Never sneeze with diarrhea

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you will laugh like you\’ve never done before


Stevie Wonder can't read....because he's a nigger. says:

…and this is how ebola started.

CocoBane54 says:

Why would the guy run out the showers, and not wash it off.???

The Gaming Commitee says:

Oops combo from Plague Inc?

TheGuyFromUme says:

Why is there a camera in the men’s shower?

David Kitanoski says:

What am i doing here?

Supermariojjk K says:

u can tell its fake because why would there be a camera filming inside of a
shower room

Sam Thompson says:

Why would you run OUT of the shower?

Taylor Has says:

He sneezes out of his a**.

FgyffPlays says:

That must of been… shitty

cymaddux31 says:

Gay and fake

hannah ramos says:

Did it go in his mouth?

Calvin Dao says:

lol dat shit doe

Aaron Houstone says:

That’s some nasty shit! Who does that? 

wooxund says:

why would he run out of the only place where he can get clean though?

big bubba says:

this video is the shit

Marcko Albert says:

lol XD

Loren Nicholls says:

Why the hell didn’t he just shower off?! 

Joshua Chen says:


Henrik Lehtonen says:

I. Just. Fucking. Shat. Myself

Crafty Nick 2003 says:


Eric Silverman says:

Always stay alert to your surroundings. Ya never know what the future
holds….or doesn’t hold for that matter.

GReDDY WupS says:


epic troll says:


ShinyBusterBaby says:

OMG Yuck! Hall Pass all over again!

SithMaster TheII says:

Wes Welker just blew one out at Tom Brady.

31makoto says:

So he gets crapped on and runs away from a shower? XD makes sense

KWD2004 says:

I started searching sonic so how did I get here?!

thedarkernight132 says:

On my i-pod I was clicking on random things so after this…what da fuq

Nieves S says:

oops i sneezed. *turns around* not my falt

kiet vuong says:

Fuck you

rinnythepoo says:

I was typing “sneeze with” trying to end with “eyes open” but my first
result was “diarrhea” and I found this?! WTF

thedarkernight132 says:

I was randomly clicking stuff then this pops up I am like what da fuq

Madison Beatty says:

This is just….. so wrong

FusionGrand says:

What dafuq did I just watch… O.o

12rekkidd12 says:

Once upon a time, YOLO.

Yu Suk Wangs says:

Why would he get out of the shower?

Patrick Barker says:

xD lol

2012Cthulhu says:


EddBandicoot101 says:


Alexander Bronsky says:


Nessa Matthews says:

Wow. This was dumb.

absulte0 says:

what gave you the idea to get out of the shower xxD

SickZackGaming says:

my name is Diar B. Rhea -_-

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