Yikes! Shows what chronic constipation can do – get healthy again with a FREE colon cleanser

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Wow – actual videos from the guy who invented colonoscopys! As a nurse, I have had to prep patients for this procedure and believe me, the people who are shown in this video were some very ill folks! There shouldn’t have been anything in there at all – yet the impaction and constipation must have been horrible. I don’t know what the water or diet they were on for the ‘after’ videos but a good colon cleanse is likely as effective – I found a great one on my favorite healthcare site for FREE. Best of all there is no cramping, nausea or the runs like you can get with some of the other products. There is nothing to lose to try it (except…well, you know) and you don’t even have to have a prescription. Even better, you don’t have to take it up to the checkout stand in the local Walmart and have the checker get on the loudspeaker for a “PRICE CHECK ON SUPER COLON CLEANSER – 52 OZ SIZE – CHECKSTAND 2” while you cringe and try to avoid eye contact with all of the other shoppers who have turned to see who at checkstand 2 needs this! Even better, it is available in lots of different countries so if you are in London thinking – ‘those bloody yanks have all the luck’ well, now you have it too! Just follow the link above (or cut and paste it into your browsers window) to get your FREE bottle so you don’t look like the poor folks in this video! Good Luck!


klimtkiller says:

condom water

Gerald Dias says:

Im back at the weird side of you tube…. how did i get here, i only wanted
to know how cheese was made :/

Lewis Colton says:

I’m watching whilst trying to push a turd out…….its just not coming

TheHallucinati says:

In a sense all they are really showing is a lot of stool in the colon and
then same colon without stool. Which is all possible simply after a good
dose of strong laxative like Magnesium Citrate or Polyethylene Glycol or
both. Colon can normally hold some quantity of stool and this is not in
itself abnormal, it just shows poor colonoscopy preparation. Only few cases
in the video show true mucosal abnormalities and then some of them (like
diverticula) obviously remained despite treatment. In conclusion – I would
not use evidence posted in the video alone to judge efficacy of
said treatment. I would also advise others to be careful with frequent
“colonic irrigation”, or frequent use of laxatives or enemas. When unused
for long time, muscles in the colon, like all muscles, – degenerate and end
up causing the very constipation that required laxatives in the first place
– driving a vicious cycle. Sometimes prolonged abuse of laxatives can
create a condition called “Catharic Colon. Water enemas are usually more
benign as they simulate the presence of stool in colon but frequent use
should still be avoided whenever possible.

Jenna Kenna says:

Wanted to vomit half way through

Robert Jensen says:

I think I am going to throw up.
Can you imagine this being your job, and you have to wander around in
people’s rectums all day?

SelenaSecretShow says:

This just proves humans are not supposed to digest animal protein and by
product like cheese and milk. Gross… 

Kissa Jade says:

Kangan water is a JOKE- and just another Money making scam- Please research
the facts before buying into this billion dollar industry-
Think about it- our bodies have a Natural Ph levels,most are in normal
range- Most tap water is ph compatible with our systems – too much alkaline
NOT GOOD – Nor is too much acidity- This is a hoax and if u spend the
countless hours researching as I have, You too will see that YES, it TASTES
good but that is about it! These multi thousand dollar units do nothing but
actually disturb the natural balance of our bodies PH….Do not ever
believe anything that is too good to be true and Costs money- If it was SO
amazing don’t you think they would be standard for our water supplies? Just
nonsense ,plain nonsense. A healthy Diet, of COURSE, will keep our bodies
healthy – COMMON SENSE! Which is FREE and Knowledge is FREE, So PLEASE Care
enough to take the time to learn for yourself.- These Type scams are NOT
anywhere near free and cost more than money-yet ,our dignity as Human
Beings- This type of “Dr” is undermining our intelligence and OUR ability
to Take care of ourselves- How DID Humans survive all these thousands of
years without these Costly “gadgets”???? LOL – So Super tired of thinking i
am watching a Legit Vid only to find there is all too often a “hidden”
agenda-$$$ !!- It’s becoming an epidemic and a sad one knowing how many
ppl r “Brainwashed into believing” these Snake oil scams- Nothing TRULY
beneficial to our health HAS to be Advertised,period…We are a nation,
WORLD, of marketing EVERYTHING which most of which is UNNATURAL- Its all
bout gettin paid at Innocent and naive Hard working Folks expense…This is
WHY I MUST SPEAK OUT- Peace and One Love to ALL , as always! <3

jazzycarlos101 says:

The water they are talking is kangen water aka alkaline water

Marla Singer says:

I gotta get on that diet!!

