Prenatal Vitamins Side Effects – What You Need To Know

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What are prenatal vitamins side effects?

Most women can take prenatal vitamins and won’t experience any side effects or complications. Yet, like with any medication or supplement, side effects are possible. More often than not these prenatal vitamins side effects are minor and not to worry about. They can easily be treated.

The different side effects of prenatal vitamins

Even though it’s quite common to have headaches during your pregnancy, you should seek medical advice if your headache is strong and if you think it might be due to an overdose.

Intestinal cramps
Morning sickness may be a problem when taking prenatal vitamins. If your stomach is upset when you take the vitamins, change the time of the day or switch to a different prenatal supplement.

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Constipation or diarrhea
Prenatal vitamins can cause constipation due to their high level of iron. Whereas you absolutely need an increased amount of iron when you’re pregnant, too much of it will cause bowel problems. To avoid this, you can eat more fiber-based food, drink more water and if nothing else helps, switch to a prenatal vitamin with less iron.

Nausea and vomiting
Most pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting without taking any prenatal supplement. But these symptoms can be caused by prenatal multivitamins as well. Whereas you might feel queasy from time to time without worrying about it, vomiting on a regular basis after the use of your prenatal vitamins is more alarming. You might want to change the time of the day and prefer to take your supplement at night before going to bed or right after a meal.

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Metallic taste
Some women report a metallic taste in their mouth just after taking their prenatal vitamins. This is caused by the increased levels of estrogen occurring during pregnancy, but might be reinforced by your vitamins.

Yellow-orange discoloration of the urine
In particular B vitami

ns can cause your urine to change color and become bright yellow or green.

Other side effects can be insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue, gas or belching and muscle aches and pains.

Please note that many people using prenatal vitamins do not encounter serious side effects.

As you may have noticed, many of these potential side effects of prenatal vitamins are also symptoms that are common during pregnancy. It can therefore become difficult to be certain that the prenatal vitamins you take are the cause of these side effects.

Always consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.

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Chris Toal says:

Thanks for the info

Kate Barbour says:

useful info!

Chiara Bella Healthcare says:

helpful information thanks.

Cary Ganz says:

Good to know

Emily Wanamaker says:

good to know!

Ravi Rathor says:

very helpful thank you 

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