Cure for Constipation might be High Fat Diet? (Shocking Constipation Success Interview)

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The cure for constipation can be as simple as eating more fat and not eating certain foods. Melody a 30 year vegetarian used the SCDlifestyle eBook ( to overcome her constipation, joint pains and skin rashes in 3 months! Her Yoga student’s now tell her “Wow you just look Fabulous. What are you doing?”

(This is her story)

Well, I was vegetarian for about 30 years. And things were okay, but I was heavy. I was a lot more heavier than I am now. And I was starting not to feel so good. So I did some research, and I went raw for three years. And I felt even worse, but people in the raw community tell you how great they’re feeling, and how their skin is clearing up, and how everything’s moving and everything. But maybe the first month I felt like that, but then afterwards things were clogging up, if you know what I mean. And my face was broken out. My hands were cracking.

“I had a huge rash along my neck and down my arms. Just I felt horrible.”

But I stayed with it because I really believed in the raw lifestyle. I really believed in it. And then I went to a Chinese doctor, and she started telling me to eat a little meat. And that I should steam my vegetables. And it’s like, “No I can’t do that.” So I stayed with that for a while. I went to her treatments, got my acupuncture and my herbs, but things weren’t progressing as well as I expected. I was still constipated. I still had a lot of rosacea in the face. And I just didn’t feel terrific.

“No I can’t because I’m a raw foodist. I can’t eat meat.”

And so I was talking to a friend who has, I believe he has Crohn’s. And he was telling me that he’s on this diet for people who can’t digest their food very well. And I said, “That’s me.” And I said, “Well what are you eating, mostly vegetables and fruit?” And he goes, “No, Melody. It’s mostly meat.” And so I bit the bullet and I did my research. I got on your website, and I got the book. And I fixed my chicken soup, and cooked my fruit. And things were clearing up…

“But I was still constipated. So I contacted you guys.”

I said, “You know, I’m doing this, but I’m still constipated. What can you do?” And someone wrote me back. I don’t know if it was you or Jordan, but you wrote me back and said, “Take some fat. You’ve got to have some fat in your diet.” So I bought some coconut oil and I started scooping it in my mouth.

“It really worked. And I ended up losing 37 pounds so far.

Yeah, I just feel fabulous. And the big deal is that my joints don’t hurt. At the end it was getting so bad that standing on my toes, bending my toes really, really hurt. I mean, I would do it just because I knew that those joints needed to move. But oh my gosh it hurt. My knees hurt, bending and stuff. And this is, I mean it’s such a big deal for me. I mean, I’m stronger in my yoga practice now at age 60 than I was at age 40 when I was a vegetarian.

So for me, this works. There’s no inflammation. My face is cleared up. My rash is gone on my neck. My rash is gone on my arms. My skin is clear and soft. And I really, really feel good. So I know that my digestion is working now. Yeah, it’s just fabulous. And people ask me,

“Well, you know you don’t have to do that forever.”

And it’s like, well I don’t know why would I want to eat any different? Right now, this is really working. I’ve been on this diet probably since March. And so it’s been pretty quick, I think. The first month I started noticing my joints. And I started losing weight. I probably wrote to you right away, because I knew that that’s what I needed to do was I needed to poop. And so I’m sure I wrote to you right away. And so things started moving. And I didn’t do things perfectly, but I figured that’s okay too. If you don’t do things perfectly and it still works, gosh that’s pretty cool.

I don’t eat any crap, I mean, I’m not eating any flour, or gluten, or grains or anything. But I have my date nut rolls that I like. And those are my sweets. And I probably eat too much bacon now because it tastes pretty good.

So you saw significant changes within three months?

I did. I did. And I still hear things from my yoga students, “Wow you just look fabulous. What are you doing?” It’s

like, I changed my diet. And I’ll tell them all about it. And then they’re going, “Oh I could never do that.” And it’s like, yes you could. If you hurt, you could do it, because you want to heal your body. Oh that’s the other thing is that your website, putting out those messages every day gives me good information. It taught me that when my nose drips after I eat, I’m eating something that doesn’t agree with me. If I had acid reflux after I eat, I’m eating something that doesn’t agree with me. If I can’t poop there’s something wrong.

If you want help pooping go to for more free info!


Lisa Sc says:

What? Cut out beans. Beans is one of the healthiest foods a person can
eat. You got to consider heart health to in this and kidney beans are on
the list of healthy foods for the heart.

Lisa Sc says:

You mentioned bacon? I read a long time ago that bacon is the worse thing
a person can eat. I think a person needs to have a variety of foods for

Lisa Sc says:

If you’re going to eat some fat why eat scoops of coconut oil why not eat
something yummy made with the coconut oil.

Patrick Ryan says:

Wow.. you lost 37 lbs after taking the coconut oil.. you must have been
REALLY constipated..


Thanks this is such an eye opener so happy for you! 


Thanks this is such an eye opener so happy for you! 

Aubrey Tolnai says:

I’m allergic to coconut is butter a good sub?

VibeRadiant says:

I can really relate with Melody about going raw. I was strict raw vegan for
6 months but felt awful and like a failure because I couldn’t manage to
look like the banana girl on youtube. 

Glenda Moore says:

Cure for Constipation might be High Fat Diet? (Shocking Constipation
Success Interview)

holy living says:

Oh my gosh! I did the same thing- went raw for bowel issues, worked great
or yrs, then everything stopped moving and gas smelled like death ect…now
I’m getting acupuncture but still needing enemas so maybe it the coconut
oil one needs? Or is it the cooking all the veg and eating meats too?

Shelley Kerr says:

Hi, Please advise how many teaspoonfuls of coconut oil is recommended.

Glenda Moore says:

Thanks for this for this fantastic video! Melody, you look wonderful & you
definitely Don’t look 60! IBS was horrible, but I now eat 60% fat, 20%
meats, 20% green leafy vegetables–grain free, sugar free, dairy free,
grassfed meats, free range poultry, lots of coconut oil, and life feels &
is wonderful! I’m 60-1/2 y.o. & people constantly tell me I look 40! I no
longer have dry skin problems & joint pain. Thanks again for verifying what
we know to be true. Love the SCDlifestyle website, too!

youngnebula187 says:

An thankyou coconut oil it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!

marlene tobin says:

wow i need this…thanks!!!!!!!

holy living says:

I’m taking 1 tbl of MCT oil every morning but no difference. How much oil
is a short hight female suppose to do?

youngnebula187 says:

from my personal experience she is right !!!!!!

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