Simple Diet for Colon Cancer

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One of the major causes for colon cancer is the food we eat. Certain substances found in food are carcinogenic. Heterocyclic amines are one such compound found in meat, chicken and fish when they are cooked at high temperatures using methods like barbequing, frying or grilling. Another carcinogen called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon are formed when food is cooked over open flame or smoked. Avoiding or minimizing the exposure to carcinogenic food can help to prevent or control colon cancer. It is necessary to have a proper nutritious diet to prevent and fight colorectal cancer.


Diet For Colon Cancer Patients
Colon cancer affects the ability of the body to digest food and to absorb the nutrients present in them. This can lead to severe malnutrition of the person over time. This will make the person feel weak and it affects the ability of the person to tolerate colon cancer treatment. The diet for colon cancer patient should be able to make the patient to tolerate the treatment, prevent malnutrition and to improve the quality of the life of the patient. The diet of the colon cancer should be according to the symptom and according to what the person is comfortable with.

Include more caffeine and alcohol free drinks in the diet
Avoid using nuts, seeds, raw fruits, and vegetables with skin as it will be difficult to digest.
Try to eat non spicy or bland food like baked or boiled chicken, crackers etc.
If the patient is experiencing constipation take plenty of fluids like prune juice and a small amount of caffeinated beverage and eat fiber rich food like oatmeal, raw fruits and vegetables.
In case the patient has diarrhea drink clear liquids and should eat low fat and low fiber food. Foods with strong spices and caffeine should be avoided.
To avoid bloating the patient should take a diet devoid of cruciferous foods like broccoli, cabbage, egg; garlic, onion etc. Avoid food containing fructose and sorbitol.
Eat soft and creamy foods soaked in gravies or sauces that are easy to digest.


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