Relief from Constipation, liver problems & piles — cheapest home remedy

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Papaya is the best cheap home remedy for people suffering from CONSTIPATION & PILES, papaya should be eaten boiled in dal or rice for best result as shown in the video. The patient in order to get full relief from constipation one should regularize one’s food habit first such as 3-5 litres of pure drinking water daily, should not eat heavy meals, should depend on good diet such as fibre contains fruits & vegetables. One glass of hot milk with one tea spoon of castor oil if taken after food at bed time for 30 days also used to give relief but PAPAYA is the best remedy, which is also the cheapest. Papaya is also a very good tonic for liver & can heal liver enlarged problem, Jaundice & piles if eaten raw by liver enlarged/piles patient for 1 month continuously.


Mamu Borah says:

PAPAYA is the best remedy for constipation & which is also the cheapest &
is also a very good tonic for liver & can heal liver enlarged problem/piles
if taken raw for 1 month continuously.

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