Q&A134 – Pain & Lymph, Too Thin, Severe Constipation…

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– Severe Constipation
– Pain & Lymph
– Talking to Others
– Too Thin
– Lisa to Wellville
– Mixing Melons
– Regeneration of Tissue
– Chronic Low BP

Dr. Morse’s Herbal Heath Center


Paul Irving says:

Dr. Morse – when you say protein is problematic to the body, do you mean
animal protein (meat) and or protein that derives from e.g. nuts? I am a
great eater of nuts!

cody belle says:

So Glad I have found you, on the same level . Views . Gerson , myss, and a
few others. You, are very good to watch. I sadly find people not even smart
enough to study on their own. Amazing ; Brain washed sheep. God Bless YOU

nn0179 says:

also i wanted to say is that .i have bp its in the 150/80 im on a beta
blocker for five months now. and i dont like it. i know eating healthy and
life style change can help. but what are the best tea i like mint. and
fruits and veg. that will cure my bp and bring it back down. what about
real dark 70% to 100% cocoa? is that good to have at times thanks

gilthoniel83 says:


nn0179 says:

wonderful info love all the videos and the store

Massab9 says:

Why from here on are the vids blocked from “likeing”???

Katertot75 says:

0:00 Spiritual matters 2:07 Fish oil 7:00 Lifelong constipation 10:50 Pain
& lymph explanation 14:38 Too thin – malabsorption 24:14 Trying to help

Nick D says:

Ur most welcome! I was kinda joking bout the clay, preying on your handle.
Really a proviso, cuz some folks do eat Bentonite & other clays (look in2
diatomaceous earth too). The silica is helpful, a VIP mineral to all
connective tissue (every cell), not just hair. Only bad 2 the lungs if
breathed. Also, how u breathe can make the diff. Exhaling fully contracts
the lower abdomen, wringing out the bowels. Short breath holds & breathing
as minimally as can will have a vasodilating & muscle relaxing

potterylady1 says:

lol…ok apples! Yes I see what you mean now. I did read that does fruit
are eliminating.So would you eat apples, bananas, and more starches fruit
later in the day?

organicsuperman says:

Dr.Morse or anyone else, VERY IMPORTANT. My sister is really sick, she
smokes (not too much) she binge drinks, eats an unconscious diet, my
question is should i get her to do green juices OR if she is not going to
alter the other areas of her life is this goign to be pointless ? I know
from personal experience just how powerful and healing the green juices are
but i don’t know how powerful, can they turn around a toxic person like
this ? Thanks

Maugirl2 says:

email address is at the beginning of the video

Eflores949 says:

Wow you were on fire in this video, Dr. Morse.

Lateralus says:

What people dont realize about eating too much protein is that it pulls
calcium out of your bones, and while you can repair them buy eating more
calcium its kind of like constantly smashing a ceramic cup against a wall
and super gluing it back together. Eventually not eve super glue can repair
the cup and you got osteoporosis.

Deanna Lynne says:

Nice…Thank you! :)

Nichlas Brandon says:

Oh, don’t worry, there are teenagers on-board kicking butt as well. I
myself am 19 and certified detoxification specialist by Dr. Morse :-)

rita marie says:

you are surely the best at what u do Dr. Morse. thank you for another
lesson in health.

Nick D says:

The brea thing is far more useful than 4 emptying the bowel. It’s called
the Buteyko Method, billed for curing asthma & helping vs COPD & emphysema.
But helps with falling asleep & vs anxiety etc. We’re led to believe CO2 is
a waste product cuz that’s what we exhale. But we actually need a level of
CO2 to assimilate O2. Increasing CO2 levels relaxes muscles, is both a vaso
& bronchial dilator, further allowing O2 to reach the cells. Pushing out
exhalation fully & minimizing inhales helps u poo

potterylady1 says:

Helps us poo lol….FUNNY! I have learned something new about CO2. I leave
a while back that it helps to keep our earth’s climate at a good temp for
us so that it is not too hot or too cold…interesting stuff. I think I
have learned more outside of school than in. Well I did learn about my
profession but not all the useful things :D. So….in order for me to sleep
better…I should get a better matress and breathe! Maybe I will do deep
breath exercises before bed. Any…I do rabble!

T Ora says:

Love you!! Thank you for all you do! In love & light!!

germanicelt says:

How many neurotransmitters?

Jeff Ferguson says:

You are right on about oils Doc. They are a refined, processed,
fractionated product of mankind’s delusional thinking. The body can best
assimilate oils as found in whole foods.

NibelheimMods says:

Sediment at last! Lying in bed with many aches in my head from lymph
buildup, then I started to get huge aches in my gut and kidneys which then
faded 10 minutes later along with my headache. Next morning, sediment in
urine! 😀 Was on 80/10/10 for 2 months, followed by 2 months of Grape
fasting, and started your formulas 3 days ago. Boy, do they make a
difference. I was using my own herbs for 8 weeks but only saw minor

MelissaSpirit says:


Nick D says:

For constipation herbal formulas are going to be helpful, but I would also
look at the basic mechanics of the alimentary canal (from mouth to anus),
which is a lot like complicated plumbing with many elbows & potential catch
points. easily subject to clogging. Simply, eat less & $#!* more. Eating
cooked we end up with less nutrition, so we eat more & $#!* less. Then
obviously basing the diet in fruits, or at least starting each day with
juicy fruits, melons & such, & source out good water too.

