How To Relieve Stress: HealthyNow QuickTip Episode 3

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Do you experience stress or anxiety on a regular basis?

If you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and like you’re just out of energy, you’re not alone.

When we start experiencing too much stress, our quality of life decreases, our digestive systems slow down, and our immune system also starts to weaken.

If we don’t properly deal with stress, we’ll eventually have trouble sleeping, concentrating, and managing our emotions.

But wait…

Don’t worry. SMILE!

Here’s your HealthyNow Quick Tip :)

This quick and simple tip will help you to deal with stress more effectively, and help you to start living a modern and productive lifestyle, without the anxiety.

We could talk about clinical psychology… But here’s a tasty solution :). Manage your stress by eating healthy and delicious snacks that provide you with the nutrition you need to keep stress low, naturally!

Here’s one of our favorite ways to do just that. We think you’ll love it too!

Eat some of your favorite Dark Chocolate everyday. And make some hot, fresh Chamomile Tea to go along with it!

Chamomile helps relieve anxiety, and contains high levels of Magnesium, an important mineral that helps to naturally regulate your body’s cortisol levels.

Dark Chocolate also has a high Magnesium content; but chocolate is unique, as is it contains both Anandamide AND Phenethylamine.

Anandamide, also known as the “bliss chemical”, is a neurotransmitter that’s naturally produced by the body, and acts as a natural, mild stimulant in the brain.

Phenethylamine, known as the “love molecule”, is also a neurotransmitter, which is known to produce the feeling of being in love.

So… Why not give it a try? Grab some dark chocolate and chamomile tea next time you’re at the store. De-stress the natural way, and be rid of your anxiety!

HealthyNow Nutritionals is here to help empower you to take a proactive role in creating your own vibrant health. By eating fresh whole foods, staying active, and providing our bodies the proper nutrit

ional supplementation, we can all live happier and healthier lives.

Thanks for watching and here’s to your health!

Stay tuned and subscribe for more episodes in the HealthyNow QuickTip Series.

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