Constipation Remedy: Cure in 1 Min (Breathing Exercise)

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Natural fast constipation remedy: get relief and cure chronic constipation quickly (1 min breathing exercise).

This natural respiration exercise and do-it-yourself home remedy for fast constipation relief has been developed and used by more than 150 Soviet and Russian physicians on a large number of their sufferers with striking success. The exercise works quickly for kids, in pregnancy, also to ease chronic constipation too because the exercise really helps to eliminate muscle spasm in GI organs providing more O2 and blood to them.

People who have constipation are heavy breathers and have low body O2, usually below 30 seconds. The normal value is nearly 40 s (according to medical textbooks). The main cause of low body O2 in modern people is the too quickly and high breathing (or deep breathing). Overbreathing reduces CO2 within the lungs, which reduces O2 content in most cells. Furthermore, low CO2 in smooth muscles produces a muscular spasm. To avoid constipation we must breathe slower and much less (better the medical norm). This provides a quick and natural relief for chronic constipation. Best of all this home remedy requires nothing at all: you cannot get any simpler.

Home remedy for fast constipation relief (natural breathe-easy exercise)

Do that exercise when you’re relaxing in the restroom over a toilet. To treat constipation fast or perhaps in about 1 min, pinch onto your nose after your usual exhalation. Start holding your breath. (Observe that you need to avoid any mouth breathing with this exercise.)

You will likely hold your breath without the stress limited to about 20 seconds since modern folks have about twice reduced body O2 content when compared with people living about A hundred years ago. However, you should hold your breath bit more time or unless you obtain a strong want to breathe (for additional CO2). Make an effort to get about 30 or maybe more seconds for that breath hold. Once you release onto your nose, result in the first inhalation only from the nose and begin reduced breathing (breathing less air than before exercise).

As opposed to taking your usual big and frequent inhalations, require a smaller inhalation and utilizing the diaphragm (or belly muscles) only. Then relax all body muscles with an exhalation. Repeat the cycle: make another short inhalation and again just relax all muscles to exhale. Practice this reduced breathing while remaining relaxed. Put simply, make an effort to breathe slower and fewer.

How you can relieve constipation fast (breathing exercise)

To be able to assistance with constipation, your own purpose would be to maintain air hunger (shortage of air) for approximately One minute with total relaxation of body muscles. This breathing exercise “how to alleviate constipation fast” increases brain and the body O2 content. When you’re getting increased alveolar and arterial CO2, CO2 will dilate arteries and arterioles (CO2 is regarded as the potent dilator of arteries and arterioles) easing the spasm and providing more O2 for cells. Over 90% of individuals can stop constipation with this particular exercise in 1-2 min.

More home remedies for natural relief of constipation:

The way to treat constipation naturally


Here is the conclusion well over 150 Soviet and Russian MDs who tested and helped to deal with chronic constipation in a large number of their sufferers. In case your body-O2-test answers are a lot more than 30 s constantly, your the flow of blood to any or all organs and O2 content in cells are sufficient to stop difficulties with constipation. It is a permanent assistance to treat constipation naturally. To have high body O2, you should stop or avoid your heavy automatic breathing by teaching yourself how you can breathe slower and much easier 24/7. All additional instructions are on

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TheOnlineTrader says:

i find this out myself , then i googled it and found this video. 

Muzzy Pro says:

Great vid

Thodor81 says:

1 pure bliss and entertainment

Chris Carnie says:

This is embarrassing, but for anyone wondering if this works. I read the
article and did the exercise and It worked immediately! Thank you! You’re a
life saver!

crazygangstanhl says:


Steve Ng says:

I am sure I am breathing through the belly or abdomen but I am not sure
whether it is through the diaphragm. I have relax my muscles when I exhale
but whether I am doing it correctly I have no way to know. I do have
hypertension and taking medication (Diovan – Valsartan 80 mg). Does it have
any effect? By the way my constipation is due to anismus (non-relaxation of
external sphincter muscle and puborectalis during defecation). Any advice?

Rebecca May says:

But what about those who feel no desire to go to the toilet yet haven’t
been for days?

Artour Rakhimov says:

Did you try Earthing or grounding and Mg supplements? These are additional
constipation factors. If you did, then your goal is to have over 30 s for
the body O2 test 24/7 so that to have easy bowel movements.

ksufler says:

why the results can be disastrous when not sitting on the toilet?? I do
almost the sam exercise for unblocking nose.. can something happen to me?

Artour Rakhimov says:

Most people get the relief in less than 1 minute, but there are exceptions
I know.

Artour Rakhimov says:

Sure, a similar short term effect: more CO2….

