Diagnosing & Treating Baby Problems : Constipation Relief for Babies

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To relieve constipation for babies, the first line of treatment is breast feeding or changing formula. Use corn syrup to relieve your baby’s constipation with help from a pediatrician in this free video on diagnosing and treating baby problems.

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Expert: Dr. David Hill
Contact: www.capefearpediatrics.com
Bio: Dr. David Hill has more than 12 years of experience as a practicing pediatrician and is qualified with infants through teenagers.
Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC

Series Description: Baby problems range from hives and runny noses to yeast infections and acid reflux. Learn about diagnosing and treating baby problems with help from a pediatrician in this free video series on diagnosing and treating baby problems.


ariadestructor says:

Unfortunately, fecal autointoxication (once dismissed as a myth) has been
proved to be real – I recommend forums such as bedrokcommunity,
itsnoaccident, optimalhealthjnetwork and curezone for more anout this.
Infrequent orincomplete bowel evacuation has dead-serious long-term, and
notable short-term, consequences..
Which means, babies (breast and bottle fed), like adults, need to “do a
dooh” at least once a day.

For babies, who (contrary to some information) can have non-citric juices
prior to six months old – small medicinal doses (0.5 to1 oz) of diluted
pear, prune, apple and white grape juices are VERY advisable, both to keep
the bowel functioning and as nutrition.

Massage and exercise (e.g leg bicycling) are also worth using.

If that alone doesn’t keep the bowels emptying. the least
dangerous “chemical crutch” you can use is the infant glycerine suppository
(or “gel capsule” as Miguel puts it)..

Miguel Rodrigues says:

Thanks for the video, our baby is 8 days old and hasnt pooped in 3 so we
were getting very worried. He does pee often and looks confortable so i
guess its ok. Theres a lot of misinformation about this, the nurses at the
hospital kept eanting to treat him with a gel probe if he didnt pooped

Márcio Dionisio says:

My wife gets worried if our son doesn’t poop everyday. I should show her
this video.

Jemini29944 says:

I don’t even have a baby, but I find myself watching his videos repeatedly
just in case I do.

Baby Constipation Tips says:

Great video…very informative! Baby constipation, in most cases, is not a
serious problem, but it can get extremely painful for the little ones.
Great tips!

Ruby Rueda says:

The pharmacist said I couldn’t give her anything cuz shes too small. 3
months. She’s eating good n peeing alot and still smiles everyday so I’m
happy that its nothing to be terribly concerned about. Its been about four
days … sea dpne tthis before but thanx for the ttips.

kris h says:

very informative! thank you

inten1978 says:

thanks its very informative .. my baby is 4 months old and constipated
every 9 – 10 days. The faces were soft, so i guess i dont have to worry
anymore. But i think im going to try the apple juice so she can constipated
at least more.. is it ok?

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