painful
it is and i get your pain but the best thing that helped me was
sopositories ( sorry idk how to spell it) there little liquid tubes that
you stick up you butt hole i know this sounds weird but trustt me it helps
you can just get them at the store you do not need a prescription. they are
mostly used for children adults can use them as well..

1cbjack says:

Thanks for talking about constipation on raw foods. I need to make my
smoothies and salads more fruit friendly and drink more free water

Beatnuk says:

Thank you! 😀 This is quite an adventure into unknown territory for me, as
there’s so many changes taking place, psychologically and physically – and
the guidance you and others provide helps so much. In Lak’ech, Peace.

DanniRox999 says:

Your digestion is affected by many factors, you really need to learn what
your body can digest easily and what it has trouble digesting.

Reza M says:

Thx for great advice! You are so beautiful Natasha!!

FashionablyGREAT says:

awesome thanks. just added flax seed to my diet and I didnt know about the
water thing

Ether9 says:

You are so kind!

TadRapidly says:

go easy on the rice. :o)

702sincitylv says:

drink some mineral oil that could help u

Jose Espinosa says:

im 11 i ea hot cheetos and go a.lot if eat a apple or raisins before bed i
go in the morning! now i will drink tons of water i wanna send u a gift!
can i make a rock with googly eyes and cut out/colored mickey mouse ears?
reply back bye * runs to get raisins and cup of water 😀 *

Ryan Keaton says:

@soboboo I think she’s just speaking on the spot without a script…

metalfaust19 says:

too much plant fiber will actually constipate you really badly, especially
if you make green smoothies or unstrained juices. if your stool is bulked
up too much with fiber, it will just be too large and hard to pass easily
and can easily result in impaction. too much fiber is actually just as bad
as too little fiber, both will cause constipation. i had it bad after a lot
of juices and smoothies, when i finally went my stool was overloaded with
hard, compacted sections of green plant fiber.

scoot4life0 says:

i cant shit

ninmachine109 says:

Why is this chick talking about pooping? girls don’t poop

CaptainPlanet117 says:


soboboo says:

Do you suffer from any kind of speech impediment? You seem to pause (seems
unnaturally) when you’re speaking. I’m not being a troll or anything; great
info, but I was just wondering. For example, at 1:17 you kinda……pause
for a split second. It’s like when people say “Ummmmm” but you just sorta
pause instead. It’s not just the one example, you did it in a few places.

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