guy has massive diarrhea in wal-mart bathroom

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This guy runs into the bathroom at wal-mart. I mean runs. He looks hot too!!! and i could hear his stomach gurgling. i could get my phone out in time so i missed the begining. But he just explodes for like 2 min.


Altiar253 says:

Sounds like there were a few bubbles in that one lol

Bryant Ecklund says:

Are you gay or something?

Sean Shanahan says:

I think that’s the only time I would ish in walmart

John Sheedy says:

If som1 ever filmed me shitting if take there life

AsDeathAwaitsBand says:

That was fucking hilarious 

Jeffrey Webster says:

Lame video

Samantha horror says:

That’s so sexy OMG 

The Freeman Initiative says:

LMFAO! LOL! why post this crap at 4k!? xD

jonathan Peterson says:

your stupid I feel bad for him you video taping a guy doing his business
give people some privacy

Guy Farding says:

God damn poor guy! Kind of glad that epic of a dump had an audience though!

Zelda Ray says:

Justifies my reason I will never take a shit in public but it’s not
invading his privacy as you can’t see him

CletusPodunk says:

You call that diarrhea? That’s a queef! Ain’t shit!

Jovan Tuazon says:

Why u post this nasty stuff u are trifling


you have a stomach ache?

Meil Moo says:

Awwwww the poor guy he must have had a bad tummy ache.

Dracaniac Power says:

How,is he invading the guys privacy? You never saw him how would you know
his face if you never saw him?

celestialbodi66 says:

WTF~! You actually tape another man having diarrhea? =;p

Shell shock says:

Sounds like my nani

Shell shock says:

I dont no!

Ava Madrid says:


John Petrov says:

did he wipe

Jack Alchem says:

Guess what my new ringtone is

Dan Davis says:

damn. hot as hell.

ilovebigwaves96 says:

It’s a Bathroom Thunderstorm!

loose dumps says:

I love how bad diarrhea gives you those low muffled bassy farts

NaruNaruNaruto says:

Dang I wonder what the poor guy ate! I wouldn’t mind tearing-up a men’s
room like that lol.

Dan Davis says:

Sounded like he was trying to let it out really slow but you can’t hide
diarrhea. :)

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