SAVE YOUR ASS — Colon cancer awareness in Iceland

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Every year in March there is a cancer awareness program in Iceland aimed at men, similar to the “Movember” month. This year a stellar cast of icelandic actors dance their asses off to promote colon cancer awareness. See:

This is a non-profit commercial. Everybody gave their work and the material.

Client: Icelandic Cancer Society
Agency: Brandenburg – Iceland
Directed by: Samuel & Gunnar
Producer: Stórveldið

Benedikt Erlingsson, Þorsteinn Bachmann, Ingvar E. Sigurðsson, Gísli Örn Garðarson, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Ólafur Egilsson, Egill Ólafsson, Atli Rafn Sigurðarson, Hilmar Guðjónsson, Snorri Engilbertsson, Samúel Jón Samúelsson, Guðmundur Elías Knudsen, Theódór Júlíusson, Vilhelm Anton Jónsson, Helgi Björnsson, Arnar Jónsson, Sigurður Sigurjónsson

Hossa Hossa – Amabadama (Gnúsi Yones / Steinunn Jóns, Salka de la Sól, Gnúsi Yones)

Vesturport, Amabadama, Landlæknisemb

ttið, Sundhöll Reykjavíkur, Harpa, Hagkaup, Keiluhöll Reykjavíkur, Efnalaugin Snögg, Slökkvilið höfuðborgarsvæðisins, Eldsmiðjan og Saffran.

Producer: Hugi Halldórsson
PM: Sylvía Lovetank
1st AD: Haraldur Ari Karlsson
DP: Ágúst Jakobsson
AC: Eiríkur K. Jónsson
Lights: Ási, Valdi, Siggi Bahama & María Rún
Coreography: Rakel Kristinsdóttir
Props: Ylfa Geirsdóttir
Costumes: Alda B. Guðjónsdóttir
Make up: Flóra Karítas Buenaño
Sound: Nicholas Cathcart-Jones
SFX: Haukur Karlsson
Equipment: Kukl

Vesturport, Amabadama, Trickshot, Landlæknisembættið, Sundhöll Reykjavíkur, Harpa, Hagkaup, Keiluhöll Reykjavíkur, Efnalaugin Snögg, Slökkvilið höfuðborgarsvæðisins, Eldsmiðjan og Saffran.


Joyce Donahue says:

Take care of your rear, guys! March is Mustache Awareness month in
Iceland, but also, this. 😉


Alpinista Samurai | Comunicació says:

Salut? Prevenció? Mou el cul! ;)))) (divertit consell islandès) #enginyós #mottumars #ass #cancerawareness

Андрей Абрамов says:

Берегите свои задницы, МужЫки!!!)))

Edgar von Trotha says:

Ok, the finger the mouth is just too much. TWICE! #thingsthatcannotbeunseen

venus psychic says:


Caring Home Care says:

The men in Iceland promote colon cancer awareness similar to the way we do
“Movember” here.

Similar, but totally different, actually.

Budafly says:

¿Quién dijo que hablar de prevención no es divertido? ¡Mira!

Kássia Lima says:


Winnie Lagoa says:
ingi örn hafsteinsson says:
саша тищенко says:
Ricardo Oliani says:
Ads & PR says:

Every year in March there is a #cancer awareness program in Iceland aimed
at men, similar to the “Movember” month. 

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