How to Make a Smoothie * Healthy Smoothie Recipes * Chronic Constipation Remedies

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Free Fruit Smoothie Recipes *
Raw Food Recipes *
Healthy Smoothies Recipes *
Natural Remedies for Constipation *
Raw Food Weight Loss *

❤ The ELIMINATOR Smoothie ❤

* Detox, Go Low Fat or Fat Free,
Eliminate Toxicity, and more with Fruit! *

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
— 1/2 Pineapple

— 2 Bananas, as ripe as you can stand 😉

— 1 Carrot (unpeeled if organic; peeled if inorganic)

— 2 Young Coconuts (Coconut Water & Coconut Meat)

— Local Fresh Wild Herbs: Lamb’s Quarters & Plantain (do NOT wash the herbs, just brush the obvious specks of dirt off. Our bodies benefit from the microflora and the Vitamin B12 present in whatever dirt is left behind on them)

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
— 1) Cut pineapple into chunks, but *cut out and set aside* the core of the pineapple, as this will *not* go into your smoothie.

— 2) Open young coconuts to get coconut water out ~ watch this video if you need help:

— 3) Add pineapple chunks, bananas, coconut water and the coconut meat from the young coconuts to your Vita-Mix, or other high-powered blender of your choice. or

— 4) By hand, remove leaves from all the stems of your wild herbs, add them to your Vitamix, and blend until desired consistency is reached.

— 3) Enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
— Carrot Juice, Pineapple Juice & Coconut Water all go well together, at least for me personally…I find that they digest quite well, and make constipation a t

hing of the past! Just make sure you are near a bathroom! 😀

— Greens are for the Heart Chakra! Feel your heart expand with this smoothie…

— Fruit Makes You Cute & Greens Make You Clean! ~one of my friends on facebook said this!

❤ You Like? …then Please Subscribe! ❤
— Please click the yellow ‘Subscribe’ button above,
so I can keep on keeping on….
with helping *you* to keep on keeping on!!

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Love, Dan


wayne lawson says:

Dan, your funny!

crosspecans says:

hey dan i have an idea. they have some of every kind of cooking on the food
network. im thinking people are ready to hear how to eat healthy with dan.
how cool would it be to have a raw food chef on cable.!! just a thought.

dermis89 says:

isnt that a wan behinf u

IfiknewIdtellyou says:

Haha awesome!

Terrell King says:

proof @ 7:04 …lol… cool recipe

brittanykd08 says:


wondervamp says:

@crosspecans that’s what he is waiting for

ilikeblue00 says:

gotta love those herbs.. *cough cough*

jlooks1 says:

what is up with the coconuts they don’t look like any coco’s i’ve seen.

Jimmy Alfaro says:

Great recipe for constipation!

musiq888 says:

have you heard of jeff primack look him up natural food healing…

Casey Fryer says:

I bought my first coconut the other day is the meat supposed to be hard
cause it was like a rock and couldnt spoon it out like you do and if its
not what can I do to fix it

authorgirlpetparent says:

No carrot tops in smoothies?????

barbcomm says:

What kind of knife is that? It is cool.

polos505 says:

everything 33 haa

claudiayay says:

why can’t i find men like you?

7llazaren says:

dan I want to see your garden

Lindsey Scott says:

Smoke ‘herbs’ much?

StarFlower99654 says:

Do you compost your produce scraps? It takes like 3 years for compost to
make here in Alaska, but i still do it. Sometimes when we have an
exceptionally warm summer, it processes faster.

brandygaleos says:

where do you get your seeds?

n3crophilia says:

Short rib korean

Rashida1 says:

Wow that smoothie looks delish!

david95721 says:

he went to throw up in the back round just messen with u keep up the
smoothies dude

moshbydefault says:

i would love to hear you on like a podcast type thing! I’d totally put you
on my ipod and let your words inspire me =) have you thought about doing
something like this? thanks!

adrianchen19888 says:

nice life.

dr383188 says:

hahaaaa!!! UR AWESOME!!! n i love carrots and orange juice. it sound weird,
but it’s really good! =)

margaret19631 says:

are you high?

thelove ofme says:

this looks sooooooooo good!!

peggyyes says:

Please tell us just how you are living in a travel trailer and you planted
a garden?? ALSO anyone with two brain cells working, knows that you should
wash ALL fruits, vegetables and wild herbs BEFORE YOU EAT THEM. I think you
are stupid.

StoryeTime says:

If the meat was hard it’s because the coconut was old…make sure you get a
young coconut which is NOT brown, the brown husk is when the coconut is
already old…

ronnieanddonnied says:

hey dan, i wanted to tell you a little secret from living in the country…
dont wear blue or grey when eating or working with in you case ,with
bananas out side because it draws bee’s to you. i know it sounds crazy, but
it works. try wearing like white of light colors.

Five Nine says:

Wow I like when Fruits make me cute , Greens make me clean :)

gratefulnlearning says:

these are his older videos when he lived in and filmed out of his rv with
krista. Been following him for three years.

Stanley Gerard says:


Ether9 says:

You make me SMILE Hun!

harry webb says:

hey man you rock..may be buy a bin that you can step on to open it.. love
your out look on you health and you look fat free..great shape…what kind
of juice would make you feel more awake and be good for kidney stones…
keep up the great work saw hello to your friend the truck driver dave

ChrysalisBound says:

~*Bees or wasps? Cause the bumbles are friendly ~i love to pat them,
they’re like fuzzy little flying teddybears…I don’t pat wasps, but i also
like to play with spiders, cicada and even praying mantises… Your rainbow
carrots are really nifty…i never thought to mix them with pineapple ~imma
have to try that! The only wild herb that i’ve tried is wild spearmint
~yum!! Your vids are soothing and you make me giggle…i like my daily fix,
LOL…keep it up, it helps people :)

mbc3ny says:

cool vid whats your opinion on O.N.E. coconut water

Blessed2BeeAlive says:

Looks good, (snagging some idea’s here) except I wouldn’t mix my fruit with
veggies. You have my husband laughing as I’m listening to your video.

carrieabay says:

ahhh it would be so fun to talk to you for hours! :)

TEKNA07 says:

Weight loss programs desperately want as many individuals as possible to to
try their new products to show that there program really does help people
lose weight. Well you must check out this website that will send free
samples to your home, its the best way to get free diet supplements :) Have
a look here

anxuizz says:

i think his a little crazy

Stacey Ecoboost says:

Keep on Keepin on

talktome828 says:

beanana lol

Gambled Horses says:

calibrates him to the location lol by eating the local bugs that flew from
california lol there may be something in that. i like it.

dorull83 says:

@jlooks1 thats how the coconut really looks like. If you cut away all the
white meat around it, it’s a coconut inside it.

Sudhansu Sarma says:

you amizing!!! i cant wait to other video!,

TsubakiNoAme says:

yes. we must kill the bad fat and belly first to get the 6 pack. Listen to
this Do you know about the 7 odd foods that kill belly fat if you don’t
know about them you must see this. have a look here ==>

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