Deco Dolly says:

Thanks Dr. Morse!!

Manofaction20psi says:

You’re the best Dr. Morse

morman29 says:

Best !! :-)

organicsuperman says:

Hi, yes so true, BE THE CHANGE, it’s the only way. I just cannot believe
how my health has changed since i started juicing and eating alot more raw
foods. Spectacular is’nt a good enough word. I’m so glad to be a part of a
growing number of people now for the first time in their lives becoming

organicsuperman says:

I think Dr.Morse should give us ‘the grand tour’ of his healing centre. And
also ‘the grand tour’ of his own kitchen would be appreciated. ;-D

potterylady1 says:

LOL….I know you were joking. I just wanted to keep it going ha. But yes I
will have to keep the breathing thing in mind when in the studio. Clay is
all in my nose sometimes. Crazy. Have a good one!

Cindy Paiva says:

I feel like I just attended church of health withMaster Morse. Love you!

Nick D says:

Nonono, apples are great — they’re astringent detox’ers. But yes, I did
mean juicier still, like grapes, melons, plums, nectarines & peaches,
cherries & berries. These come with their own digestive juices, so don’t
detract from your hydration level, even relatively add a little. Look up
raw & cooked food comparison & U’ll C how much nutrition we lose with
cooked meals. So eating nutrient-dense raw vegan we can eat less over all
volume, then not clog up our system, whether digestive or arteries

Owen fox - Living an Inspired, Empowered & Enlivened LIFE!! says:

robert what do u think of edible flowers? thanks! blessings!

Deanna Lynne says:

Thank you for addressing my questions, Dr. Morse. I really appreciate it! I
look forward to speaking with you or one of your staff members on the phone
today.. I had a brief conversation with Drew (thank you, Drew!) and he is
passing my # on to have someone call me. THANK YOU!!! I love you all so
much :) ~ Deanna <3 )))

frnknsns says:

at the top of your game sir !!…thank you so much !!

organicsuperman says:

Give us the Fox news stuff Dr.Morse, hope more real cases are on the way.
It’ not so much i am sceptical of the natural and effective approach to
health but many people i see ARE and to show them real stuff like this
would break the mind conditioning. Or at least help.

organicsuperman says:

So what’s the deal with ‘flesh’ for instance when i eat a bit of fish, what
is the process of digestion, i assume because flesh has no fibre it does’nt
travel well in the intestines ? Thanks

organicsuperman says:

HEMP OIL is the king.

sweet00976 says:

She has to want the change, I suggest providing her basic info to what her
actions are doing to her. what the future consequences would be, and how
altering her lifestyle and diet could be of help. Other than that, you
can’t force her to change, take care and god bless

organicsuperman says:

Dr.Morse is it possible to make your formulas available through iherb dot
com ? It would be truly fantastic for international customers. I’m looking
forward to your new formulas.

sweet00976 says:

Yes David, unfortunately 99% of the people I come across are killing
themselves slowly, much like you have described, we can’t save the world,
but we sure can set a darn good example

Nick D says:

Hardly rambling! We only get 500 chars. here. No room 4 dat. U seem 2 B 1
of us rabble. Check out rabble(dot)ca It’s a Canadian site. In breathing,
less is more. Most of us populat’n suffers from “hidden hyperventilation”.
Breathin thru the nose is an imperative. The more gently u breathe the more
deeply the breath can penetrate. Then at the most relaxed place in the
in/out breathin cycle hold the breath till u feel the 1st impulse to
breathe, like a hunger pang 4 breath, repeat…zzzzz

Nick D says:

How about pickled? I’m not trolling. I’m actually eating pickles–nice
organic ones, pickled fresh & crunchy

jerbulatao says:

Thank you Dr Morse for answering my question about my Liver Cancer. I am
doing well thanks to you. i will update you on my Liver enzyme since you
requested it. i have my blood test today Tue(June 26, 2012). Keep up the
good work and God bless you for what you do. Jerry

organicsuperman says:

Thanks, yes i cannot force, this does not work. It is very frutrating to
see people literaly kill themselves, their spirit with their daily habits.
I pray for strength to be honest. David – Scotland Take care.

NibelheimMods says:

The occasional poking to try and get someone’s eyes open is good, though :)
It’s hard, when your spirit opens up you start to love everyone as a
kindred spirit and their suffering starts to weigh down on you.

warcher12705ca says:

Thank you so much for everything,I first joined your site to help my 10
year old grandaughter,and found I was in much need to work on my own
health,NOW by attraction only I have people asking me for help.I was in
pain,walking with a cane,my life has turned around to the point I am back
riding my HARLEY,and() percent of body pain is gone.JUST finishing up a
healing crisis,where the mucus was flowing like sap in the spring,GOD BLESS

organicsuperman says:

Yeah i try and help my family members, REALLY HARD, the proof is in the
pudding, myself firstly as a manic depressive alcoholic, and my father took
my advice for OA, got off his meds, looks fantastic for a 62 year old, tons
of energy after working all day, RESULT. My dad is eating lots of fruit,
cherries and melons are his favourite, i also get him to do green juices,
he loves those too. So many people in the world at so many different
levels. My own journey has been truly humbling.

TheHail1234 says:

boss intro music

potterylady1 says:

Ummmm I wouldn’t eat clay either. I do love to make clay art out of it but
the silica in it wouldn’t be good for the lungs lol. And thanks for the
break down of how you use the rest room lol. Seriously it does help. Thank

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