Colon cancer cured with Baking Soda

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Cancer is cured with Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate)

This is a mirror of helpful videos showing cancer is not an incurable condition, but is actually a fungus that is removed with sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda).

For people with colon cancer who choose to give themselves an enema with Baking Soda and water, this should not be done for more than 3 or 4 days straight. When Dr Simoncini gives somebody an SB treatment to cure their cancer, he administers it in “treatments”, where each treatments is spaced several weeks apart.

It’s not good to take Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) every day continuously because the stomach needs time to rest between treatments. Baking Soda neutralizes some of the acids in the stomach which are needed, so it’s probably not good to drink it for more than 3 or 4 days straight.

Dr Simoncini shows sodium bicarbonate cures colon cancer in 5 days

1- Sodium bicarbonate, a natural way to treat the cancer

The reason this cancer cure is being suppressed by the American medical Association is because a cure for cancer would shut down America’s “cancer treatment” industry that earns billions of dollars per year. It’s all dollars and cents (not sense) in capitalist extremist America. The capitalist media in America was already sold to the highest billionaires, where the American people have very little say what is put on TV.

It seemed this would change now with the Internet, when unbiased activists could speak the truth and promote what is truly good and helpful for our society, but it seems now these large corporations are funding activists who want to simply blame the govt for all our problems, and who promote lowering taxes and “getting big govt off our backs”.

America’s big money “cancer treatment” industry in America basically orders the US media to suppress true stories such as this showing cancer is easily cured with Baking Soda. Under a competitive capitalist system where corporations compete and advertise to bring in the most money, a cancer cure means they will lose billions.

Dr Simoncini says cancer is a fungus, all fungus dies in a high pH environment, and sodium bicarbonate raises the pH in the body.

I would advise, if sodium bicarbonate cures cancer, then the people working in America’s “cancer treatment” industry need to find another job. In socialist Sweden the govt would find all these people good jobs with similar

salaries. In capitalist America it is different. The people in the cancer industry who lose their jobs can wind up homeless with no health care. Hence the rabid resistance to anyone coming up with cures for these ailments.

It appears the capitalist American corporations are using COINTELPRO on activists whose work may cost those large corporations billions of dollars in lost revenue. Capitalist medical corporations simply don’t want cures because it deprives them of money

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Markka Laitinen says:

This is my story!

riki rex says:

Why no comment yet..where are all those ass holes that have always some to
say against alterative cures?

Geff Clem says:

what’s the procedure? do you just mix it with water and drink? 

Mel Gumabon says:

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