Dr Pam Popper: Eat More Fruits & Vegetables; Chronic Constipation

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The government spends a lot of money trying to get people to eat more fruit and vegetables. It’s not making a difference, but I have a better idea that will make a difference.

And here’s a reason to eat more fruits and vegetables – you’ll be less constipated, and constipation increases the risk of colon cancer.


Yara Kodmous says:

I am following the mcdougall diet. I feel full fast. I don’t see how I
can eat more than 2 cups of veggies and fruits each. Supplementing with
magnesium and/or eating prunes does the trick for me.

frederico George says:

Having a good diet is like reading the bible for some people. Finding
guidelines that they find hard to follow, they throw the whole thing out.
Changing their diet is like this. Fiber, fiber, fiber

VeganGercekler Ⓥ says:

Very helpful as always thank you Dr. Popper

Laura Marlow says:

I work in a outpatient GI unit that does 20-30 colonoscopies a day. A lot
of them are being done for constipation. I have yet to hear one of the
several doctors mention ANYTHING about diet. They are very quick to
prescribe drugs, and in some cases even recommend SURGICAL consult! I
always go in after the dr. gets done to explain diet. Some of the people
listen, but a lot of them don’t, and it’s because the doctor didn’t
recommend a diet change. We have to get to the doctors to make a real

Plant Based Solution says:

I like the message. Spread the word, eat plants, and improve your health
and quality of life. Don & I are doing are best to debunk myths, and
spread the word. I wrote this post about constipation in 2012:

A Welsh says:

Dr. Popper, where do I find out more about the certification you mentioned.
By the way I am watching all your videos and very much enjoying
them…thank you

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