How To Get Rid Of Stomach Bloating On A Raw Food Diet, Ep160

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Some people experience severe stomach bloading, gas and constipation when they transition into a Raw Food Diet or even when they just add more fruits and vegetables into their daily diet. Learn what you can do to have no stomach or intestinal problems and still eat healthy!

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Tony Miner says:

Great tips. Thanks. 

shahilagh says:

you gave very useful tips but the first four minutes were not related to
the topic. 

kanistra86 says:

great response, thanks for the tips! :)

TokerAndSmoker says:

Nice buck teeth.

NuclearNympho says:

@GirlFeetSniffer4U good, that means you are much less toxic then someone
who doesn’t’ shit enough..

bblond1977 says:

Your a babbling idiot. I’m a physically fit person and your babbling.

TheOctupusDen says:

Candida. I think its quite possible that many of the people who experience
bloating issues with raw foods have latent candida issues. I have done raw
food diets successfully in the past with no bloating issues at all… But
now I have candida issues and I can’t seem to eat hardly any fruit without
getting a massive stomach… Sucks big time. Been battling it 4 months so

Masta N says:

Guys I’m 15 year old (I’m not fat) and I went to china then my stomach
hurted and I had very painful diarrhea. When I came back to Canada I
noticed that everytime I eat my stomach is so bloated regardless of the
size! I dont know what to do, I drink plenty of water everyday

Njerve1 says:

These are the proportions recommended in tcm (both cooked and raw) 40-60%
vegetables and fruits 20-40 grains 10-20 Beans, Dairy, meat and nuts.

SunSparkle8 says:

Thanks your the best:)



eyewitness92 says:

Mix them in with salad, it’s better for the system. – Simplify your meals,
and they should have like, 3 ingredients for a little while. 1-3 weeks.
Mono-meals; big bowl of cherries, five apples maybe. The simpler the
better. Alot of salary in there. – Green juices every day. – 1-2 cups of
freshly pressed every single day. Celery, celery, celery. – To fast too
soon, is too much for your system. Work on it 😉 you don’t have to do
everything at once, just work on it at your pace.

Ken Oakes says:

@itsMastaN I would recommend having some bland foods full of fiber. Process
them up in a blender if you need to make them more gentle on your
digestion. Do this for a few days at least( to give the fiber a chance to
sweep your intestines) and then consider visiting a colon therapist who can
give you a good colonic.

LibertyOrBust says:

Good luck on your journey! It’s funny how unconscious it was to stop
drinking at meals, due to this conversation I realize it more the past
couple of days. So, if I can say, remember not to overthink things, just
add the healthy and the unhealthy falls by the wayside. My diet used to be
100% diet pepsi (no water), pizza, fast food, candy One thing that helped
me early on was drinking 2 glasses of water upon waking up. Flush/hydrate
the system, reduce cravings, prep for the healthy meals

melodiouscanopies says:

Thanks for posting this, I’m so bloated I look pregnant!!! Your vids are
great and you’re a shweetheart!!

itsnotalwaysyou says:

@UberHyperSugarFiend well if you can’t afford organic, I think eating
fruits and vegs that are not organic is def. better than not eating them,
for now

503408 says:

please get to the point already i really like ur videos but u ramble a lot
and ur a sweet lady thanks

myroadhome says:

I have found that my dehydrated cracker breads really block me up. I think
I eat way to much particularly right after they are done and do not drink
enough water in general. Also, I have been doing some digestive enzymes as
well.Thanks Natasha!

HuffleSlytherin1 says:

Ive been High Fiber vegan for months, and I’m starting a raw food cleanse
tomorrow. will I bloat? plzz answer soon!!!

FiveCardArmy says:

@itsnotalwaysyou – There is the argument that organic foods are more
nutritious and more wholesome than inorganic which means you have to eat
more inorganic to get achieve the same nutritional intake as organic.
Making the cost diff a wash. There are no studies on this so it could be
b.s. but intuitively makes sense.

