Kangen Water: Colon Health and Mucoid Plaque Removal

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http://kangen.com – 800-985-KANGEN
Kangen(TM) is actually a trademarked name, introduced by the Japanese to describe the high alkaline/antioxidant water. It means “return to it’s origin”. Until Enagic began producing Kangen water with the LEVELUK SD501 in the US in June of 2003, no other company that produced ionized water ever used this term. Most other water electrolysis equipment will not create active hydrogen in their water, therefore, the equipment merely produces ionized alkaline water, not true Kangen water.
Visit http://kangen.com or call 800-985-KANGEN for more information.


Farquhar Smith says:

I did a bentonite clay fast once, good lord! you wouldnt believe what comes
out of ones bottom I tell ya!

mfromcanada1 says:
divinebagofcells says:

This was awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Kazu Narayan says:

oh my God do i even want to know

UNI KANGEN Waterglobal says:

For me, I diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer and i been i Chomatose for 16
days, in 2013. For drinking Kangen water fells me better. I have also Deep
DVT in my legs, drinking Kangen water makes me different and help me a
lots. even i am still doing Chemo Therapy once a month i used to drink 2
litres an hour before the procedure. for those people around and searching
for answer on how the water works, just drink the water you find out the
benifits of it.
For GCC/UAE Customers you may call us +971526353682.
Change your Water Change your life.

Anisha Malik says:


Central Void says:

damnit i was eating a bagel…

Lisa B says:


Kenan Magan says:

And they thought mucoid plaque doesnt exist… 

Vi Mosaics says:

Very interesting, this video makes you think again.

Kenneth Little says:

Great video!!!!

Vitaly Litovchenko says:

Wow, very powerful video, thank you for sharing. It’s always helpful to
see some real evidence. Not sure if drinking the said water was the only
lifestyle change these patients adhered to – I suspect a major dietary
change was always involved too. In any case, maintaining a state of
alkalinity wards off sickness, and it’s good to see more alkaline water
(<8ph) on store shelves.

NewWorldRob says:

oh dear god..

roshglock says:

Oh shit!! Wtfff

Gilbert M says:

I’ve seen tests of “alkalized water” not having any different effects of
that of natural or purified water. The key; DRINK WATER. Eat Healthy. done.

ron hanish says:

i believe the kangen water is alkaline water, baking soda does the same
thing in water

Ben Jorgensen says:

love how they atribute these effects to the water..when it is the whole
foods alkaline cleansing diet that does this. yes, water really helps…but
they wont get me to believe that there is anything better than spring
water. go ahead..block my comment

secondtonone says:

we agree

secksandbondage says:

uhm what.. “condom water”?? Ill pass

Noah Katz says:

So that’s where babies come from…

Chuck Norris says:

Distilled water. Watch this >> watch?v=S1PEnFk0M54

fullblooded64445 says:

RIP earbuds, thanks for the LOUD ASS WARNING 😀

ron hanish says:

Jesus wants u to live and be blessed

Jordan Lane says:

Kangen water

Yuri Dobryansky says:


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