Artour Rakhimov says:

Good. YouTube just removed from my list a video trailer of my GI Amazon

stefanrusedunav says:

These breathing techniques work, that’s what my wife told me. But she also
use natural laxatives – foods, herbs and etc.. to relieve her constipation.
Just search on Google for natural laxatives. Such combination is the winner.

Jinouga Productions says:

How does CO2 deal with digestion?

jj1x0 says:

Yes, because im supposed to have a computer in my bathroom -_-

Artour Rakhimov says:

True, We have a goal. Breathe less…

Artour Rakhimov says:

Good to hear that is helped you.

Ivan Marincic says:

ur basically contracting and expanding lower abdominal musczlature thats
responsible for pushing wastes out

yaryar1976 says:

Wish i saw this 30 minutes ago.i kid you not,i manned up and went in and
dug out my pluggage.

themakc3 says:

Very sweet, be aware of your videos ….

steffaniezconne says:

you make really good songs

claveFC says:

genius!!! he said its disasterous kuz you might shit in yur pants loool

MrJinzo44 says:

A cigarette works too.

Steve Ng says:

I am taking 250mg Magnesium daily and have not try Earthing yet. So far I
am able to get about 35s for the body O2 test. I am physically quite
healthy and was able to jog 15 to 20km daily until 2 years ago when I have
a heel injury. Now I am doing brisk walking for about 1 hour daily.

Madiha akbar says:

@stefanrusedunav Aar

brahmamurti says:

Excellent video!! Thanks!

Artour Rakhimov says:

If they are not fasting, this means a very poor state of the gut. Surely,
they need to increase body O2 by breathing slower and less air.

illuminatisos says:

What do you mean, any poisons? Where I live, people put poisons in their
bodies everyday. All drugs are poisons to the body.. Anyways, Good luck to
all you Constipation peeps out there.. More than 70% of the ppl in the
world suffer with some sort of Constipation, so, just know that ye aint
alone. Most do not admit because its an embarrassing subject. There is a
way to solve it. My friends father got an operation for this many years
ago. Its to widen the anal track, the two bones on the cheeks

ksufler says:

ahh, I see :)

Artour Rakhimov says:

Can’t hold it in.

Artour Rakhimov says:

Apart from alcohol, modern science cannot identify any poisons that are
removed via lungs. Slow and small abdominal breathing increases CO2
boosting O2 delivery to cells.

Carlo Bari says:

Another scam artist. Next he’ll be selling a book.

Kevin Tran says:

18 – Aaaaaah! <3 *falls over*?

SHaFDuDe Parkour Calisthenics says:

I think Artour already answered your question but I just learnt how to
breath the diaphragm correctly and I’ll share my experience. First off
you’ll know you’re breathing from the diaphragm when you are. If you feel a
sensation of air running in or out of your body in or on your nose, throat,
or upper chest, you are not do it right. Think of your diaphragm as ribbon
that is disconnected from your thoracic area, this visualization helps me
achieve the right technique.

polcsek10 says:

Gotta try it, thanks. :)

Steve Ng says:

For the last 3 days I have been doing this exercise for between 5 to 8
rounds daily. I hold my breath for between 35 to 50 seconds. Unfortunately
it does not work for me. Any suggestion how to make it work for me?

illuminatisos says:

Yes too right! Natural remedies work everytime. The crap the doctors give
you, if you keep taken them your body grows use to it and then it stops
working.. You need to take more and more for it to work until it stops
working.. Then they give you stronger poisons and the cycle continues..
Natural remedies are always the best. Even for people whom are addicted to
drugs, natural remedies work better. They may take a bit longer, but its
much healthier and easier on the body..

SHaFDuDe Parkour Calisthenics says:

The most likely answer is probably that you are not doing the exercise
right. You are not breathing through the diaphragm and you probably don’t
relax your muscles to exhale. It’s hard to get the breathing pattern right
but once you do it will help. It helped me but I had to practice a lot. Or
maybe you have an uncommon exception.

ShaniaHernandez says:


Jinouga Productions says:

Constipation my bad.

christian dorie says:

thank you i will try this!!!!! :)

Kostas Naumavicius says:

now thats what i call a good video!

Arjuna Gihan says:

It would be a shame if you did not build muscle when these normal people
accomplish it easily with “Rapid Muscle Booster” (search for it on Google).

prabhakar mudgal says:

If you have constipation problem I have invented one instrument .by using
ths instrument you can get relief from constipation in 10 minute you can
see that instrument on youtube in prabhakar mudgal vedio it is very cheap.
You can get free from piles, fissure , acidity you can contact me on
09765120498 in india. I am using since 2 years and am satisfied

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