L Perry says:

I am so grateful for your youtube. Thankyou, you are amazing. I have been
bloating and feel 9 months pregnant. You have cleared up so many questions
for me. I did think that maybe I was going too hard to fast. Keep up your
videos as I can tell you they are very appreciated. Love Lisa from Australia

tia t g says:

yes i agree fully this is my 4th week on the raw kick and i find many of
the recipes all contain nuts whoooo too much thats right more raw raw raw
original super fresh and h2o

BradistanMassive says:

dayum you have explained everything that is rong wivv meee thank you,

ararararararararful says:

i love you

Andrew Goddard says:

im 18 and im haveing problems …but ive never had a good diet but i do
work out every other day so i guess i have to start eating very
healthy……eff my life…

Ken Oakes says:

I really recommend having simple veggie smoothies. some great examples are
spinach and apple, or Kale, celery, and pear. I’m new to being raw and I
often feel some bloating pains in the afternoon if I am not getting enough
fiber to push seeds and and “gunk” through. First thing in the morning,
drink a quart of water and an hour later drink one of these smoothies. I
feel much much better when I do this.

ludachristo says:

@ccavancookie fruit would be better than refined carbohydrates, one thing
that helpes is do not pee first thing when you wake up, let the water fill
the bladder and move into the intistines, this will loosen extra undigested
matter. best of luck

myroadhome says:

why does you camera move around? I am just tuning into this… just
curious. Is it hanging?

eyewitness92 says:

How did it work for you? :) If i may ask :)

sugarmercy says:

Just found this channel today. It has been sooo helpful, particularly this
episode! You are wonderful, thank you x a million.

Brye Bishop says:

Thanks… absolutely… slow it down… allow the body time to adjust and
all will be fine above all don’t be put off if you encounter problems at
first… everything is a process… peace

Winie Ninii says:

I just cant stop eating pls help me!

vegangoddess says:

Thank you so much. I’ve been vegan for about a year (vegetarian for 4 years
prior) and I just started going about 80% raw and I am so bloated and
gassy, it is awful. Thank you so much for this video! It was such a big
help and the only help I found on the internet on this topic,

liquid1987 says:

what did she say exactly at 7:50 after “constipation issues” i dont

RelatedGiraffe says:

Why is having much water in the food good if drinking water to the food is
bad? You mentioned that nuts and seeds should have been soaked before you
eat them in order to make them easier to digest.

pobparat says:

thank you very much, I almost give up raw food diet because of bloating and
stomach ache.

Nyobe1 says:

@bblond1977 She does babble, but is not an idiot.

raythelaw says:

Very nice, I posted this to my blog as an embedded video.

Oscar says:

This lady is extremely educated on body health and nutrition. Lots of the
advice she is giving I’m hearing for the first time. I thought that taking
a Health Science class and reading its textbook was all there was to it,
but I was wrong.

Njerve1 says:

continuing: “.. cold and damp ones. To know our tolerance of raw food, we
need to know our constitution. A measure in raw food in diet maintains our
supply of beneficial enzymes but the long-term use of raw food diets may
damage the Digestive Fire.” (yang)

mhksagar says:

Hello! Have you ever thought of DietOramy diet plans (more info on google)?
I have got word large amounts of delightful facts relating to it and my
mother burned a bunch of extra fat from it.

noomen00 says:

thank you for the encouragement! I will keep the water in the morning in
mind. thank you :)

LibertyOrBust says:

noomen, I’m not raw but have changed to a healthy diet in the past 6
months. I would have had the same question as you but found out by
experience what happens… you no longer NEED liquid with meals. It could
be a combination of proper hydration at other times in the day and that the
water is coming from the food itself. It’s amazing, but true. Tonight I had
a very unraw garden veggie burger with spinach in ezekiel pocket bread and
steamed califlower… no drink until a glass of water later

azrausa says:

Love your videos thank you for sharing ,I have low stomach acid so I don’t
digest food very well,What kind food are good for low stomach acid thank
you so much

homelesstimo says:

Im a vegetarian since birth. This is good info…

NDNguitarguy says:

So I’ve looked at your diet and it seems a lot like the gracie diet . The
Gracie diet is however about balancing blood PH and eating foods in
different combinations with their nutritional traits grouped together.

Susan Fried says:

these people that make these videos on raw food just copy david wolfe
verbatim, so un original.

andrewtrucker says:

that is not true anymore that was the way they taught things in the 1980’s
now you can drink water with your meals

natashaservo says:

Thank you so much, Natasha! Your advice is real helpful to me, and

RelatedGiraffe says:

You mentioned that everyone should have at least one to two cups of
vegetable juice that has gone through a juicer every day. Isn’t it enough
to just eat the vegetables instead?

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