How to Tell If You Need Digestive Enzymes

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SCD Lifestyle TV is brought to you by

Who needs digestive enzymes?

What brands are worth the money?

And how do you introduce them properly?


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You’re someone dealing with:

– Low grade inflammation
– Intestinal damage
– An “oily toilet” (you’ll know what that means)
– Gas and bloating
– Diarrhea/Constipation and undigested food in your stools

In this episode, I share 3 digestive enzyme brands we personally recommend and also how to properly introduce them to avoid ‘The Stomach Ache of Death’.

In good health,

– Jordan

P.S. — Disclaimer time… always consult your primary care physician before taking any supplements or medications. Remember, we’re not Doctors and don’t pretend to be… so this video is not (and should not be) considered medical advice :-)


SCDLifestyle Jordan Steve says:
Internet Wrestling Community says:

Just purchased MultiDigestive Enzyme Tablets, would it be best to take 2 of
them before or after each meal? 

Joe Tinpan says:

You should only take enzymes when eating things that are fat soluble. I.E
(steaks, red meat, and basically anything with high fat content.). You
should switch to using coconut oil/extra virgin olive oil as these have
medium chain triglycerides and your body can break these down and absorb
them easier. Vitamins that are fat soluble are A – D – E – K and if you eat
enough of certain foods or sit in the sun enough, you can get enough of
these. A = carrots/spinach. D = milk/cheese (low fat) and sunlight which
is fantastic. Your liver will store excess of these vitamins and it’ll be a
while before you have a deficiency. 

Megan Ryan says:

Blue steel!

Tanner Herzman says:

are there side effects to digestive enzymes?

melissa horbal says:

I have IBD and chronic nausea. Digestive enzymes make me vomit. Is there
a way to introduce them without that? I am so afraid to use them!

ziggy says:

I recently had my Gallbladder removed and have had digestion problems for a
couple of years. An ultra sound showed I had sludge build up in my GB and a
Hida scan showed my GB working less than 10%. I have had on off loose stool
but usually loose and even evidence of undigested foods at times. I have
had fatigue problems as well probably due to lack of nutrient absorption.
I just got some Digestive enzymes and hope they help correct my issues at
least some. Thanks for your info. 

Frank Berry From Upstate NY says:

This guy has probably been “actively transported” (no pun intended) to this
site to sell the (3) enzymes listed in this video….too professional in
his delivery to NOT be being paid for products. This is Capitalism indeed.

In any case….he could “sell pig shit to a farmer with his demeanor and
delivery…he’s good. Very compelling words.

andre mcheileh says:

Can u list all the supps you take? And what we should take 

2nuckinfuts says:

I have been taking enzymes for pancreatic enzyme insufficiency for the last
10 years or so and pretty much have had gastritis on and off for the last
10 years so I’m sure the enzymes are causing the stomach burning issues.
I’m gonna try and cut down on how much I take as I’m sure its too much and
giving me the stomach ache from hell. I wouldn’t advice anyone to take
enzymes unless u really need them.

Laaheyy says:

This is really helpful. thank you XD

Mortthemoose says:

Haha….i hope your talent is put to good use elsewhere? You’d make an
excellent teacher! 

BloodFalcon2k7 says:

Has anyone ever had any luck with prescription pancreatic enzymes? I have
tried over 5 OTC enzymes and they have been completely useless. 

Mel M says:

I have just started on Digestive Gold and so far so good. I am finding I
have more energy and less stomach issues. Thanks for the video. I was only
taking one with each meal but I will bump it up to two now :)

Ben Hutchins says:

How do you know when you can stop taking digestive enzymes or is this
something you have to take forever? 

PrincessAloeVera says:

Lyme disease reduces digestive enzymes.. these people need them.

irisfritta P. says:

Thanks for this helpful video. ♥

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