J.R. Zippie says:

It took me a long time to finally get the guts to allow a
colonoscopy….well beyond the recommended starting age….Imagine my
surprise at how relaxed and at ease I was, even viewing the procedure on a
color monitor. Being under a mild anesthetic made the time seen to fly
by……The Dr. commented that my “innards” were “as smooth as a baby’s
ass”…and I passed with surprisingly good results..He then said “See you
blessing…..The only bad part was the PREP WORK (the day before),
drinking all that nasty laxative juice……yuk….But I lived thru
it….so can you……..woo hoo !!

millie williams says:

I can’t take that worm at 3:34…..

joanne nilsson says:

My stomach was so bloated until i stopped dairy. I got poor & started
putting milk in my tea & it made me get acne all over my face & body. I
don’t think meat is a problem as its species appropriate. Coconut has cured
my epilepsy & constipation also my memory is much clearer. I will look at
your site 

Bubba Pate says:

KANGEN water is another snake oil this guy is trying to sell you. It is his
version of alkaline water. Supposedly alkaline water is good for you and it
is easy to make yourself. So stay away from Medicine show snake oil
peddlers like these people….

thelogsays says:

i think i just baby barfed in my mouth

Grant Gallagher says:

How to Basic got me here.

Sunil Singh says:

Avidity problem is all pershan

trinidadianbeauty1 says:

whats condom water????????
and why put it up here if we can’t even get it or know what the heck it is

tim_mcveigh says:

this video is the shit

Ch V says:

Yuck Ewwwww you sure wouldn’t want your colon to be that filthy

Frances Adams says:

what is condom water? ?

Seleste Hardy says:

We are what we eat, see for yourself. I always knew that our health is
linked to our diet.

addin8585 says:

canjun water aka. alkali water

Nils Jonsson says:

Why the fuck am I watching this..

Naomi Radloff says:

Its KANGEN water ( its a special water) 

Ella Boon says:

What is condom water?

Graham Ansell says:

What is that worm going into the wall of the colon at 3:34

ORey619MYSterio says:

2:23 looks nasty

Arunagiri Sornum says:

its a very tough job to look into the colon of sick people

Deanna Darby says:

Oh shit…gotta get me some of that water stuff

smoothrasin says:

Whats the diffrance between a Colonoscopy and a “Young Money” video? One of
them has auto tune in it! lol

Kelsey Cunningham says:

Now I have to poo

Virginia Taylor says:

So you’re saying these people a literally full of shit

xozendayaox says:

…I was eating oatmeal while watching this ugh


You are what you absorb.

Iam Sir Z says:

how the fuck I get erection !!!!

Victor Warner says:

so thats what it looks like when you havent dropped all the kids in the

Mary Mount says:

That doc really loves asshole. I love to have hoses and stuff put up my
ass for a long time, and now after seeing this vid, I’m getting out the
garden hose and some beer for a cleaning out project. My dad always helps
me out and loves to see the fecal stuff flying all over the backyard.
Happy times are here again.

TJ P says:

This has to be from the 80s. And these days there wouldn’t be any fecal
matter because the patient is instructed to fast and take special

Jamie Nguyen says:

How the fuck can they get the camera in there

Pamela DeLomba says:

At that

Tammy Turner says:

How can I find out more info on the diet

renato demartino says:

I had better remember to drink my CONDOM WATER form now on !!!

Daaammmn !

Justin Burnett says:


chadd1237 says:

the lighting makes it 100 times worse.

mubashir122000 says:

I think I will vomit

maya nibbe says:

Condom water XD

NTHDRK says:

What kind of water is given to the patients?

MH T says:

Talk too much but I still dont know whatis that water? N what we should
eat? It was a good alertvedio, but not educated me in detail!

JonahRagland says:


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